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DIY audio patchbay with digital routing....How hard?


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Thats what I also think!



The motion is carried.

shut up stryd ;D

In other news, I think the matrix board itself might end up coming in two flavours.

The 75019 is a socketable PLCC-44, while the 8113 is a 100 pin LQFP. Also the 8113 has SMD bypass caps on the reverse side, under the chip itself, much like the eval board offered by AD.

Why SMD bypass caps? something to do with fitting 19 caps in the space beneath a 14mm chip, with each cap "as close as possible" to the pin in question...

Therefore, perhaps it would be best to offer both boards. One as a "beginners->medium", the other as a "medium->advanced" version.

Analog pinouts are of course identical, and serial control will be very similar, but the 8113 has the parallel option.

Of course, if NO-ONE has any objection to soldering 100pin LQFP (0.5mm/0.02" pin spacing), then maybe we don't need the 75019 version?

Or if everyone objects, I guess I'll be building a different "prototype"...


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The motion is carried.

shut up stryd ;D

Oh you must have confused my world with a democracy. See my sig ;D hehehee

The suggestion was actually one that was suggested to me with some convincing arguments, which is why I put it here, but hey... I'm not too picky.... We will need to feature-freeze soon though, if we're gonna stay public it could be good for people to watch and learn from, but it should be mostly a 'spectator sport'.... too many chefs spoil the broth...

In other news, I think the matrix board itself might end up coming in two flavours.

The 75019 is a socketable PLCC-44, while the 8113 is a 100 pin LQFP.

Err, yeh, definitely these should be done as separate layouts! The biggest reason for this is that the 8113 doesn't need the external buffers, and as such it doesn't really need to have the same analog pinouts as the AD75019 board, but instead it should have the same pinout as the external buffer board. This simplifies connection of additional I/O circuitry (balancing, amps, Lyle's mixer, whatever)

then maybe we don't need the 75019 version?

Eh? The 8113 was all-but ruled out as being too expensive for general use. I'd say it should be:

MT88* = cheap everyman's option

AD75019 = for people with concerns about audio quality who don't mind a little extra $$

AD8113 = For borderline boutique snobbery types who don't mind paying 4 times as much $$

Given that, I'd say the AD8113 would be the last option.... Me personally I'd probably be building for the 75019 first, not because it's what I personally want/need, but because it's in the best interest of the community project (given that the MT88* is already taken care of)

I've talked to the guy on ebay with the 75019 and he's cut me a pretty good deal.... Short of it is: $16.50 each, for 12, with sockets (actual deal is 12, with sockets, for the price of 9, with free ship. Nice!). That's aussie dollars, shipped to me in Melbourne. Who wants in?

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I'm in for those AD75019's.

I need a minimum of 2, perhaps 4 would be better if possible. 32x32 or 64x64, I'm still wondering...but having too much i/o's is better than not having enough :)

Still one thing:

The datasheet says it can connect any or all X to any or all Y in the crosspoint matrix. But does that mean it can also connect multiple X's instead of all X's to a certain Y or multiple Y's instead of all Y's as well?

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I've talked to the guy on ebay with the 75019 and he's cut me a pretty good deal.... Short of it is: $16.50 each, for 12, with sockets (actual deal is 12, with sockets, for the price of 9, with free ship. Nice!). That's aussie dollars, shipped to me in Melbourne. Who wants in?

Should this been in another section? Just teasin...

Ive just been readin. as i dont really have any to add, but when it comes to buyin' put me down for 2 also...


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lief! I was wondering where you'd gone buddy! Knew you'd appear on this thread sooner or later heheh

Yeh we'll do a proper bulk order when it's all tested OK and we have PCBs made up :)

I've just bought those 12 chips, seems there's plenty of interest.

