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Everything posted by Lamouette

  1. First, really thanks for your help ! Really thanks ! So now : When i do : make on Windows console c:\Midibox\mios32\trunk\apps\sequencers\midibox_seq_v4>make C:/Midibox/mios32/trunk/include/makefile/common.mk:138: *** multiple target patterns. Stop. When i do : make on MSYS console Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ make /C/midibox/mios32/trunk/mios32/mios32.mk:61: /C/midibox/mios32/trunk/mios32//mios32_family.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:153: /C/midibox/mios32/trunk/modules/app_lcd//app_lcd.mk: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `/C/midibox/mios32/trunk/modules/app_lcd//app_lcd.mk'. Stop.
  2. Ok, i did everything again : Check if i haven't put an ''s'' somewhere, everything is ok ! When i type LS, it looks ok Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/Midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ ls /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunk/programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunk/programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk But for make, nothing at all, same error : Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_PATH=/C/Midibox/mios32/trunk Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_BIN_PATH=/C/Midibox/mios32/trunk/bin Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F4xx Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_PROCESSOR=STM32F407VG Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_BOARD=MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_LCD=universal Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ cd /c/Midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/Midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ make Makefile:150: /programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:153: /modules/app_lcd//app_lcd.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:156: /modules/blm/blm.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:159: /modules/blm_x/blm_x.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:162: /modules/blm_scalar_master/blm_scalar_master.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:165: /modules/aout/aout.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:168: /modules/sequencer/sequencer.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:171: /modules/notestack/notestack.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:174: /modules/midifile/midifile.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:177: /modules/fatfs/fatfs.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:180: /modules/file/file.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:183: /modules/random/random.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:186: /modules/freertos_utils/freertos_utils.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:189: /modules/uip/uip.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:192: /modules/uip_task_standard/uip_task_standard.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:196: /include/makefile/common.mk: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `/include/makefile/common.mk'. Stop. So it looks like it can find the files to compile. maybe it is just MSYS not working ?
  3. Yes, i am sure you are right... As i see the SVN, it is trunk, without S http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2F& What,s the difference between the mios_base, and the mios32 directory ? Should i have/use both ?
  4. I will go for linux as last try, because, it looks really difficult to set up, and i just want to change some line of code :D To be honnest coding or just writing lines on a old fashion black command line, make me feels like a 80's geek But i try, and i will be very proud once i will have it working ! You were right, it can't find the file : if i do : ls /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk I got : $ ls /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk ls: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk: No such file or directory There is 4 differents pages about installing everything on Windows : http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=windows_toolchain_core http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=windows_toolchain_quickstart http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=windows_mios32_toolchain_core http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_core#path_environment_variables A they praticaly say the same things, some things are different about the path, and other things. maybe i have misunderstand one thing ? In my /c/midibox folders i have : mios_base (which contains a folders with the common.mk in it (C:\Midibox\mios_base\include\makefile) mios32 (which contains all the documents i downloader via turtoise (so the mios32 complete svn) mios32_toolchain Are my folders ok ? did i miss something ? I added path with this code : Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set path=/c/msys/1.0/bin Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set mios32_path=/c/midibox/mios32/trunk Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set mios32_bin_path=/c/mios32/trunk/bin Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F4xx Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_PROCESSOR=STM32F407VG Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_BOARD=MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ set MIOS32_LCD=universal Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC ~ $ cd /c/midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ ls /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk ls: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk: No such file or directory Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ set path=/c/midibox/mios_base/bin Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ set path=/c/midibox/mios_base/ Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ set mios path=/c/midibox/mios_base/ Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ set mios_path=/c/midibox/mios_base/ Lamouette@LAMOUETTE-PC /c/midibox/mios32/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4 $ set mios_bin_path=/c/midibox/mios_base/bin
  5. Again, Same error... Do you think it can be because i use Windows 10 ? Every thing looks like installing perfectly, i just re-removed everything, and tried to work with the strict minimum, but i got the same error. I also added all the path using : $ set PATH=%PATH%;/C/midibox/mios_base/bin and more (SDCC/gputils/MSYS1.0) But i got still the same error.
  6. I am using the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4: set MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi set MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F4xx set MIOS32_PROCESSOR=STM32F407VG set MIOS32_BOARD=MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 set MIOS32_LCD=universal i will try to use the MSYS console. Thanks for your help !
