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MB-6582 almost finished, starting to get nervous..


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Hello guys.

I am about to finish the Base PCB Board, the Control Surface Board is finished only LEDs havent arrived yet.

I got the beige PSU.. I read that those are not the best to use, but its the only one i found so far :(

anyone got a picture of the "black vented ones" i cant seem to find one.

My Psu looks like this


I havent really found out how to "program" the MB-6582 ? Is there an external sequencer needed ? Maybe i just didnt read the manual good enough maybe someone got the link to the part where it is discussed.

Thanks for your help

Greets from Tyrol/Austria

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I havent really found out how to "program" the MB-6582 ?

What do you mean by programming? Uploading the firmware? If so, you need a copy of MIOS Studio 2, the .hex file from ucapps.de and then just follow the instructions on the WIKI to upload the firmware.

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Ok i understand. I dont like to use a PC for sending Midi data. My Korg EMX-1 can only handle 5 Midi Ports and is only monophonic. Which devices do you use ? Or which ones can you recommend for someone who just hates PC Music Making.

Anyone got an Idea on the PSU Question ?



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I use FLStudio ( I don't care if its got no street cred ) when recording, but most sequencers and keyboards that can transmit MIDI work just fine. I don't store ensembles or sequences in the unit, but that option is available as well.

Like Wilba said, if you purchased PICs preloaded with a bootloader like the ones from AviShowTech (SmashTV) then you can load the HEX right from MIOS Studio. It takes about 2 minutes to load the HEX and format the banksticks. Then you're off to rolling you're own tunes.

I hear what you're saying about being nervous. When I completed mine, I waited a month before I actually turned it on to test the voltages. I was so worried that I put something in backwards or in the wrong spot, that I didn't want to be disappointed. Everything turned out great though. Wilba created an excellent SID setup and its amazing to play with.

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Just got the 7 Pin DIN Socket... So i will solder that baby in, double check everything, and then measure the voltages.

I think the LEDs will be out a little longer, but more time to make sure the Base Board is alright.

Or maybe i will wait till next week to measure it all out...... or next month, my goal was to finish it till 24. December.. so i will take my time :clover:


PS: i just saw that i ordered 100k instead of 500k Feedback Pots.. Do i have to throw them in the trash or can i use them anyway ? What will i miss when i use 100k?

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PS: i just saw that i ordered 100k instead of 500k Feedback Pots.. Do i have to throw them in the trash or can i use them anyway ? What will i miss when i use 100k?

100k pots work fine for me. look at the photo tutorial for correct soldering tips, it took me some time to figure it out for three pins, don´t ask why, temporal iq drain

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Aaaah.. now i remember why i actually ordered 100k's.. because i read it in your thread :thumbsup:

Soldering is one of the things i really think will be the smallest problem :)

I got my Flat top leds today.. They really go in pretty hard, i guess i will have a hard time aligning those to my panel. But first of i gotta sand every single led because i want to have diffuse uv leds. they are not so cruel to look at like purple or blue, but still look fancy.

I just double checked the pins on the Base Board, looking pretty good, as far as i can tell, will clean the whole thing tomorrow before i start Voltage measurements.

Hopefully the Heatsinks come soon. I am cooling every Sid chip, also adding a 40mm fan and vents. I want to go a 100% sure, like i did with the x0xb0x. You cant cool it too much ;)

So i can use the 100k's.. well thats good news, so i can solder some stuff tomorrow. I feel so incomplete without the solder vapours :nuke: :D

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Ooooh my god :(

I had such a good run.. i sanded all 113 LEDs.. redid all the holes on the panel, soldered all the LEDs, Feedback Pots, measured the voltages, everything fine! Soldered the Control to the Base board, gave it a spin..

When i turn it on, the LCD is lightning up but doesnt display anything.

Also no LED is lightning up i dont know if this is normal (havent uploaded MB SID via Sysex yet)

I got one PIC inserted and one SID.

LCD is this one: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170440870233

I checked the pins they should be alright.

What can be wrong.. i am totally down at the moment, everything went so good.. now this..


Please help


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* Check the lcd contrast poti on the baseboard,

* jumper midi output on baseboard to pic 1

* start mios studio 2

* upload mbsid

in the best case everything (including leds) works afterwards.

