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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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In the last months I created many preliminary releases, it's time for a new official release: V4.082


From the ChangeLogs:

MIDIboxSEQ V4.080

   o SELECT+PASTE transfers the parameter layer, which was active during COPY, to
     the current parameter layer.
     If a drum track is selected, it's doing this for the trigger layer (and not
     for the parameter layer).

   o SELECT+CLEAR clears only the current parameter layer.
     If a drum track is selected, it's doing this for the trigger layer (and not
     for the parameter layer)

   o it's now possible to control the track steps with CCs.
     Each track has a dedicated CC which has to be configured in the
     MIDI->Ext.Ctrl page.

   o it's now possible to turn off the track clock by enabling the new "Manual"
     mode in the DIVIDER page. Once enabled, a step will only be played if:
     - manually triggered in the MANUAL page
     - set with the new CC based step control feature (MIDI->Ext.Ctrl page)

     Use cases:
     - predefined MIDI events, stored in the track layers, should be manually
       triggered (and not sequenced).
       E.g. in conjunction with a sampler, you could set each step to a note
       which "fires" a certain sample. In addition, you can fire CCs,
       Program Change, Aftertouch etc. from the MANUAL page.

     - the track should be controlled from an analog modulation source (e.g. a
       sawwave from a LFO). MIDIbox SEQ doesn't provide analog inputs, so that
       an external CV-to-MIDI interface is required.
       Note that this interface also has to scale the CC value over the desired
       step range. If the modulation source should sweep over step 1..16, then
       the CV-to-MIDI interface has to scale down the converted value to the
       CC value range 0..15!


MIDIboxSEQ V4.081

   o added USB MIDI workaround for Windows

   o fixed synchronisation issue in Song mode


MIDIboxSEQ V4.082

   o Options in LIVE page are now stored in session specific MBSEQ_C.V4 file

   o initial release for MBHP_CORE_STM32F4


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello TK, I am noticing some crashing in version 4.082


When the sequencer is playing and you switch Sessions I am consistently getting a crash. Midi hangs and the MB freezes. Switching back to v4.080_pre2 the crashing goes away. Please let me know if there is any info I can provide.





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Hi Luke,




I will check it this Thursday.

Probably it's related to the updated pattern change approach which solved the song sync issue: 

It seems that I overlooked a corner case.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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No problem TK. One other small thing I have noticed, and not related to this release. In the euclid generator for drums (and maybe notes too) I see strange behavior with the velocity levels for normal and accent. It seems that sometimes, perhaps the first time i try it will use the values, but after that it just seems to ignore them using the initial setting again. I can't quite figure out what it's doing yet. I have noticed it for sometime but am just now digging into what its doing.







Hi Luke,




I will check it this Thursday.

Probably it's related to the updated pattern change approach which solved the song sync issue: 

It seems that I overlooked a corner case.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I was able to fix this earlier :)


New release is available now:

MIDIboxSEQ V4.083

   o fixed potential hang-up during pattern change which was introduced with V4.081


I can't see the euclid generator issue, and need some more detailed informations to reproduce this at my side.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Confirmed Fixed! Thanks! I will see if i can write a better report for the velocity issue.


Thanks again,






I was able to fix this earlier :smile:


New release is available now:

MIDIboxSEQ V4.083

   o fixed potential hang-up during pattern change which was introduced with V4.081


I can't see the euclid generator issue, and need some more detailed informations to reproduce this at my side.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Record button to toggle?


A long time passed since my last request, but i still have my SEQ in regular use,

and have lots n lots of fun with it :smile:


Not sure if it is worth to ask for, but I notice that the record button does not behave like

I would expect it from most other equipment:

Saying that pushing the button a second time should deactivate the record function

(Just like the behavior of the all button)


If this is worth a change some time, would be nice, if not I would not mind.


Best Regards


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Always nice to read from satisfied users :)


Meanwhile I've changed the firmware so that a Record Toggle button would be possible (inherited from MBSEQ V4L)

I added this to the wishlist for MBSEQ V4


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Would it be possible to get a config param that would when in Force To Scale mode, show the actual note that the sequencer has been quantized to? I can see how this would be tricky and not the expected behavior in some situations. So an option would be nice, but I can see how this would be a lot of work.





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Would it be possible to get a config param that would when in Force To Scale mode, show the actual note that the sequencer has been quantized to? I can see how this would be tricky and not the expected behavior in some situations. So an option would be nice, but I can see how this would be a lot of work.


In this version the quantized value should be displayed at the lower line. The unquantized value is still visible at the upper right line.



