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theGIMMICK - pic-based guitar tuner


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Can you do me a 6 channel version, for divided pickup use?

Hihi, um, not likely with the current hardware as the code space is ~95% full :-) But it should be rather interesting to make a little PCB that simply cleans up and squares the guitar input and hook it up to a mbhpCore - more code mem and way more processing power ;D

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Looks nice! But, okay, I get the point Freddy ;D I'll put together an update with BIG pads and make a little more room everywhere so it's a bit more DIY-friendly. I never tested the PCB as I use a perfboard version for now. I'll keep you guys posted!

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this brings back the same old problem of the different pads/trace size for diy etching or industry grade pcb.

My little-big "dream" would be to create a set of libraries and eagle setup so that you could easily change a "normal" .brd into a diy customized version.


Thanks Nils i ll build one, sometime..

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I've modded the most common libs already to have big/small pads, so changing the footprints for that board shouldn't really be much work. The idea of having a "midibox" library has been tossed around a lot too - maybe someone needs to get started with it ;)

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Does anyone here tune their guitar or other stringed instrument with an oscilloscope?

Not yet.

In any event, the waveform made by a guitar might be a bit tricky for oscilloscope tuning.

How would you do it? with a dual trace, and a reference pitch?

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I've only tried it with two guitars (les paul copy with humbuckers and fender strat) and it works really well so far. Only problem is the low e-String of the les paul - as the lower strings have a lot more noise and overtones than the higher ones. I'm still tweaking the cap and resistor values for the low-pass filter a bit. It does work, and using a flageolett on the 12th fret of the low e-String "solves" the problem.

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"solution" == workaround ;)

Apparently there's a lot of (better) alternatives. But most likely not any cheaper/simpler ones. And that was really the focus of that project. It works well and if you're lucky you can get all the parts for ~6EUR.

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... or tune 5 strings and use your well tuned ears for the last string  ;D

...which doesn't work well in a live situation ;)

have you tried tuning using only the neck pickup? also, use fingertip rather than a plectrum, also pluck near the middle of the string.

Yeah, I've tried all of the above ;) Doesn't make much of a difference though.

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Whee! I just boxed it up and fiddled a bit more with the code (basically I just added some checks to keep the LCD update frequency down a bit to avoid flickering). I'll try to borrow a camera and take some pics as soon as possible ;D

edit: Crappy web-cam picture can be found here

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