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Everything posted by gslug

  1. Finally got mine in a case. I have also started designing an enclosed case for my second V4L. I don't seem to be able to upload .svg files, but this may be a good thing as the design may well contain some hideous error! This is only an initial attempt as my second V4L will have a BPM encoder and LED display and I need to make room for these. Oops - I didn't realise the photo was so huge Kevin
  2. gslug

    Naked V4L

    From the album: gslug's Midiboxes

  3. gslug

    Seq V4L

    Finished Seq V4L in case.
  4. Just recieved my Seq V4L panels from Formulor. Need more screws.

    1. jojjelito


      Don't we all need some screw? Afraid mine are all loose.

    2. gslug


      Mine are the same. Or so I am told!

  5. Cheers Jef, Looks like I am going to be busy! Kevin
  6. One Seq V4L completed and working. Wish I'd read TK's post about the J15_S jumper earlier, I spent hours trying to figure out why various buttons and LEDs were not working! I have a second PCB to do and am intending to add the BPM digits and encoder to this one. Probably not for a couple of weeks though. Kevin
  7. Building the first of two Seq V4Ls All tact switches now in place. A couple required a bit of tweaking to line up, but as TK said, they fit well enough and the end result looks good. I am almost done - 4 LEDs left to do and I have run out of solder. Kevin
  8. Exactly the same - they will squeeze in, but then sit slightly proud of the PCB. As I am building two, I'll do one now, with these switches and leave the other one until I find better fitting parts. Kevin
  9. Just started putting mine together and I have found that I have the wrong tact switches (mine have a smaller footprint):sad: So that I don't mess up again, does anyone have a Farnell part number for the correct ones? Thanks, Kevin
  10. Just been to the post office to collect my PCBs. Just in time for my long weekend off work.:hyper: Thanks Smash. Kevin
  11. I was wondering the same thing, though my post seems to have been non-existant for the last few weeks. Kevin
  12. I guess any future bulk order should be for a redesigned enclosure as the current design does not have enough space for the Core LPC17. I'm not sure if Smash still has any of the original Core 32 boards, but even if he does, they won't be around for ever. Kevin
  13. Need to build something. Suffering from flux withdrawal.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gslug


      Still nothing. I hate Royal Mail.

    3. Hawkeye


      Same for me - them cuszomz officers are obviously having fun with my new toy :( But what would they do with a Lite PCB? Play ping pong? :-)

    4. gslug


      Who knows? When I brought some SIDs, they took a month to appear.

  14. Just looked up the Prophet 3000. I hadn't realised Sequential Circuits ever made any rack mount gear! I like your plan and am looking forward to pics when it is finished. Cheers, Kevin
  15. I intend to! Might have to wait a month or too though before I get time to build it. Kevin
  16. @jojjelito: Are you going for solid case sides or Sammich style? Cheers, Kevin
  17. Yep, the seq looks like it will be cool. I need to build the 9090 too, so I'll probably go for an all-in-one desktop case eventually. Kevin
  18. Thanks Jef. How long are you intending to keep the bulk order open? Kevin
  19. Interested. I have added my usernamet to the spreadsheet. One question though - does this include the 9090 PCBs? Thanks, Kevin
  20. I initially tried to cut the traces, but with the pins already soldered on, I could not put the board down on a flat surface, so gave up after a few minutes. I was a tad worried about using snips, but I have cut strip board with them before without any problems. It worked really well - a nice clean cut, with the holes intact on both sides of the cut. Kevin
  21. Thanks everyone! I decided to be brutal and separated the boards with a pair on tin snips. I now have a working core module.:)
  22. Thanks Tim, I have already programmed the bootloader - that part appeared to worked fine. The LPC17 module shows up when connected via the debug board, but not when connected via the core PCB's USB socket. Off to work now, but I'll have another play when I get back. I may try to re-flash the bootloader in case somthing whnt wrong there. Kevin
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