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Custom MEC Love


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stryd_one's gone completely freakin craz....

...wait... I was always crazy. Oh well.

Okay so those of you unfortunate enough to be around me for the last few years will have heard countless complaints as I searched for the "perfect switch" and came up blank...Well I finally found them... at least for me anyway ;D

I need lots, so I figure i would like to do a bulk order and share the love.

Here's the deal:

Two types of switches are to be ordered:

3FTL6 - These are the standard MEC "MultiMEC" tact switches. They're very high quality, with millions of repetitions and all that, and they have a sturdy click, both tangible and audible. Some people find them a bit too "clicky". They will be ordered without LEDs, but they can be illuminated with standard 3mm LEDs. That's a lot cheaper than buying them with the LEDs already in them!

3FTL6 "Quiet" These are my babies. They're custom-order only, have all the same specs as a normal 3F tact, exact same size, lifetimes, etc etc etc....but they don't click.... at all - tangibly or audibly. They're like a 1mm throw pushbutton, and they like te be stabbed at. It's actually kinda addictive ;) The closest approximation i can give is that they feel like pushing on a switch mounted on a rubber eraser (yaknow for removing pencil marks)

And four types of caps:

1S - Clear 6.5mm round caps with a textured top that diffuses the LED and feels kinda grippy. These aren't custom order so you can find them online, but not this cheap.

1D - Translucent White 9.6mm diameter, look great with a LED behind them. Custom order.

1E - Same shape as above, body in grey or black, with translucent white LED window. Custom.

Here's the catch:

I don't have fixed pricing. I need numbers first, at least rough ones. This is where you guys come in.

No, the switches aren't cheap. They're high quality, that's the way it goes ;)

These are rough prices, in US$.

3FTL6 "Quiet" $1.80

3FTL6 UNKNOWN. $1 or so. Rapid has them for that price in single quantities so I expect less. I haven't asked yet.

1D.16 (Translucent white) 0.40c

1E.03.6 (Grey with translucent window) .80c

1E.09.6 (Black with translucent window) .80c

1S11.16.0 (Clear cylindrical) .40c

These are for very low quantities, and custom orders usually drop a lot when you get decent quantity. For EG I expect the quiet switch to come down to around 1.50, maybe less if I'm lucky. Thes prices are at 100 quantity and I'm already approaching 2000.

Here's the pr0n:

[img width=800]http://stryd.schickt.de/IMG_2249.jpg

[img width=800]http://stryd.schickt.de/IMG_2248.jpg

[img width=800]http://stryd.schickt.de/IMG_2244.jpg

L-R: 1S, 1E, 1E, 1D

Thanks to wilba for taking these difficult shots - it's hard to get decent pix with the bright leds!

So, if you like, speak up! Once I get an idea of numbers, I'll get a firm quote before you have to commit to anything.

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Hi,i am just finish my P3 with some mec ftl6 ,i love them...i 've bought them to rapid electronic (very fair company)...some of them are square buttons with bezels...very nice finition..when i play  music..i don't listen any noise"clic"...boop's i will post pictures in the P3 gallery on the yahoo group...ciao Boops

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Thanks to wilba for taking these difficult shots - it's hard to get decent pix with the bright leds!

Yeah... these photos do not show the LED light colour correctly... they've been white-balanced to the colours of the plastic (and still a bit warm too, oh well)... of course the LED light is way over exposed...  IRL they look like normal red and blue LEDs, not these pinky and purply colours. eg. the blue LED one is a nice, not-so-bright blue spot and not as dull as shown in the top two shots.

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I'll be ordering soon, and future orders will be dependent on demand. They won't do these in short runs, so I would say that if you're not ready to pay within a reasonable time, you'll probably have missed out. I don't mind extending things a little bit if needs be, but there's a whole group of people to consider....

So when exactly is "soon", sirkit? And arum, I'm sorry but I think you'll miss out. You could get the ssm pcb and maybe ICs (IE, the things that can't wait) now and get the parts later if you're really keen... I'll leave it up to you.

Does anyone not have the money for these things and need extra time?

Is anyone in need of receiving them within a certain time?

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I'm in, anytime is good for me.

I'll be taking:

50-100 little clear textured caps

50-100 translucent caps

50-100 black caps with LED dot

50-?? quiet switches.. basically I've got 100$ to drop on these, so the better the price break, the more I want..

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hello stryd,are you sure for the prices ?it seems not expensive...are you add the tact switch and the knob?also i am interested for around hundred (100)of them...(if the price will go cheaper,better!!) just a moment to decide which knobs....best regards

edit..for me...150x 3FTL6 "quiet"

                  110 x 1D.16

                  40  X 1S


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For the total price per switch, you have to add the price of the base switch (3FTL6*), and the button cap (1*), and if you are illuminating them, LED (you can find them locally I guess heheh) - any standard 3mm LED off ebay or whatever will do the job.

So currently, the most expensive switch would be about 1.80+.80+.10= $2.70 per switch in total.

The cheapest would be 1.00+.40 = $1.40.... But I think they'll go down.

Well, they are expensive compared to budget tact switches - but for a very small quantity custom run of high quality switches, it is a rather good price yes, I was happy! I'm sure about the prices, and have been assured that there will be quantity discounts, so, the more the merrier :) I just hope the discount is good, I can guess, but I have no idea what it will be, really :D

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1D.16 (Translucent white)  x 70

By the way, I was just looking at the pic and I thought...these diffuse much better in real life. I kinda wanted to say that they look nicer in real life, but I didn't want to diminish the really good job of the photos by W. You should have seen the pics I took hahahha! Atrocious! Wilba kinda mentioned, it was really hard to get the lighting right from the room, and not overexpose it when the lights were off and the LEDs lit. Probably didn't help that I didn't really select optimal resistor values either, I just grabbed the ones that were loose in the jar and about right, and plugged them in, so the brightness' were all over. You can't really see it through the diffusers in real life, but the camera sure sees it. So yeh, Wilba got them looking as good as possible in digital form, but they're even nicer in real life :) (And no, I'm not getting paid for this hahahah)

In the pic, the top half looks a little whited-out, but the bottom half is very even and just has a slightly darker area around the edge. That's an artifact from the desk lamp which was up and right in those pics, casting a highlight and a shadow. In real life, they look more like the bottom half, all the way around. Similarly the white dots on the 1E caps diffuse really well, to the point that even wilba and I, who normally detest blue LEDs for functionality, felt that they were dimmed well enough for CS use. It just looks like a glowing coloured dot on the surface, no shine. (I do have samples of 1E's with a clear LED window, but they weren't as nice as these). When the LED is off, the dot's a milky white colour like the 1D.

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Hey Stryde!  put me in for:

200 x 1S11.16.0 (Clear cylindrical)  .40c

Still trying to make mortgage for this month  :'(, but I think I can come up with 100 bux USD by the end of this week, if the boss lady says ok.  ;)

Thanx for all the work on this!!


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