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Everything posted by nuke

  1. how would it be, by pressing "select" in random-page-mode, to be able to change the layers?...for now we have LayA-C and TrgA-C. pressing and holding select, change the Layer&Trg from A-to H when available with the underlying encoders...?
  2. nuke

    Need some GM5s

    mmm...i´d also be interested in 2-3 gm5s...i saw that some boards are are available but without chips... :faceless:
  3. 1. there are 4 encoder modes for detended encoders. you could try to change "MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2" to "...DETENDED1 or 3 or 4...just look in the asm, it´s line 416 and 417. there´s also a note about these modes. 2. it´s ch. 10 as default...but can easily be changed to any channel and note u like. just enter the midi-page (alt+GP15), there u can select the notenumber and with holding shift it changes the channel of the corresponding instrument. 3. it´s not really necessary to change the firmware for the 909. unless you need the correct names for the selected instrument. from the hardwareside you can use the trigger (not midi) to trigger the 909 but the accent circuit is different compared to the 808. The accent won´t work with the 909, therefore the circuit should be modified. but to trigger from midi is no problem so far. i guess not, since the pic is very limited in codespace...and allready nearly fullpacked...i guess no space for xtra tracks... greets, nik
  4. right on their site http://www.reactable.com/products/live/order/ sell your car, or girlfriend :rofl:
  5. ...i think i´ve found a bug too... :whistle: when a track is set to retrigger ( restart "on" ) and a note is received, it seems that it doubletriggers the first step...so when i.e. cubase is driving the transposition of a track via notes and restart is "on" , it´s allways offsync/shifted... i think its not really doubletriggering but looses one step...just looks like this when syncing via midiclock and retriggering via notes...
  6. ah i see...sh** i guess no... there is no way without additional Trg-Buttons...:sad: while selecting several triggers in note-mode is possible via the select-button, it´s not working within the drum-mode... but i suggest hijacking your "Group" or "Track" Buttons...assign your missing buttons there plus a "Track-Select-Button" ( makes the old G/T-Buttons obsolete )...i think it´s better than building a new frontpanel...
  7. you can easily do that with switching between the Trigger Layer A and B then...Trg-A is normal trigger, Trg-B is yor defined (R.G) Layer then...Trg-C is to select one of your 16 drumtracks...while ParameterLayer A is Roll use with turning the encoders (or whatever you assigned when initialized)...
  8. yeah beta42...allready have seen some nice stuff going on there ;) ...btw maybe a little "feature-request" again ( hehe ) , just because i stumbled across this the last days: maybe it´s possible to change/customize Lay/Trg in the Random Generator Page...perhaps also with a configfile like MBSEQ_BM.V4->MBSEQ_RG.V4 ? for now it´s "only" Note/Vel/Length for Layers and Gate/Acc/Roll for Triggers...since i don´t use roll very often, i really love to have Glide also randomized for "instant cool 303 lines" ...just an idea, what do u think? argh...just ignore my posting...i found it...so many features, i just overlooked it...
  9. no problem with a 100 Ohm resistor here...works fine...220 would work also, but i prefer the 100s ;)
  10. wow...installed it yesterday...i blown away again...very nice update...i really love the manualtrigger now...awesome on controllerlines driving some fx parameters...cool feature!
  11. eh...no...hehe...it should not snap to the original steps ( i think this is what u mean )... instead it should just stay synced....say if a sequence is running 1...2...3...4...(here u press 9)...9...10...11...12...(now u press 4)...4...5...6...7....and so on ...so it only "snaps" back to original when "sync to measure" is activated. but instead of how it works for now, it should stay in sync with all the other running sequences... now its just a manual triggering. if you miss the correct timing ( ´cause you are human :) ) it´s offsync and not in a 16th grid or 32th or whatever your sequence is set to. i hope this made it clear. ;) ps. with offsync i mean "out of time", like "out of tune"...not shifted steps!
  12. no...it could behave like it does now...but should be in sync...for now, if u press a step, the sequence runs from this step on. but not in sync! only with "sync to measure" it "snaps" back in timing at the beginning of the measure.