This approach isn't an option, but always applied.

Could you please test this at your side?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The feature works great! Even better than what I was hoping for. Having the actual note value on screen as well as the quantized value is perfect. Even noticed it updating in real time as I was modulating the global scale via the internal bus.








In this version the quantized value should be displayed at the lower line. The unquantized value is still visible at the upper right line.



This approach isn't an option, but always applied.

Could you please test this at your side?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

I noticed that when using song/phrase mode for mutes that if you have individual drums or layers muted that they do not get unmuted when a song position unmutes an entire track. I can see the usefulness of both but in my case using song positions to reset a track its kind of cumbersome. Would it be possible to have a flag or another song position type to unmute all layers?





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I noticed that when using song/phrase mode for mutes that if you have individual drums or layers muted that they do not get unmuted when a song position unmutes an entire track. I can see the usefulness of both but in my case using song positions to reset a track its kind of cumbersome. Would it be possible to have a flag or another song position type to unmute all layers?


Ok, I will add a function which allows to disable all track and layer mutes



Something else I noticed is that the controls for VelN and VelA in the Euclidian generator do not seem to do anything. Normal and accented always get put in as their default values.


They are working at my side.

Could it be that you are using a special track configuration without velocity parameter layer?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I just tried with a track Drum (2*64/256) with Vel and Roll.


I get different level accents but they do not change when I adjust the levels of VelN and VelA then regenerate a pattern, only the original two values are used.


For example if you set VelN to 10 and VelA to 50, do you see the values get changed in the generated sequence? Mine just stays at the default of 100, 127.





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Ok, so this only doesn't work with drum tracks, but it works with common tracks, right?


Best Regards, Thorsten.


You are correct. I have yet to use it very much on normal tracks so I did not notice. Only an issue with the drum tracks.





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Hi Thorsten,


I did the upgrade of my Seq V4 to 0.83 yesterday, and noticed that the "Select ALL"-function behaves different - in fact, when in Step-Mode, Note-Layer, and I select ALL and turn an encoder _some_ steps change, but others dont; is this intended to be or a bug? did you add any other feature to the "ALL" button?


thanks & sorry, if this was explained earlier here - I read most of the thread, but didnt find an answer...


br, Mark 

Edited by mokkinger
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Hi Thorsten,


I did the upgrade of my Seq V4 to 0.83 yesterday, and noticed that the "Select ALL"-function behaves different - in fact, when in Step-Mode, Note-Layer, and I select ALL and turn an encoder _some_ steps change, but others dont; is this intended to be or a bug? did you add any other feature to the "ALL" button?


thanks & sorry, if this was explained earlier here - I read most of the thread, but didnt find an answer...


br, Mark 


Not sure how old your version was before update but the All button did change not too long ago. From the manual:

  • NEW since v4.074: if the ALL button is active (regardless if pushed or not), and the encoder of an unselected step is moved, the editor will generate a ramp between the selected step and the moved encoder.

    This feature has been borrowed from Sequentix Cirklon - thanks for the inspiration! :-)


Takes a minute to get used to but crazy powerful. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

V4.084 is now available for download: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html



MIDIboxSEQ V4.084

   o the STM32F4 variant of the firmware supports USB Host mode!
     See also 

   o If Force-to-Scale is enabled, the edit screen shows the forced keys at the lower line.
     The original value is still displayed at the upper right line.

   o Live Page: FTS (Force-To-Scale) not applied on drum tracks anymore

   o Options Page: added new option which enforces Force-To-Scale for
     BLM16x16+X Grid Edit mode

   o Euclid Generator Page: velocities are re-generated automatically whenever
     VelN or VelA value is changed

   o the optional RECORD button now toggles between RECORD and EDIT page (previously it
     only switched to the RECORD page)

   o Song page: new action "Unmute all" will unmute all tracks and parameter layers

   o Mixer: in the UTIL->Options page it's now possible to define if CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4
     should be sent after or before the Program Change event.

   o NRPN MSB=127 allows to modify parameters of the currently selected track

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I don't manage to get the arpeggiator to work. I have tried with a midi keyboard. I set the appropriate midi channel and port in the midi->transposer and arp. menu. Have tried port: all too. And I have set the mode of the track to arpeggiator. T/A split is off (tried on too) and in midi->misc->midi monitor I see incoming midi on the right port. The keyboard works fine for transposing. I must have missed some setting.

Also, how can i control arpeggiator via loopback? making a loopback track with chords sends only chords with root note unless i transpose them with the keyboard, right?

Another one, there are several bus ports, what are they for.

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