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Posts posted by jojjelito

  1. Yo! Appreciate seeing the nyanalyzer display in action :thumbsup: Must build one of my own nao!

    Plus points for a great tune, chunky bass and spacy arps! I like it. Reminds me, must tidy up the modular and post some brutal noise :frantics:


  2. Hi,

    ( if it is possible ) does anyone have the file to give to a plexiglass workshop ? :whistle:



    It's found in the other thread, plus here. This is for the open plexi stack, I was doing some work on a closed case, but have little to show yet as I was waffling about port placement and whether to include ports for IIC-MIDI.


  3. Nice progress!

    I was thinking that loopable envelopes are nice (c.f Prophet VS), plus of course the possibility to sync the LFO speed to MIDI clock. It looks like the LFOs are syncable in the example above :rolleyes:

    The same goes for the overall envelope speed: Always useful for rhythmic modulation or just chopping up pads with VCAs. Other useful things are MIDI-syncable gate/triggers so that one could connect a VCA or a stereo panner and do some serious gating effects.

    Best regards,


    Edit: Added link that shows and explains the workings of the flexible, loopable Prophet VS ADDSR envelope.

  4. Respect the old Norse customs! Up north we have to be neutral.

    The festivus pole is unadorned, but the raven of the gods (Blingirhrafn) may visit you. If you've been good it will bring you good fortune and lots of bling-bling. The French renamed it post-revolution to "le bling" in most of Europe.

    May 2012 bring us all prizes, fun and the lighting of the OLED (provided Newhaven smiles upon us).

    Kick-boxing day yesterday was particularly brutal: Only pregnant ppl, disabled, the elderly and children under 5 are off limits. The rest are fair game for a good take-down. Today is a day of much hurt :hmm:

    Our customs may seem weird, but they're not the arch nemesis of Smash.

    Be nice, or no toys for you!


  5. My question answered.

    Now as far as midio128 goes, unless I'm mistaken it appears to limit how many pots you can use quite a bit.. Would I be looking more towards going the midibox64 route?

    I was also wondering what those potentiometers are called that have that "sweet spot". The ones that sort of lock to the spot more or less, right in the middle.

    What you want to do is to base what you're building on the new core (LPC17). Also, you're looking for center-detent pots. Those are the ones with a slight click/stop in the middle.


  6. My boards slipped through customs at 15:07:52 on Sunday (how's that for unnecessary accuracy?). They spent yesterday being in limbo and I got this yellow "come collect me, you bozo!" notice on my hall floor at lunchtime today. I didn't have to pay, or sufffer any other abuse or humiliation. The boards are looking mighty fine. When I'm no longer cool with all the x-mas (or whatever fits you - Kwanza, Hanukkah or some other holiday) celebrations plus yapping with the family I'm going to sneak off, let the cat assist me and solder away! Muahahaha!

    Big thanks to Tim/SmashTV for putting the capital S in epic Service and the H in Hyperspace shipping!


  7. Well, there is the open case as designed by our esteemed cd_reloaded. I just thought I would add sides to this case as I have cats around me which aren't good to exposed electronics. I intend to add some strange figures to engrave and make the case in a non-standard plexi since any variant is order-it-yourself. I'm taking a short break due to crummy, personal circumstances.

    I will return to this subject, but not this week.


  8. @Smithy: For me it was more about the origins of this idea of theirs, plus that if you are a company trying to sell the idea of a C64 sound box at least you could try to keep it nicer. I wouldn't mind the looks of a c64 breadbox if it's DIY, I think it's a great idea to reuse and cut costs. Problem is, that

    a) this smells like being a blatant rip-off

    b) it's not going to be cheap either

    If they want to go with the C64 looks I think they could have made something nicer.

    But opinions are like assholes: I certainly am one, and everybody's got them :flowers:

  9. Was thinking about hex cutouts (Shruthi case style), but haven't made up my mind. Somewhere on that forum there's a case thread which has a bewildering array of cool case design variants. Maybe the Sammich is also using hex cutouts, I don't have one so I haven't looked that closely. I need to fire up Inkscape and draw some shrooms so I'll see what flows out. I won't draw a case this week though :hmm: There's the tiny bit of the panel wiring and finishing the modular first.



  10. It's up to TK if he wants to implement that kind of security measures.

    Edit for clarification: Stronger security around the whole software framework is a good idea!

    I personally don't think it's cool to require hardware purchases before being able to form an opinion about software. Where's the DIY ethos if you live somewhere remote, can't easily get SmashTV PCBs, so you decide to roll your own? I think both kinds of peeps should be catered to. I'd get Smash stuff any day of the week, I have enough of my own PCBs to etch and drill...

    However, Mode Machines will lose karma over this. I was contemplating getting a nice wooden end-cheeks Krautrock Phaser, but I'd rather get some PCBs to support the children/family of the late mr Jürgen Haible and build it myself. If MM wants to use shady business practices (this plus associating with Shitforbrains - the master of broken Xox kits) it will come back and haunt them in the end.



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