  7. Ok, i erased everything, and restarted from a clean install, and back to my first error : C:\MIDIBOX\Mios32\trunk\apps\sequencers\midibox_seq_v4>make Makefile:150: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:153: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/app_lcd/universal/app_lcd.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:156: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/blm/blm.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:159: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/blm_x/blm_x.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:162: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/blm_scalar_master/blm_scalar_master.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:165: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/aout/aout.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:168: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/sequencer/sequencer.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:171: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/notestack/notestack.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:174: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/midifile/midifile.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:177: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/fatfs/fatfs.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:180: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/file/file.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:183: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/random/random.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:186: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/freertos_utils/freertos_utils.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:189: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/uip/uip.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:192: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/modules/uip_task_standard/uip_task_standard.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:196: /C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/include/makefile/common.mk: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `/C/MIDIBOX/mios32/trunks/include/makefile/common.mk'. Stop. Here are my variables : See pictures And the specifics ones : USER : MIOS_PATH - C:\mios_base_v1_1;C:\MIDIBOX\Mios32\trunk PATH - C:\Program Files\SDCC\bin;C:\Program Files\gputils\bin;C:\Perl64\bin SYSTEM : MIOS_BIN_PATH - C:\MIDIBOX\mios_base\bin;C:\MIDIBOX\Mios32\trunk\bin MIOS_PATH - C:\MIDIBOX\mios_base PATH - C:\Perl64\site\bin;C:\Perl64\bin;C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;%programfiles%\gputils\bin;%programfiles%\SDCC\bin;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Pinnacle\Shared Files\;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin
  8. Ok, i retryed this morning, redoing each step and i got : C:\mios32\trunk\apps\sequencers\midibox_seq_v4>make rm -f project.hex Creating object file for app.c make: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found make: *** [project_build/core/app.o] Error 127 I downloaded the gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q3-20130916-win32 and renamed it and put it on my c: as on the tuto. I suppose the problem come from it but i can't point it.
  9. Ok, i think i found the proper midibox wiki page about that : I did exactly what is asked, but when i do make : i have this : (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés. C:\Users\Lamouette>make --version GNU Make 3.81 Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program built for i686-pc-msys C:\Users\Lamouette>cmd Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.10240] (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés. C:\Users\Lamouette>cd C:\mios32\trunk\apps\sequencers\midibox_seq_v4 C:\mios32\trunk\apps\sequencers\midibox_seq_v4>SET PATH=C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;%programfiles%\gputils\bin;%programfiles%\SDCC\bin;%PATH% C:\mios32\trunk\apps\sequencers\midibox_seq_v4>make Makefile:150: /programming_models/traditional/programming_model.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:153: /modules/app_lcd//app_lcd.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:156: /modules/blm/blm.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:159: /modules/blm_x/blm_x.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:162: /modules/blm_scalar_master/blm_scalar_master.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:165: /modules/aout/aout.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:168: /modules/sequencer/sequencer.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:171: /modules/notestack/notestack.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:174: /modules/midifile/midifile.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:177: /modules/fatfs/fatfs.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:180: /modules/file/file.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:183: /modules/random/random.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:186: /modules/freertos_utils/freertos_utils.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:189: /modules/uip/uip.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:192: /modules/uip_task_standard/uip_task_standard.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:196: /include/makefile/common.mk: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `/include/makefile/common.mk'. Stop. C:\mios32\trunk\apps\sequencers\midibox_seq_v4> But impossble to get a .hex file anywhere... Any ideas ?
  10. Hey there, after long time, i continue my work on the SEQ !, i use it sometimes, but as it don't have case actually, it is a bit of stress for me. I am at the point of adding 2nd Quad_IIC to extend more the midi outputs. Looks like i arrive to the point i have to modify some files to config this, And..... I am totally lost ! At this point everything i read looks like foreign language... But as soldering was not easy 4 years ago, i finnished to solder so i will try to understand this ! I have to modify 2 files : mios32_config.h seq_midi_port.c I found these files in the MidiboxV4 web folder, but how can i download theses files ?
  11. Same here, interrested, and agreed about the rear connector !
  12. Ask me for pictures ! DIY : MidiToTrigger Version 3.2 Dtronics - 35 USD BOSS HC-2 Euro handclap PCB naked - 20 USD BMC 013 - RANDOM RESONATOR PCB Populated - 12 USD DUAL DECAYING NOISE Panel - 15 USD WAVE ANIMATOR Panel - 15 USD Midibox Din PCB populated x3 - 10 USD each Gie-tec Rails : 126Hp (5 Pairs avialable) : 38 USD pair Wantlist : Euro : Mutables Streams XAOC Batumi Bastl Little nerd ADDAC503 Marble Physics
  13. i use my SEQ V4 with an Expert sleepers USAMO, great sync, no problem at all, and cheap (compared to the syncgen), Bitwig as DAW.
  14. Maybe i have one which left on a boxm but i can't check before the beggining of july, i will check this
  15. not really my style, but really good sounding on this one ! as you say this section is really cool, i really need to finish my seq to post too !
  16. really cool man, i really love the 40min part, well done !
  17. Awesome project ! It will look really fat with 64 encoders :rofl: If the fun it to switch between the different synth, why not an encoder and an oled on the top, side to side, on the OLED is show the actual synth,bank, and patch. 3 buttons under the encoder, each for synth,bank, and patch, push on the button, turn the encoder and you change directly what you need quickly. just an idea :whistle: i will follow this ! great work !
  18. Exactly ! 2 are enought for me ! And by the way they are sold !
  19. ok, give us your paypal adress :D
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