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Posts posted by jojjelito

  1. I'd totally be on this like a fat person eating a burger (looks at self) if it was possible to get just the seq PCB. Thinking about putting that in a table top "remote" for the existing rack.

    Added myself to the list for the SEQ-related bits just in case. Edit: I haz a belly... which is melting off

  2. OMG, that's one fugly xox/CBM hybrid design! Cheesuz, get that gfx out of this page... This is the living embodiment of next level aesthetically challenged.

    Can't bear to watch it any more. I'd kill myself if I designed something like that and put it out to public sale. Now where's that barfing smily, La Kotze? :no:

    Good thing there's still time to collect myself before dinner.

    Edit: Shouldn't normally have reacted that strongly. Had this been home-made it would have been quite OK, but the combo of being a total rip-off of a labor of love you love and respect, plus looking like that made me temporarily lose my will to live.

  3. :frantics:

    Thanks for your work, Tim - order placed :)

    Just as a feedback - for me, there was no address input form in the process - i´ve sent you an email with the shipping address (which is the same as the paypal shipping address).



    Damn it Peter! You were faster than me 'cause I was chatting with Tim about some options all the while :ike: Feels like my x-mas gifts to self are taken care of :clover:

    Thanks Tim!


  4. @ jojjelito: This ist how my housing looks. At the moment I'm having the sequencer right next to me so I can not measure the thickness of the frontpanel PCB. (aprox. 1mm)

    These dimensions fit.

    /Edit TK: this diagram is obsolete, see next page (6) for updated picture with new spacer sizes (5mm + 2x18mm)

    Link to original diagram (again: obsolete)


    Cool! Thanks! I need to slap a case with sides together. Otherwise, chances are that my cats will put their paws in there and do something nasty to the electronics. Otherwise it's a cool idea to do it your way :thumbsup:



  5. New York, London, Paris, Munich - everybody talk about pop muzik. Or was it the more somber first we take Manhattan then we take Berlin?

    Customs around here are wonderfully unpredictable! Less than ~45€/400SEK is gonna get shrugs, if I order from Taiwan they convert the NT to Italian Lira or something, they're not bothered with those parcels. Private citizens and ppl I know usually put $5 or $Gift on the box and it goes right through.

    In fact, I bet they would save money by declaring that anything below 100€, or in my case 1000SEK, to private customers is customs exempt. But as most often when dealing with bureaucrats, ain't gonna happen.

    Free trade, bitches, make it work for you!

  6. The trick is that is not always purple, it bends the light. Sometimes it's gold, sometimes it has a mirror finish.

    But, yes - there will be 'shrooms, Buddhas and such on there. For a moment I was tempted to go with Flaschbier and Werner so I guess it's open for now. Maybe I'll stick with Nyan. Or Cthulu.

    Have a good one!

  7. I would also like to have a Sammich like case with honeycomb side panels :rolleyes:

    I need to figure out a suitable height plus have some time off before something happens.

    Meanwhile, and slightly OT (due to minimal to none MIDIbox content), here's my Shruthi XT panel cut in Plexiglas Radiant which I'll be using just because I can get away with it:


    plus the back and sides in black with my fave Platypus:


    Factory and packing smudge included :thumbsup: Guess I could wipe it, but nahh.

    Edit: Questions were asked, this has nothing to do with MIDIbox. The Shruthi XT was made by fcd72 over at Mutable Instruments forums. Similar techniques 595's and 4051's were used though. Just in case: Sincere apologies to our mods if this offends anyone or breaks some rule. Thread hijacking is not intended, just wanted to show some Plexiglas Radiant work. Further Shruthi talk can be taken in other parts of the forum blush.gif

    Flickr pr0n if you can stand my non-existant photo skills and lack of much natural light this time of year: Plexi Panel Pr0n


  8. Hi all,

    There are very encouraging signs from Doug so something is stirring in the south-western US. We may see the new MB808s soon-ish. Also, there's the so a decision needs to be made by me, and others as well, I'm sure. How many knobs in total are needed? Any recommended number of each color? I take it that there are 2 encoders so no indicator line for those. Then we have a number of drum voices, what are peoples preferred solutions for these? How many level knobs are there? Frequency etc?

    It would be nice if anyone who built one from batch 1 or 2 would chime in. Someone in the know?

    Edit: Took a peek at Altitude's pic in the Sifam thread and came up with 12 level pots, 17 other instrument pots, 2 pots (swing and accent), 2 encoders, 1 master volume and at least 3 suspicious mod pots. Maybe this is way off, if so please correct me!



  9. I've built the 9090 and can recommend it as well.

    I put it in a 19" rack with a front panel made by JulianF. I was thinking of adding the sequencer bits with a detached CS using no MIDI, or a small stand-alone TR-seq thus enjoying the so-so timing that is MIDI. Hence, I'm interested in more details about the seq integration later down the road.



  10. Nice squelchy sounds going there! I take it the exhibition with that laptop chamber orchestra was not at all an inspiration to you. Just add some vocoders and well...

    Extra points for the elephant and the crossed arms technique :tongue:

  11. Yes, maybe implement the option to hold a few very small (looped) samples in memory (those single-cycle waveforms) or other wavetable-ish stuff.

    Me still haz some code of my old (1994) dos based mod player somewhere (which does sample stretching to obtain the played note pitch - good old amiga times :-)),

    but then... this would be quite another project... Lee decides :)

    Edit: on a second thought, SD storage is so big and cheap, one could totally create full note spectrum sample files of "unlimited length" offline, that means, if you have a nice single-cycle waveform, run a script that "renders" a samplebank for the SD player, as it is... not much work to do, and it runs on todays sd card sample player software :) and does not require further ram or processing power.



    Hear hear! Some support for loop points and mode would be nice. The rest of the sample editing could and should be done offline on a proper computer. SD cards cost the same as a roll of film (anyone remember those?) so that's almost a throwaway.



  12. Nice! It's getting better and better.

    It would be really cool if there was a way to "unalign" the samples so that you could read and load up to a few sectors. Then it could discard the non-used data and have loop start, loop end and loop mode (fwd/rew/ping-pong/xfade) modes. But, thar's other dedicated things for that. Hardware samplers aren't really in vogue these days, but lo-fi loopers or wavetablers/DCOs are.

  13. I have to try the Adventure Kid AKWF in order to have some fun. It's a massive pack of some 4350 single-cycle waveforms. Get it! Love it!

    If I get really bored I could load those into my Prophet VS or use slightly less magic and get them into one of my Shruthis. Or just refill it. Choices choices...

    Nahh, SD card convenience plus dedicated hardware will win the day :flowers:

    I still get 90's flashbacks from the M1 presets! One day I'll grow up, but that was my guilty pleasures moment of today .

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