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Everything posted by kristal=

  1. Update: 18 PMs sent 16 replies 16 payments done 2 replies remaining
  2. Update: 18 PMs sent 16 replies 14 payments done 2 payments pending 2 replies remaining
  3. 16 replies and payments (or announcements of doing so) received. Only 2 remain for completion.
  4. 10 replies and payments (or announcements of doing so) received. Only 8 remain for completion.
  5. PMs are out! :frantics: Sorry for the URL mistake, the editor somehow tricked me. :getlost: But copying the URL into your browser will fix the mistake.
  6. Versand kommt aus Texas, per UPS oder Fedex. Bei Fedex zahlst Du den Zoll im voraus, bei UPS an der Haustüre. Erste Bestellung war problemlos, habe aber vor einem Monat wieder bestellt und per Banküberweisung an Mouser überwiesen, das Geld kam zurück. Total komisch, konnten die sich bei Mouser auch nicht erklären. War Postbank auf JP Morgan London. Werde mal die Woche bei meiner Bank anrufen und fragen, was das Problem ist. IBAN und BIC waren korrekt. Katalog wird mitgeschickt, wenn Du was bestellst, ansonsten einfach PDF. Der Katalog hat größeres Telefonbuchformat, dauert wahrscheinlich länger. Bedingungen siehe hier: http://de.mouser.com...teShipping.aspx
  7. Thanks Techno, I'm currently between :super: and :sleep:. Pre-planning is so crucial here, never imagined that. Including that the BO got so big. One week ago, I was pretty bored because nothing moved and now I could use some free time. :laugh:
  8. Seriously, their fees are confusing as %)%(&@! I can't exactly tell, what fees will be due, because of the different payment models in the various countries (credit card, bank account). Plus differences between US, Canada, EU zone, Euro Zone (EU =! EURO) etc. :logik: And no information what the exact conversion will be. Something between 2-4% doesn't help. In my experience they deduct between 4-7,2%. Maybe I'll write them a email, that this doesn't facilitate trade... But not now, I'm totally occupied. :sweat:
  9. You're welcome gslug! Update: Numbers are in my spreadsheet software, hope the Paypal fees will workout. That's the &§&§/@! factor in the BO, because I really don't know, how much they will deduct me. :mad: The fee section is completely confusing (fee percentage differs between credit card deduction and bank account deduction) and with small amounts I'll break the 7% barrier. Even though they are telling me something like max. 4%. In reality I can prove them wrong... However, I think that 6,5% is appropriate. Excess money from the Paypal fees will be donated to the forum web hosting. Spreadsheet will be double checked and then mailed out to you guys in the next 1-2 days. Best regards Martin
  10. Aight, BO closes NAO! I'm running out of cardboard boxes and 17 participants is a great success! Thanks guys! So tomorrow, I'll start calculating the final prices and everybody will receive a PM in the coming days with the final price plus the request for the shipping address and Paypal email address. Everybody who missed the BO will have the chance to hop on a possible future BO consideration list. Now going to sleep for calculation powers. :sleep:
  11. @Altitude: Thx for the hint, will try that!
  12. Haha, welcome on board :flowers: Will close the BO in under 12h :turned:
  13. @orange: Of cause I've seen her :) The switch idea is really nice, I like it. But a fan which generates noise in the audio path doesn't make sense. And as two members are reporting problems, I'm asking myself whether I should save the 10 EUR for a better purpose. Or do you think it's just the Sunon fan that works well? In contrast to the other fans which will generate noise...? Could that be the solution to the problem here?
  14. Good news everyone, Mrs. Guddy replied to me this very moment. She apologies for not replying immediately, she was busy in the company because of her being fresh from vacation. Her last sentence was: "Also her mit der Bestellung" which is really hilarious for a business letter. It translates roughly into: So gimme yer order! :rofl: This puts me in a good mood, because they are ready to handle our order in a timely manner. So no big changes in the time frame, I'll start to send out the invoices 21.09.-24.09. and hope you guys will pay fast. Order will be send out to ALBS when everybody has paid or latest 01.10.
  15. @orange: do you have problems with noise @ the audio output?
  16. So today I informed Mrs. Guddy from the ALBS sales department about the bulk order and asked for the lead time. Let's see, what her reply is. :thumbsup:
  17. Now I'm getting the full picture! Not that Schneider is a really suspicious name, they also want some of that stuff he sings about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCeih1Nb9r0 I better avoid setting foot on US soil in the next months...
  18. OMG, ROFL! If they had only watched that clip. He clearly sings: "Doc Snyder is written with an y!" :rofl: But thanks for the information, will tell ALBS not to buy from this guy and to immediately inform the authorities, in case he shows up.
  19. @Hawkeye: Not too many guys with the sur & family name from my hometown. In fact only one. And I'm sure it has something to do with homeland security reasons. They want to monitor the parcels which leave the US. Besides I don't want my file say under the "exports PCBs and chips from the US" entry "ask too many questions, probably a troublemaker". You'll sure get the full TSA treatment at the airport. :ermm:
  20. Haha, I didn't dare to ask, because this binds even more time and will be put on the parcel shipping prices. Plus I don't want to get on the home land security non-cooperative foreigner list. :poke: I heard, they mistreat people at the airport. Not cool.
  21. @nils: That's what I thought, too.:shifty: Probably a stimulus and/or surveillance program to keep people employed and/or monitored. :yawn:
  22. I mean whether you have a common name or not, why does it matter to the USPIS? There's only one guy with my name residing at my address, and that's me. I should have asked...
  23. That's the exchange of mail. Nothing private I guess, so I post it here with blanked out names. I think the USPIS is happy when ppl are informed, so they don't have to do additional work regarding this matter:
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