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New Sequencer - PCB Mount


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Aussie hard wood..

Best timber in the world. OK, unless you steal some endanger species from a brazilian rainforest :)

Nice box! I do like the black, but I'm that way inclined..... Not knowing exactly what timber it is (jarrah? blackbutt?) Maybe a deep navy blue or indigo would bring out the red?

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good stuff ;D i like the telecaster dome knob for the center data wheel

i have been getting them regularly from stewart mac in the states for years now for my guitars

timber looks like good ol tassie oak i think :-\ but maybe blackbutt

i agree with stryd about the color for the panel a deep blue

would be nice but perhaps i am a bit impartial having gone that way myself

good to see you did the panel yourself, nice work mate.

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It's def not blackbutt, I know, because I did my floor to my old place with blackbutt, and it's W A Y too hard to have any fun with... If anyone wants a 100 or so meters of it, I've got a bit spare..  ;)

It was made from one old plank I found.. so the sides are the same timber as the front.. maybe it's a lighting thing.

as for the centre knob, yea.. I got a few Fender ones from my old friend hongkongsuperseller... he's great for cheap parts.

I'll leave it black for now... I was thinking cream, as it's gonna sit next to a White Arp Oddy & Akai S950 & TR-707 + TR-727.. all cream.. (Yea, my gear is sorted by colour... joke)

Thanks for the kind words..

Thanks for your help too!



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that is the best, thing you can do, take this extra big DTL switches from ITT (digitast) get them in a row, and you only have to saw one Hole for 8 switches.... drill holes for the encoder is not so hard too....I think I will make this soo tooo ---good Idea- thankz to share.

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It was made from one old plank I found.. so the sides are the same timber as the front.. maybe it's a lighting thing.

Possibly a grain thing, too.

Very nice box!

I only hope some of my wooden creations come out looking even half as good!!

Alas, I have stupid fingers, and tend to say "nearly... nearly... nearly... crap!!" a lot.

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Well, it's pretty much 99% finished, just gotta screw the front panel down..

in the end, I back lit the bottom buttons, and I can't believe how bitchin it looks... looks like lava! almost, like they are too hot to touch.

I ended up staying with the black, but in a month or so, I might still go with creme.

I also got the extra midi in's and out's working, and they rock.. takes care of all those pain in the arse Midi Omni things... arghhh..

The 8 Triggers are brilliant for Argeggios & Sequencers like 101's and Juno60's etc.. gold!




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How did you go about backlighting them?

As the buttons have a 5mm spacer behind them, I soldered about 6 x 5mm RED LED's aiming at them on an angle from behind..

I arranged them on a small piece of vero, and glued that to the switch pcb.. (If i thought ahead, I could have just soldered the LED's to the switch pcb, but I didn't think that far ahead.

I only lit them from one side, but I guess you could do both sides, but after trying one side, it didn't look like it needed anymore.

I powered them off a different tap on the transformer that powers the whole thing, just to leave the core alone. (But I'm pretty sure it could have powered another 12 LED's)



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