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sammichSID sale request


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Dear Thorsten,

is it okay for me to sell my sammichSID? I lack time using it and the money I've spent for it is needed elsewhere. Would be nice if you approve it. Do I have to ask Wilba and Nils, too? The price I'll ask for it will be the total costs for parts and customs duties.


Martin aka kris

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Hey guys,

thank you for your permission to sell. 2 forum members took interest in the sammichSID, so I'm going to sell it in the forum. Will tell you who's the lucky one, Wilba.

But a final question before selling it, because it might be a problem. sammichSID is working fine and playing sounds, but the voltage is not really within the parameters. My voltage meter says 8.5V for 9V and 9.85V for 12V. I'm using the power supply from Reichelt, suggested in this post:

Any ideas what that could be? Checked the board several times for soldering mistakes but couldn't find any. And as the sammichSID was working, it was fine to me. Any suggestions?

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Yeah, that power supply is regulated, so test the voltage of the power supply at the plug, when set to 12V it should measure exactly 12V.

@ilmenator: voltage meter is fine, it's brand new and has an official TÃœV seal.

@Wilba: mhh, it says: 11.6V instead of 12V. What I was wondering: does damage occur because of the low voltage? Because everything runs fine, I don't experience any problems with the sound. So for me it's a working sammichSID with just a low voltage output.

Edited by krisschneider
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Your meter is probably wrong. It seems to be a constant 0.4V-0.5V less than expected. Try changing the battery. In my experience, regulated voltage should be less than +/- 0.05V different.

I don't think damage can occur with low voltage for THIS PCB anyway... There are probably other situations where an underpowered circuit might be damaged, perhaps if the external inputs were higher voltage than the internal voltage.

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Your meter is probably wrong. It seems to be a constant 0.4V-0.5V less than expected. Try changing the battery. In my experience, regulated voltage should be less than +/- 0.05V different.

I don't think damage can occur with low voltage for THIS PCB anyway... There are probably other situations where an underpowered circuit might be damaged, perhaps if the external inputs were higher voltage than the internal voltage.

So I changed the battery with a new quality one and the voltage dropped to 11.3V - lol - whatever, sammichSID is working, that's all that matters.

Maybe I'll get a different meter someday to put clarity into that matter. Thanks Wilba for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...


is anyone else wanting to sell a completed sammichSID? i am both impatient and toooootally incapable of putting one together (planning on paying someone to do it once i get a kit and chips). i don't know how kosher it is to ask but i'm certainly willing to go through all the necessary formalities with wilba et al.

just throwing it out there. thanks!

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i am both impatient and toooootally incapable of putting one together

That is a problem, because then you won't be able to repair it, if necessary.

The sammich is properly developed and reliable, but it's meant for DIY and therefore requires DIY-skills in the long run.

(planning on paying someone to do it once i get a kit and chips)

Not kosher at all, IMHO.

Building that thing is part of the experience!

And it isn't that hard, especially with this community.

Just DIY, it's totallly worth it!

Edited by Imp
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is anyone else wanting to sell a completed sammich sid? i am both impatient and toooootally incapable of putting one together (planning on paying someone to do it once i get a kit and chips). i don't know how kosher it is to ask but i'm certainly willing to go through all the necessary formalities with wilba et al.

just throwing it out there. thanks!

NO sammichSID FOR YOU!


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NO sammichSID FOR YOU!


lol, now you have to solder the MB6582, hexagonsun :-D but after you managed to do one solid solder joint, the assembly of a sammichSID is fairly easy. and i guess, with all the documentation out here, a MB6582 is really not that hard to build (well, just guessing). btw nobody "wants" to sell his stuff. sometimes you are forced to do so. i miss my sammichSID already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had absolutely no skills either but I managed to complete an MB-6582 (with patience and some kind help from the forum folks). Any skill required for this project is learnable. The Sammich is dramatically simpler from what I understand (haven't started on mine yet). You can do it, and it's very rewarding. It's not just an instrument but also an accomplishment. Good luck :clover:

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Ah, so you're from the same country as Wilba :whistle:

Lol.. i hear that all the time.. and some months ago my x0xb0x kit actually was shipped to Australia.. i received it after it went around the globe.. The package looked like some kangaroos where jumping on it..

i haz no kangarooz i haz cowz !!!

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