  13. ya...i know what you mean...but thats not what i want...i thought it would be cool, having a pattern to jump around while pressing the according steps by hand... the scroll function is too fiddly to get back to the original pattern after scrolling back n forth...and you cant trigger a specific step multiple times like "da-da-da-ding-ding-dong-ding-da-da" that way...would be cool to have the manualstep feature allways locked to the groove...
  14. hiho thorsten...great...very nice...finally i got a little sparetime to play around with the "new" stuff ;) i think you should now: i tried to upload the new hex via usb with miosstudio 2.1 in windows7 x64... after no success ( as u mentioned somewhere on the ucapps-site ) i figured out that, if you start mios-studio and press play and stop on mb-seq4 and after that, try to upload , it works! even with win7 x64 ...maybe you have to press "query" a couple of times ...but then it will upload...so no need for midicable hookups... ;D i though it´s worth to know. i have 2 little feature requests...there´s a dinsync-out right?....is it possible to implement the same shuffle-feature for that syncsignal like on the regular midi tracks? 2nd: is it possible to have the manual-step-trigger to stay allways synced? would be great for live step juggling. greets, nik
  15. i have exactly the same issue... BUTTON_PAR_LAYER_A is assigned but not working...MiosStudio is telling pressed/depressed...
  16. ai...thanks for the link...maybe this could explain my "issue" posted here (which is kind of "minimal") : though i hadn´t any problems with flickering lights or random din-triggers...
  17. ...but why could this be a problem...? would be interesting , cause i did a layout myself sometime ago, not really finished, but my prototype worked so long...i didn´t do the "straight"-line stuff either...so is there a link what will explain the issue, what happens when not connecting the "right" way? cheer, nik
  18. what exactly is the problem then?...can´t find anything regarding this issues...can you provide a link? cheers, nik
  19. did u read the article on the innerclock site posted above?...they describe the procedure there... i put the mb808seq as master at 120bpm with a rimshot each quarternote...in soundforge i sampled 4 measures...so 16 rimshots in total...the distance between two rims should be exactly 22.050 samples @ 44.1Khz...the results are posted above...i know its not 22.0029 ...should read 22.029 and so on, with a zero less (my fault, was a copy paste error :ahappy: ) <- corrected the readouts
  20. ...mmm....is this just a guess?...or do you think its the only way to avoid the jitter?...i assume then its more a programming aspect rather than selecting components, right? ok...why i ask is because i thought of building such a "sync-lock" on my own (i would buy this- but it´s soo expensive for "just" a midiclock...also like to have more midiouts, like they announced with the cinq-lock)...so when it depends on "just" programming, thought it may be possible with a pic (maybe even with mios ) to get a stable samplebased midiclock via a trigger input... i searched this forum and also the www and stumbled across several projects (pic and arduino-based), but they all seam to be kinda "dead", not further developed... :unsure: the clockboxproject is great, but it also is heavily dependent of a stable midiclock from its source...would be great to have such a trigger-feature added to this... cheers, nik
  21. ...might be interesting for some of you... i stumbled across this site innerclock so i ran a little test with my MBSeq808-Build...120 bpm, rimshot each quarter...and ended up like this: 22.029|22.072|22.075|22.025|22.077|22.028|22.079|22.030| 22.077|22.027|22.071|22.030|22.075|22.030|22.071|22.031| ...so the largest distance between two quarters is 52 samples...the tested 808 is 87 (on their site) so a 1,18 ms drift compared to 1,97 ms... what i was thinking of is , what cause the drifts? (not that i´m not satisfied with the results) would it be an improvement when the two 33pF caps (C1, C2) will be matched as close as possible? ...this is just a guess...since i´m noob when it comes to electronics (but learning everyday ;)) nik
  22. hallo... oder mal bei futurlec.com schaun...da hol ich auch oft krempel...potis usw. sind echt billig (preislich, bei dem dollarkurs)...kommt dann direkt aus hongkong, deswegen schonmal 7-10 tage einplanen...zoll+porto hab ich bis jetzt noch nie bezahlen müssen (päckchen waren immer so um die 70-80€)... nur so zur info...gruss, nik btw. ...alter...wie heiss lötest du den ?!? :blink:
  23. fett!!... ;) didn´t upgrade yet but will soon!
  24. dude...i wish steinberg has a support like this!....absolutly great!! :thumbsup:
  25. forget it...tried a different sd, this time a 2gb sandisk...guess what, now it works...seems that my other disks are not compatible...phew...nice
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