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Well I was trying to keep it on the downlow, but I should add that lief is the person who had already volunteered to do layouts for this project for me, and has been working on it for a while now.... So he's not really joining us, we are joining him ;)

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Well I was trying to keep it on the downlow, but I should add that lief is the person who had already volunteered to do layouts for this project for me, and has been working on it for a while now.... So he's not really joining us, we are joining him ;)

:-[  To quote Apocalypse Now

"I'm a little man, I'm a little man, he's... he's a great man. I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across floors of silent seas... "

People on board here are going to make this work. I have resorted to a very primitive solution for my project that resulted from not being able to wrap my head around everything you all are talking about. But I am on board...

lief! I was wondering where you'd gone buddy! Knew you'd appear on this thread sooner or later heheh

Yeh we'll do a proper bulk order when it's all tested OK and we have PCBs made up :)

I've just bought those 12 chips, seems there's plenty of interest.

Hidin out mostly, smacking my lips lustfully waiting for the smart people to figure it all out.. now things are looking great!

...arrrgh, now I might see a reason for going private... :-\

PLEASE, no "count me in" statements in this thread. PRETTY PLEASE!

Best regards, ilmenator

Im sorry :(  Ill behave better. 

Yeah everyone else dont be chumpy like me and make ilmenator get crazy...

Thanks again everyone for the thinking part

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some other popular threads turned almost useless here in no time, with countless people shouting that they want in, too.

Exactly. Lief is an exception to the rule, we don't want this turning into "me too" land ...not just yet....wait for the bulk orders for that ;)

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OK let's think about how to do this.

Does anyone want to volunteer for certain parts of the project? Like, the matrix, or the minimal CS, etc... Obviously we'll all need to work as a team, but if we each focus on certain areas we'll be more efficient...

I already know that the first addition to the code would be the presets, as supporting different chips requires it. We can start coding that right away, but we're gonna need hardware to test it. I have a serial bus analyser on my scope, so I can start with that, but nothing will compare to the real deal....

I think it would be good to write up a summary of what we're aiming for, and maybe some details of how to do it...

What else?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have 10 AD75019 and sockets

As you can see below, I've got my hands on them. A small number of people have volunteered to help develop this and the chips will be going out to those people, and then after that we'll get a bulk order going for people to build stuff up.

At the moment we're finalising the PCB layouts, and should have them in hand and ready to solder within a month or two. That includes the common layouts used for all the other chips, like buffers and PSU and such. I'm glad to see that interest is strong in the MT88* chips, because at that point it would be really good to have someone to help test on that platform too. If you can get a PCB and the chip in-hand, then we can have extra pcbs made up for you for the buffers/psu/etc, and I can help to make a driver for you if you need it. Same goes for the 8113, if anyone's feeling all audiophile ;)

As far as software, it's fairly scare at the moment, about the only thing fit to show is the mod_skel module and application skeleton which I have been using as a framework (already on SVN). I've been using some other stuff to write driver modules, so I can 'learn the ropes' on something where I actually have the hardware. I'm just about done with those, so by the time the PCBs arrive we will have a AD75019 driver ready to roll into it, and get to work on the bank switching and other CS stuff.

That's the sitrep...


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Very Cool.

Off topic, but maybe useful?

I am very close to releasing V2 of the MBMix software.

I see that the interface is similar for both chips.

Everything I have is written in asm for MPLAB, but I'd be happy to donate it if you think it may be useful.

The method I used separates the controls from the application, using two tables. One of midi controls, and a resulting "table" of data to transmit. so you could "lift" half the code and be running quickly, then just replace the MIDI controls as you define them for your app. I suppose if I knew exactly how your controls were defined, even more of the code might be useful for you.

Anyway, code available on request. Or not if you'd rather not. All I have left to add is 64 banks of preset values and I'll be complete for my own project. (I'm about halfway done with that)

Sorry if this is deemed "off topic"..


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If you can get a PCB and the chip in-hand, then we can have extra pcbs made up for you for the buffers/psu/etc, and I can help to make a driver for you if you need it.

I has the luck to get 4 ad75019 (about 13 euro each). So it would be great if you could count me in for those pcbs. I just need to buy some plcc sockets. But i have to order some parts anyway I think so that shouldnt be a problem.

lucky lucky lucky ^^

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