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Everything posted by kristal=

  1. Well, if somebody is interested in other knobs, give me a model number and I'll ask for a quote. If several ppl would take interest in ordering those, I'll put them up in the next bulkorder. @Lamouette: If you can get these from eBay or other sources, better get them there. Probably cheaper and faster.
  2. Yes, I order directly from Albs. Not sure, if it will become more complicated :ahappy: What do you have in mind?
  3. lol :laugh: aber cool, mach doch mal videos, wenn alles steht. kriegst auch ein youtube abo von mir. wenn ich nicht auf studioboxen sparen würde, würde ich mir den seq4 auch fertig bauen. und auch die mb6582 ist erst zur hälfte finanziert... naja bin auch ganz froh, sonst nimmt das bei mir auch alles überhand.
  4. Wow, schaut cool aus. Der blaue C&K Button gefällt mir besonders, wusste garnicht dass es die gibt. >> Ja, mir fällt auf das ich gar keine Zeit mehr habe Musik zu machen Ja, das kommt mir bekannt vor... :)
  5. hey rosch :turned: nah, a green Drehknopf DK16-190V3 A.6/4,5 AT=14 is not available. albs simply don't have them on stock. are they real, anyway? never seen one...
  6. The BO covers all available colours of the Drehknopf DK16-190V3 A.6/4,5 AT=14 offered by Albs. If you guys want additional types of knobs, let me know.
  7. http://retro-donald.de/sinchai-shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=12 http://retro-donald.de/sinchai-shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=134
  8. Kein SID aber so ähnlich: http://retro-donald.de/sinchai-shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=90 Ansonsten gibts funktionstüchtige C64 für ~ 13EUR exkl. Versand bei eBay. Man muss halt suchen, sich ein paar Tage Zeit nehmen und eine Bietsoftware laufen lassen. Ging mir zumindest so. Hab dann den C64 ohne SID mit Gewinn noch verkauft. 13 EUR Einkauf, 20 EUR Verkauf, 7EUR+ SID Gewinn.... Ansonsten k.A. auf die ursprüngliche Frage :ahappy:
  9. Hey guys, I'd like to run a new bulkorder. :flowers: Check out the wikipage: http://www.midibox.o...bulk_order_2012 Ideas and suggestion are welcome! Best regards Martin
  10. Will do! Still in the making... :sweat:
  11. Hi Johey, currently trying to create a Wikipage for the next bulkorder, check back in the next 2-3 days :thumbsup:
  12. Nah, haven't completed it. Still in the ordering phase :ahappy: Yes, I think it's a complete list. Google the link I posted for the corresponding thread, I got it from there. Panels: google julianf panel site:midibox.orgBuilding tutorial: google hawkeye building tutorial site:midibox.orgKnobs: bulk orders, finished one myself this week. Will do another in coming days...#SIDs: eBay or the fleamarket here The MB-6582 is designed for 8 SIDs!
  13. Yeah, a full MB6582 kit within the EU would be fine... however, there is no such thing, so I ordered the stuff according to that list: http://m4h7.mooo.com/mb-6582-parts_v03.xls No customs besides Smash, only VAT from Mouser...
  14. Thanks :flowers: Will try to clip it off. If I fail, I'll spend the 10EUR ...whatever... :rolleyes:
  15. Hey Peter, any idea where to get this: https://hbe-shop.de/DIN-BUCHSELPT7P-Typ-PSG03465 besides this shop? Wants 10EUR for shipping :shifty: Checked Reichelt and Mouser, but had no luck.
  16. In the following quantities: 30x clear, 30x blue, 13x red Conditions: 1,25EUR per knob Insured & trackable shipping incl. sturdy cardboard box : 3,80 EUR Germany, 5,50 EUR abroad SEPA money transfer within the EU: no transfer fees (preferred) No SEPA? Use Paypal and please add 6,5% on the total amount or make sure the Paypal transfer and conversion fees are covered by you - it's called personal payment and it has a checkbox that says: sender will cover the transfer and conversion fee
  17. Great to hear! :smile: Btw I have 30 clear, 30 blue and 13 red left. So if anyone is interested, PM me.
  18. Haha thanks :ahappy: Let's see, how fast Deutsche Post will carry out the shipping. Usually, they are!
  19. knobs have arrived :sorcerer: 06.08. inquiry -> 07.08. reply -> 07.08. order -> 08.08 confirmation -> delivery: 13.08. (weekend included) :super: If you want some of them PM me. :heart: Prices are the following: DK16-190V3 A.6/4,5 AT=14 1,25EUR per knob (1,15EUR if I'll order over 500 pcs. next time) Insured & trackable shipping incl. sturdy cardboard box : 3,80 EUR Germany, 5,50 EUR abroad SEPA money transfer within the EU: no transfer fees (preferred) No SEPA? Then please make sure the Paypal tranfer and conversion fees are covered by you - it's called personal payment and it has a checkbox that says: Sender will cover the tranfer and conversion fee) :heart:
  20. Thanks! :D I knew I had to show some tact to not endanger our knobs source.
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