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Everything posted by gslug

  1. This looks fantastic, but the Linux version of Ctrlr can't see my MIDI interface! Anyone else using Linux? As an alternative, I dug out my prehistoric iBook G4, only to run into the same problem as julienvoirin......:no:
  2. gslug

    newhaven oled

    That looks fantastic!
  3. Thanks TK Updated my MB-6582. All seems well. I can't wait to have a play with the new editor!:ike:
  4. gslug

    9090 - day 1

    Red PCBs? Nice.
  5. gslug


    Thanks Antix. You need a 9090! Get the PCBs while you can as Trevor seems to think every batch will probably be the last...... gslug
  6. gslug


    OK, so it isn't a MIDIbox yet, but I intend to add a Jef's sequencer so that it becomes an MB-9090. I pretty much forgot to take any photos during the build as I was too busy soldering. Here are a few pictures of the finished PCBs and their wonderful hideous cardboard base and panel. I intend to design a desktop case for it once I have the sequencer. Board 1 part finished - the only build photo I took. The completed board 1 The completed board 2 The cardboard "case" And finally, a bad video of the 9090. I'll have to do a better one (and work out how to embed youtube videos!) gslug
  7. Is putting together a parts order for his next build.

    1. jojjelito


      Ohh, the best phase except for all resistors and caps... The rest is just work until it's done.

    2. gslug


      Parts arrived and it I messed up and ordered one wrong pot. Need to think of something else to buy to make the Farnell minimum order......

    3. gslug


      Want to build now. Have parts but lacking in the PCB department. "Delivery failed due to lack of time" on Friday - so why didn't they even bother trying today?

  8. is listening to the musical sound of 4 hard disks churning away as his RAID array resyncs...

    1. jojjelito


      Array rebuilds are slow. Where's my 10TB SSD for 1000€ or less?

    2. gslug


      It took 24 hours and yup, SSDs are still way too expensive.

  9. gslug


    Pulled or new old stock? An FM is on my to do list eventually...
  10. has finally finished wiring up the pots on his 9090. It all works!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gslug


      Thanks. Took longer than planned - I did board 1 a few weeks ago, but the crimping got to me after a while. Board 2 seemed a lot quicker.

    3. Nasrudin
    4. gslug


      I'll try to do a video in the next few days. Be warned that the 9090's "case" is somewhat crude....

  11. She was dressed in a white suit, and she looked like a bride too. It's a burning car....

    1. jojjelito


      Then I looked at the sunset

      And it felt like a stage set

    2. gslug


      Ha. Ha. Gotta love a bit of John Foxx.

  12. Excellent news about the bulk order! Haven't had much chance to test my 9090 - I still need to wire up the pots to board 2, but the voices on board 1 are fine. I intended to finish the wiring last week, but ended up building a x0xb0x instead.....
  13. Very cool. Finished my 9090 PCBs and need to build this seq. Are you planning a bulk order?
  14. has just finished building a x0xb0x. Quick and easy compared to the 9090.

    1. jojjelito


      Yay! Congrats on the completion of a fun instrument!

    2. gslug


      Just need to borrow a 'scope to tune it now.

  15. haz 2SA798s....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jojjelito


      In today's vernacular: It's sexy and you know it.

      You know you wanna. Modular fun is the next level on the analogue learning curve.

    3. gslug


      It has to be done, though may be a while off. I have to finish the 9090 and build a x0xb0x first. Oh and actually record something.....

      Your modular looks amazing BTW.

    4. jojjelito


      Ooh, thanks! Still some struggles with the front panel wiring, then - music!

  16. wants a hardware sampler.....

    1. jojjelito


      E-mu esynth rules the roost unless you score an Akai 6000 or z8...

    2. gslug


      Quite like the idea of an Ensoniq EPS+

    3. jojjelito


      Ahh. That oldie but goodie... ASR-10/X is nice and cheap otherwise.

  17. gslug

    Fully stuffed

    Nice.:sorcerer: Mine still needs another 4 SIDs, about 6 months after I built it. May I ask where you got those heatsinks from?
  18. Is going insane bending the leads on 9090 transistors.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shuriken


      Do you have the japanese ones?

    3. gslug


      SC2603s and SA1115s yes. I don't have the 2SA798 matched pairs though.

    4. jojjelito


      The 798s aren't really necessary. Just do a quick n dirty Gm matching of the regular alternative transistors :D

  19. I'd say that it looks significantly worse than the mockup :sick: Kevin
  20. gslug

    8x SID 8580

    Mmmmm! SIDs.:thumbsup:
  21. gslug

    Seq V4L

    cd_reloaded: Thanks for designing it!
  22. is soldering the power supply section of a 9090.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. gslug


      Don't think I have messed anything up yet, but sure I will. On to the snare....

    3. jojjelito


      Take your protein pills and put your helmet on :D

    4. gslug


      Took a while to get that. Half asleep.

  23. Just collected my box-o-bits.:happy: Thanks again Jef! Kevin
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