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Status Updates posted by jojjelito

  1. Today's haul: Yet another 12HE rack. Must solder moar!

    1. Hawkeye


      Congrats, enjoy! What will it be filled with? Modular parts? :)

    2. jojjelito


      Thx! I have all these drum bits: Clangora, MPS, liquid hi-hat, bass++. It's going to be drums only :D

    3. Hawkeye


      Awesome! I´d love to have 12HE worth of drums, too :D

  2. Getting moar JB-Weld... :D

    1. gslug


      Haha.Need moar screws.

    2. Antix


      how much things have you to glue?

    3. jojjelito


      Just following the trend. Plus, there's always stuff to build :p

  3. unpacking electronics... the checklist is huge

    1. Antix


      Unpacking...here starts the fun :)

    2. jojjelito


      Yep! Then there's the solder job :)

    3. Hawkeye


      yeah, early x-mas :)

  4. Fraktus <3

    1. Hawkeye


      fictional, but certainly true to wide extents :-)

    2. rvlt


      I was at the concert, and it was really funny ... ;)

    3. jojjelito


      Gotta love a synth/German version of Spinal Tap! Affe sucht Liebe, killer song title :)

  5. Hi, I'm J and I'm a total gearslut :) Gearslutz anonymous meeting nao!

    1. technobreath


      rofl! There are a few of us here :)

    2. EsotericLabs


      You.. You.. You.. Colleagues!

    3. Hawkeye


      Me thinks, the G-Anonymous meeting hall needs to be rather large in this area of the interwebs :-)

    1. jojjelito


      Listened to this in order to get my 80s on while heating the soldering iron...

    2. Hawkeye
    3. Shuriken


      OMG, so nice!

  6. DigiKey boxxah arrived. Looking at you Mouser... Component pr0n.

    1. nebula


      Love digi-key, but they have become pricey compared to Newark and Mouser. In Canada though, Mouser can't hold a candle to Digi-Key's speed.

    2. jojjelito


      Digi-Key was insanely fast. Took 2 days from ordering til I held the goods in my grubby mitts. Mouser split my order in two shipments that just made it from Memphis, TN to Paris, France. It will be Monday's child for sure so that I can pine for those things all weekend.

  7. In the future there is no sound, only beats, melodies, harmony, vocals and chorus.

    1. Hawkeye
    2. jojjelito


      Nyan is always, has always been and will ever be. Meow!

  8. Lumex Inspiration LEDs, like what? O RLY?!

    1. Hawkeye


      colorful -

      ideal for rebuilding nyan control surface

    2. jojjelito


      Question of the day: Can Nyan really be controlled, much less contained?

  9. Chasing the edge of sound - arriving at cross PWM bass. You can haz samples once I patent it :)

    1. Hawkeye


      moar demoz!!!11

    2. jojjelito


      Hafta wait for that particular one - the breadboard has changed... Sth else coming up. Might record it.

  10. The Newhaven OLEDs seems to need some hacking. Well...

    1. Hawkeye


      don´t worry, its kinda standard with Newhaven displays :-)

    2. jojjelito


      HAHA! Mmm, you can join the official been there done that club they must have. Meet you there later :-)

  11. Set up toolchain. Now for some editor/IDE action...

    1. Hawkeye


      No editor for asm coding necessary. Just use cat and pipe. Nyan! :)

    2. jojjelito


      Ahh, did some Shruthi-related reading during the weekend. Platypus is the new black!

  12. Sanitizing the modular synth design. Got the J5A/B to gate output connection messed up. In other news: No, it ain't world war four, No, it ain't world war four, It's just the apple stretching and yawning, just morning, New York putting it's feet on the floor.

    1. TK.


      Meanwhile I own a modular synth as well and highly recommend to connect the gates via a 74HC541, because 1) mostly the 3.3V are not sufficient, and 2) this protects the Core from short circuits (I haven't damaged the core pins yet, but I feel better with this design measure).

