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gtxdude last won the day on April 1 2017

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About gtxdude

  • Birthday 10/27/1955

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    Memphis, TN USA
  • Interests
    my family, music & motorcycles

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  1. This unit has sold. Sorry!
  2. I am defiantly interested in selling it. g
  3. Greetings Midi Boxers! I have been member here since 2009. The possibility of building a SEQ is what originally brought me here. I did realize that possibility and have enjoyed using my SEQ4 for many years now. I am retiring this year and I am liquidating my studio so I have a SEQ4 that wish to sell. This SEQ4 was one of the original ones built when the first batch of Heidenreich enclosures were available. It has a custom built power board, Core32 CPU, a Julian front panel, the TK designed back panel, a pair of seppoman's MBHP_ETH PCB and MBHP_SDCARD PCB's, 40x2 Optrex Green on Black high contrast LCD displays and a Quad IIC board. (The IIC board is populated, mounted and connected but I never upgraded the code or config file to activate it as I recall.) I have also mounted some light stalks to make using it in low light situations easier. Two power supplies are provided (One for the SEQ the other for the lights). Pictures can be seen here: http://pushmountain.com/midibox/ Asking $700USD. Includes insured shipping anywhere in the world (I'm in the US). PayPal only. I would really like to sell this to someone in the MidiBox community. Direct questions or comments to: gtxdude at gmail dot com
  4. Mine got to Tennessee today. Many thanks for all of the hard work! It is much appreciated. Gtx
  5. I figured out a way to run my 6582 off of an external 12vdc power supply (2 wire connection). as long as a quality power supply is used, switchers are fine. i used a left over 12v supply from an old (pre lenovo) IBM laptop. The kind with the wall wart in line in the power cord. The audio output of my unit is dead quite with out a hint of switch noise. Your mileage may very, but mine works quite well. Cheers! Gtx
  6. Wow! Great work Hawkeye! Enjoyed that very much. Gtx
  7. I'm connecting an IIC rev2 to a STM32 core running SEQ4. The BLM connection is shown here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_blm/blm_connector_mbseq.pdf Where does MI2 and MO2 connect to on the core? I spent some time plumbing the depths of uCApps and the above drawing was as close as I could find. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Gtx
  8. Julian, i find that these parts work fine with the TK back pannel: The power switch: http://www.allelectr...E-SWITCH/1.html The DC power receptacle (2.1 mm): http://www.allelectr...WER-JACK/1.html I used both of these part numbers in my build so i know that they work. This is how i mounted them (look to the right at the top of the perf board): All Electronics is located in Van Nys, CA in the USA. I have bought from them for years; their prices are great and their service is too. However, I find the idea of converting them to round holes opens up a lot of possibilities for alternative parts, and you dont have to fiddle with spacers, drilling holes in the bottom and fabricating a perf board to mount them on. HTH Gtx
  9. got mine today in the USA. Thanks a bunch Freddy!!
  10. I have been hanging out around here for 3 years now. I have built several midibox projects including a MON, Seq3, 2 X Seq4 and I’m working on a MB-6582 right now. Many thanks have gone out to TK for his tireless work on the MidiBox platform and Wilba for his clever UI PCBs and the 6582. All are well deserved. But there is another tireless soul in this community that I would like to publicly thank, and that would be SmashTV. I had completed my 6582 build a week ago and had a problem with the CS. None of the push buttons worked and about half of the rotary encoders were not working. I struggled with if for several days to no avail. Last Tuesday Smash helped me figure this out in a 30 minute chat session. The problem turned out to be an open PCB land on the serial buss between two of the 74165’s. I MIGHT have figured this out sometime during my lifetime. Smash did it in 30 minutes with 4 or 5 questions. A jumper wire soldered between two pads on the main board fixed it. All push buttons and encoders are working now. Smash & Gtx do the “it’s working now dance…†Smash maintains his web site, stocks the parts, makes the kits, ships 3 or 4 times a month (world wide), and always has an ear open on the chat channel to help with those butt kicking problems like mine. Smash, I’m sure that I speak for the entire MidiBox community when I say THANK YOU for all that you do. Your tireless work is much appreciated. We are lucky to have you among us!
  11. 2 X MBSEQv4 2 X MB6582 1 X MBFM I'm located in the USA. Thanks a bunch! GTXdude
  12. Thanks guys. Some great suggestions. That pic of the CS PCB was a great help. I'll let y'all know how it goes. Thanks again, Gtx
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