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Everything posted by kristal=

  1. @Lamouette @monokinetic @Antix: Thanks! Have fun with the knobs. @Blatboy: PM sent! edit: BTW no need to ask me for leftover knobs. There are 40 reserved and 60 asked :smile: The next bulk order may happen in Mid/end spring. Possibly. Not sure. IDK. :turned: I first need some time to catch up with my other stuff.
  2. @jojjelito: Shame on them not telling you! But 3 days GER-SE is pretty fast, don't you say? Domestic DHL shipments from the Danish border to the South of Germany sometimes take 2 days, so 3 days is more than acceptable. Glad you're happy with the delivery. @latigid on: Good to hear! Have fun with the knobs!
  3. Why not build one? PCBs here: http://www.midibox-shop.com/buy.html Case here: Done!
  4. @Matt: You're welcome! Have fun with the knobs. @Peter: Glad you liked it! Have fun with the knobs. @all: First batch of the letter boxes are posted. Track them here: https://www.deutsche...ml;locale=en_GB (English version link at the bottom right). Second and last batch is also on its way. will be posted tomorrow.
  5. @Peter: "Die Sendung wird dem Empfänger voraussichtlich heute zugestellt." - Sag an, wenns gut angekommen ist. - Grüße Martin
  6. Okay, so the DHL parcels are posted: TK: http://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/set_identcodes.do?idc=129908713224 PK: http://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/set_identcodes.do?idc=129908713230 MG: http://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/set_identcodes.do?idc=129908749677 BVD: http://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/set_identcodes.do?idc=968532131777 JT: http://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/set_identcodes.do?idc=968532131783 The letter boxes will follow, however there might be a slight delay (~ 1 day), because Deutsche Post has a flaw in their online payment. This means I first need to return the already bought shipping labels before proceeding with labeling/shipping.
  7. You can use [ media ][ /media ]. Or use the button you can see in the screenshot.
  8. It looks wilder than it actually is. The Stabilo pen method is a no-brainer. I just listen to music and row knobs up, it's relaxing. So the update is: knobs are counted and everything is in apparent order. The letter boxes just arrived, so I'm going to process the shipping list. I start with the DHL parcels on MON and the letter boxes on TUE/WED.
  9. Haha, nix fertig. Now counting and packing :smile: edit: just another shot of the insanely huge knob bag. The red ones are 90pcs. and the transparent ones are >800pcs. Albs' stock of transparent ones is now almost cleared :whistle: edit2: the only reasonable way to count knobs - row them up. (these are only the transparent clear ones)
  10. Lol, first I wait and wait and wait for the invoice and now the knobs arrived within 2 days instead of 4. Phew, that's a lot of knobs to count. http://youtu.be/oPXGU4gMhvg
  11. It took some time, but I received the proforma invoice from ALBS an hour ago. I paid up immediately of course. I'm not sure, if ALBS can keep up with their promised lead time, but now that I've paid, the delivery should take place this week. Will keep you guys informed promptly as usual. edit: the proforma says: "Sofort nach Erhalt Ihrer Zahlung werden wir den Versand per Postpaket vornehmen." -> "immediate shipping after receipt of payment." So money transfers within Germany take 1-2 days + 1-2 days shipping via DHL to my place. I expect the delivery Friday/Saturday this week.
  12. :smile: But consider this guys: everybody, who sign up, paid. Everybody - without exemption. Without you, the bulk order wouldn't happen. So again: thank you guys.
  13. Sweet design fix! Now the forum looks superb!

    1. jojjelito


      It's far nicer than it used to be back in the day! Wonder if SoundCloud embedding is working?

  14. Received the money from everybody, except 2 guys. But that's okay, from one I got a confirmation and the last one will pay eventually. Thank you!
  15. @dinama: Payment received, thx! You can find the order schedule on the Wikipage: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=waldorf_knobs_bulk_order_2013 @all: Very fast payment by you guys. ~80% of the money received or wiring confirmed. Still a rough overview, I need to make a definite list in the next 48h.
  16. I'm not sure, if this option is available at every PP brach. PP Germany doesn't have this option for example. However, I would love to have this feature - no more calculating PP fees. :smile:
  17. Trouble with the wife? Check out this: http://www.sinchai.de/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=90
  18. @MaG2k: PM sent :smile: @Jojo: Mhh, I need to further investigate this Soundwell encoder... Maybe they can be imported somehow. Aren't they available at Mouser? @Johey&Jojo: Hehe, thx for the massive order, there's probably no fitting box for that. Even though I'll order bigger shipping boxes for this BO (maximum size). If they don't fit, expect a DHL parcel (included in such high volume orders) @all: Will close the BO tomorrow and PM all participants 3. - 4. Feb.
  19. Thanks Peter for the kind words, I'll try to make the BO as convenient as possible. Never heard of the Soundwell encoders before. What's so special about them? @MaG2k: Danke auch Dir. Werd vorallem gesund! Und achte auf Deine Gedanken, angeblich sind die für unser Erleben verantwortlich. Bin kein Gedankenmeister, aber gerade bei Krankheiten sind meist negative Gedanken verantwortlich. Wie sagte Carl Gustav Jung: What you resist, persists. Oder in Buddhas Worten: Wir sind das, was wir gedacht haben. Vielleicht hilft das auch Dir. Hatte jedenfalls noch keine Erkältung im Winter und bis auf ein paar Kopfschmerzen ist alles i.O. Immer positiv denken, dann ziehst Du auch nur Positives an. Egal wo Du stehst. :thumbsup: Ansonsten keinerlei Änderungen im Zeitplan, wenn alle Leute pünktlich zahlen, kann es vielleicht sogar ein paar Tage schneller gehen. Die Überweisung kannst Du schon am 4. oder 5. Februar tätigen und Dein Paket schicke ich gleich als erstes raus (~21 Feb.). Habe extra vom ALBS Chef die Bestätigung bekommen, dass die Knöpfe pünktlich kommen. Und bis jetzt hat er immer Wort gehalten. Viele Grüße Martin
  20. jojo: Haha, thank you! Although this BO is pretty intense, why not take it up a notch :sweat:
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