      Documentation will be updated soon (e.g. schematic)

    2. jojjelito


      Ahh, the 74HC541 was there, there was just some assumptions (or rather backwards pinning) about J5A/B on my take of the card. I did upload a schematic in a thread by Rosch in MIIDbox SEQ, but it had this embarrassing error. Typical...

  13. I <3 In Bed with Artists, LPC1769 and MBHP_CORE. Good times ahead!

    1. Hawkeye


      +1. lpc wonderland: quick, cheap, powerful :-)

    2. jojjelito


      The price paid to InBed was deffo right!

      Gotta do some remembrance before goofing off in C-land. Respect and all that. Come Monday it begins anew.

  14. Why is it that you always have to shop around in so many places in order to empty your Einkaufsliste?

    1. Hawkeye


      cause average aunt emma stores don´t carry ´em flux compensators, but the necessary chocolate cookies for the operator :)

    2. jojjelito


      Those store don't even have Technobabble powder to sprinkle your everyday cooking with!

  15. Pointing away to conceal current work: Look over there! Those marmosets really dig electro-house!

    1. Hawkeye


      me also experiences improved reproduction rates of unwanted house animals in rooms exposed to electronic music http://bit.ly/ryTcbU

    2. jojjelito


      Those close-up shots were really nice! Well done! My cat Molly really digs my Korg Radias now. What's up with that?

  16. MAGjacks för €2.22 or 19.98 SEK (WTF are the smoking, rate wise?)... http://www.electronic-shop.se/

    1. Hawkeye


      nao, that is quite cheap :)

    2. jojjelito


      Got 10 just to have a stash :D

  17. 1000SEK/112€ bought me a Casio CZ5000! Bring back the 80's...

    1. Hawkeye


      good choice, incredible price! :)

    2. jojjelito


      It was a fun, unexpected miracle! I like it :D

  18. Scoring Vactrols and TDA1022s. Rare and expensive semis are a pain when you need them.

    1. Hawkeye


      watcha building nao? me wants a bucket brigade delay too! :)

    2. jojjelito


      I'm planning ahead for panel 2 or 3 or some Buchla format cloning. Plus some Jürgen Haible chorus fx. Get the exotics first, build and win!

  19. Yes I'd wish they'd fix the wires 'cause my baby don't know that I'm leaving in the morning and I'm ready to go

    1. gslug


      Haven't listened to Upstairs at Eric's in years.

    2. jojjelito


      My Spotify @ work decided I'd dig some 80's music today :) Took care of passing the time while writing documents...

  20. Received my "lost" SRX card that had been sitting@Bundespost between the 16th and 25th doing nothing. Finally my 5080 has 4 SRX cards and 4 JV cards.

    1. Hawkeye


      yes, i also hate these packet timeouts :) (recently had a missing parcel from china, that was stuck in switzerland for 4 weeks)

    2. jojjelito


      4 weeks! Sheesh, and I got jumpy... Hate packet collisions :) Today, just recently I bought a MIDIpal from MI in a nice alu chassis. Yum! Will only eat yogurt a while nao...

  21. Fukengrüven!

    1. Hawkeye


      I still don´t understand how this could evolve from "Fahrvergnügen" :)

    2. jojjelito


      Maybe someone in the US thought the word looked funny. Fooken grooven

  22. Towel Day and SID sounds.

    1. Hawkeye


      Awesome combination! :)

    2. jojjelito


      Plus we got to vote. It's crazy that this day and age lots of people get suckered out of even that...

  23. Ambika!

    1. Hawkeye


      Really awesome! Prolly also much due to the IR3109?

    2. jojjelito


      Oh, that's just the bass. It's trivial to mod other filters into a more 3109-like response :)

  24. As soon as there's sex and drugs, don't get too bothered with Rock-n-roll. When they say that inhaling solder smoke is bad for you - they must be joking, right?

    1. Hawkeye


      yes, i even "upgraded" to lead-free solder and just then realized, that it is the flux smoke that summons the pink elephants, for me at least :-)

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