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Everything posted by Schrabikus

  1. Confirm that MB_StereoMicroSwinSID PCB is working! Here is final version (added DIL-8 oscillator) stereoswinsid_mbfm_v2.pdf stereoswinsid_mbfm_v2.zip
  2. From the album: Schrabikus Midibox progress

    Flashing 8515 with fuses set to external oscillator
  3. I will be very appreciated! :flowers: And other SwinSIDx2 users too.
  4. igi wrote me about oscillator tuning bug, so i've checked and confirming: by default oscillators finepitch is 12 units lower (not cents, 12/127 semitone?) so you need to set finetune to +12 for every oscillator to be in tune. We need your help again, Swinkels! :logik: Is it clock/oscillator or firmware related? Crisp,(and other Swinsid users) do you have the same bug?
  5. From the album: Schrabikus Midibox progress

    StereoSID module schematic
  6. can't stop wondering SwinSID sound!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Antix


      does it stopped the strange sounds you saied about?

    3. Schrabikus


      Jo, i'll make detailed description when get package with mega88 chips. I want to make comparision of SwinSIDX2 and MicroSwinSid. Also there's a couple of 6581's from Jackies which i'll receive soon so stay tuned =)

    4. Schrabikus


      Antix, that was wrong DAC labeling. Fixed after flashing 8515's with TDA1543A firmware version.

  7. Schrabikus

    SwinSID X2

    From the album: Schrabikus Midibox progress

    PCB layout by Crisp
  8. THANKS, Man!! This was the only thing i didn't try (DACS labeled "Philips TDA1543" without A). And it works like a charm! Slightly modified Crisp's PCB
  9. I've made atmega8515 based SwinSidX2 but it sounds very strange. Only few default patches working ok. Most of them produces noise. I've found that when filter is enabled it distorts sound. Also if patch has non zero attack/release value - they distorted too. Swinsid extensions enabled in config. Is it normal for swinsid or there's something wrong? (same results with another TDA1543, and on lower oscillator frequencies) Recorded some samples of it sound, they showing attack/release and filter distortions. TK, which firmware youre using with 8515? (i tried both midibox and latest version from Swinkels site) swinsid_bug.mp3
  10. From the album: Schrabikus Midibox progress

    Nothing superfluous. 4pin Power+midi I/O from Core J11. One pin for CAN and 2x4 pin to Stereo SID module (J14 combined with unused pin)<br />Did i missed something? :whistle:
  11. You've prompted me to do it =)
  12. Thanks Torsten! As I undersdand this is not equal to dual CORE configuration and there's no way to control sids/swinsids independently? (about oscillator: why pay $8-10 per one and wait a month when there's an 30 cents solution from waste components =) But i've modified PCB for use with DIL14S oscillator.
  13. Schrabikus

    CS back

    I can`t find good vero analog here, which enamel will melt with solder tip temp. I`m using Russian ПЭТВ-2 enamel wire, which is very strons, so tinning is real pain. Solid wire is for ground and leads... Why i have to cut them if i can use it =)
  14. From the album: Schrabikus Midibox progress

    Made quick minimal surface, sammich-style: 13 buttons + encoder with button and 4 leds for L/R, PLAY and LFO. There's 4 free leds, has no idea what i need more.
  15. There is no schematic for sammichSID so i have to redraw it from PCB file which is also have incomplete info. I was able to do it only with help of of fnpSID PCB and photos of its backside.
  16. Couple of questions to Swinkles: 1. Can i substitute Mega88PA with 168? Which of AVR's in DIP package are good for such overclocking? 2. Will it work on lower frequencies? (just for testing purposes, i need to figure out where is proplem - MCU/Oscillator/Communication with core, and not shure that my ATmega168 supports 32 mhz. Will it run with 14.318 oscillator? And i have no scope) At this moment I have constant high-pitched tone during startup, which sometimes dissapears after CS is loaded and sometimes not. Without core and SR's it starts when i'm touching reset pin of Atmega. That's how it looks board prototype: Another question is addresed to Thorsten: You said about Is it possible with Stereo-MicroSwinSID? If so - please give me a hint ;)
  17. Tired of SID hunting and wondered by SwinSID samples I've decided to route dual MicroSwinSID board. Layout inspired by nILS 8515 module. I'm just take NanoSwinSID schematic and combined it with sammichSID. Am I moving the right way? I've replaced hard-to-find crystal oscillator with 74LS04+Resonator circuit which was successfully tested with OPL3 chipset. It cheaper and using available components. Also there's pin header compatible with pin-to-pin cable, like in nILS one. PCB is not yet tested - i need one more atmega chip + core board. But if there's volunteers i'll share it.
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