If something does not work, you can use the librarian java program to get first sounds out of the baseboard (without cs attached)

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Hey hawkeye.. i just foundout myself.. Damn you Trimpot !!!!.. :frantics:

I already thought this is the End of my life..

Thanks for answering that fast..

Here are some pics..


Only Knobs and some small pieces missing.. :heart: :D

I made a quick wire up to test if the SIDs are working, sounds good as far as i can tell.

When planning the construction and choosing the colours i was thinking the "day of the tentacle" colour combo would not look that good, but i am pretty happy with the result :laugh:

PS: Following LEDs arent Working:

OSC2 Pulse Width Nr. 7

OSC3 Pulse Width Nr. 3


Left Channel LED

As far as i measured them i can say they are gone, 4 wrecked ones out of 113 is ok, i guess thats normal loss.

All the Encoders and Buttons work, except the EXT IN Button ?! Why is that ?!

Some LEDs are not as bright as the others, what could be the problem here ?

Are there more patches available other than the v2 vintage bank ?

Any help is greatly appreciated..


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For the LEDs that don't work: have you tested them individually? Use a 5V source (for example, the spot on the main board where you plug int he power LED) and test them manually by connecting ground to the "flat side" lead of the LED and 5V tot he other lead.

I make a 2-wire connector that is a connector on one end, and just loose wires on the other end.

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For the LEDs that don't work: have you tested them individually? Use a 5V source (for example, the spot on the main board where you plug int he power LED) and test them manually by connecting ground to the "flat side" lead of the LED and 5V tot he other lead.

I make a 2-wire connector that is a connector on one end, and just loose wires on the other end.

Hey Pingosimon.. I already know that the LEDs are broken, i used my multimeters Diode Testing feature. Thanks for the reply.

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Thanks for the kind words, without your tutorial i think i would have messed up some parts, so thanks to you that everything went so good, and thanks to the community that is so supporting no matter what !!!

On the gameboy there is LSDJ with a LSDJMC Midi Controller. Also Pitch Mod and Prosound Mod fully stuffed the DMG ;)

I am using the gameboy mainly for psychedelic psytrance melodies that are in the background with some little effects. An pretty old live improvisation is on youtube:

PS: Just bought this sticker.. i wonder how it would look on my MB-6582 ?


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I jammed a little with the MB-6582.. i dont really get how the Matrix works ? When i press lets say OSC3 Pitch on 4 it switches to SID Engine 4 (which isnt installed yet). Is it normal or have i got a short on the matrix anywhere ? where in the manual is the function of the matrix described ? Or lets say i press Nr 2 at the 03 Pitch Row.. it changes from Matrix to Meter Mode ?!?!?! something must be wrong ?!

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you can check the proper wiring of the matrix buttons by just pressing any horizontal matrix button (pitch, pulse width, filter, volume) -> a horizontal line should appear and by pressing any vertical button (modulation sources 1-8) -> a vertical line should appear. It should only switch to meter mode and back when you press the "mode" button left to the matrix. I would suggest taking it apart one more time and looking for accidential solder bridges, first visually, then tracing with a beeper. TK´s fine mbsid v2 handbook on ucapps.de should contain examples for using the matrix.

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Thanks, dont forget about the x0xb0x and the gameboy.. which makes the setup complete :sorcerer:


I looked through the manual i dont see an exact explanation how it should work.

The buttons themself work.. when i press a button on the X axis the row lights up, same for Y axis... but when i combine X and Y Axis it also works but does weird things like changing SID Engine from 1 to 4... or Changing from Matrix to Meter mode.

How can that possibly be ? i checked the connections all look fine :wacko:

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The "modulation matrix" chapter for the lead engine describes how each of the eight modulation paths can be configured (e.g. by multiplying two lfos).

After you have a mod path set up, you can assign that path (which basically describes a modulation "waveform" over time) to pitch and pulse width of the three SID voices for each sid pair and filter and volume for each sid pair.

Example: when a LED is lit in column 1 (Mod 1) and row 1 (Pitch of Voice 1) it basically says that the pitches of voice 1 of the stereo sid pair are modulated over time by the modulation path 1 which you have configured.

Regarding the strange button behaviour, a greater mind is required to answer that question :-)

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