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Ju Control (JuCtrl)


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By accident I got a Roland Alpha Juno.

The Juno1 User CS is very minimalistic (80s Style).

So I started the MIDIBox Juno Control (JuCtrl) Project.


MIDIBox Ju Control @ the dokuwiki:



Any other Juno User around here?



Edited by lemonhorse
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Great project!

I used to have one borrowed for a number of years, but the original owner wanted it back... it's a really nice sounding synth.

Btw, would you mind uploading the PDF to the wiki that you link to from the wiki page? <broken record>Offsite docu bad</broken record>

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I have an MKS-50 and have been dithering whether to build a dedicated cs, or to use iControMIDI and an iPad. That would support several machines I have and some of my friends synths, but a real CS is fun...

Choices choices. But, it's a great project nonetheless! Also, it looks like it won't cost a lot.

This will be interesting for sure.

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Project Status @ 03.11.2011


|| --- Project Start! :-)

|| --- 100% Ju Control MBHP HW          

|| --- 100% [Ju Control CS(POTs, BTNs/LEDs)]--->[CC / SYSEX  MIDI OUT (INDIVIDUAL TONE PARAMETER (IPR MODE))]--->[Juno]  

|| --- 100% Note On/Off ---MIDI IN --->[Ju Control]---> Note On/Off --->MIDI OUT---> [Juno]

|| --- 0% Program Change (Sound Patch) via CS ENC 

|| --- 0% CC MIDI IN --->[Ju Control: MIDI CC to SYSEX Conversation] --->MIDI OUT--->[Juno]

|| --- 0% "Tone" (Sound Patch) Upload [via Sysex (All PARAMETER (APR MODE)] 

|| --- 0% "Tone" (Sound Patch) Download [via Sysex (All PARAMETER (APR MODE)] 

|| --- 0% "Tone" (Sound Patch) Handling (Bankstick) [a lot to do...]  



Edited by lemonhorse
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  • 4 weeks later...

arf, so sad you don't do C. It is so easy to understand, and so portable.

I will, of course, implement a control surface, based on PG 300 design, with faders (e.g L1 L2 L3 L4), knobs (e.g T1 T2 T3 T4) buttons (e.g OSC waveform) and LEDs :) EDIT : i moved to iPad TouchOSC and a custom Arduino translator to get dynamic patch view

An original edit buffer will retain the original value and the modified one of each parameter and print it on a LCD Display. I already have that on my Matrix 1000 controller (C Code !)

A stuff very useful is to send double control messages : control change to the DAW in order to record & edit curves, and sysex to the synth. That's why i coded the translator on the 106. --> EDIT : true and false, MIOS32 is faster than the Juno and CC curves from Logic make hear stepper ladder artifacts :$

Edited by julienvoirin
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I will, of course, implement a control surface, based on PG 300 design, with faders (e.g L1 L2 L3 L4), knobs (e.g T1 T2 T3 T4) buttons (e.g OSC waveform) and LEDs

Nice! And You got a lot of CPU-Power/Resources @ MIOS32!

I just love to do some (spare time) asm-coding. But You're right - as far I got the Time - I got to explore the MIOS32 world.

And of course I will keep an eye on Your Roland Juno 106 and Alpha Juno 2 Sysex Translator Project!


Edited by lemonhorse
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well, i learned C code by reading the sources of other members on the forum and TK tutorials. I do not know ASM and find it to hard to understand without some courses :/

that project doesn't require power/ressource as it is rather basic and MIOS is very well conceived. If i use MIOS32, it is because i got a spare STM32 and need 2 midi in/out.

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  • 1 month later...

yep. very good idea. aIalso though to very minimalistic schem on vero board : pics and crystals only. supply , octocoupler taken directly on the juno, the whole stuff being inside the Juno 106.

my project is on standby as i am currently focusing on OSC, Midi and Arduino. The idea is to use the iPad as a CS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The IIC MIDI module (Juno MIDI I/O port) is up and running.

Because of the Juno Patch Load/Store functionality I will exchange all POTs.

The MIDIbox Ju Ctrl will be stuffed with ENCs instead.

Any recommendations for ENCs and Control-knobs? (found no good knobs yet...)

Edited by lemonhorse
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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone!

I'm new to this forum, but I am interested in building something very similar to the Ju Control for an Alpha Juno 2 which I have on the way. My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to build a controller similar to this but I have a preference for faders and pots instead of the encoders used on the JuCtrl.


I understand this is a somewhat naive question, but would it be much trouble to modify the existing JuCtrl code to use analog inputs rather than the ones currently using rotary encoder inputs? I am pretty confident in working with DIY hardware but the software end of things is new to me.

I would also be making a much more compact control surface and probably design a front panel for my design via FPD or for laser cutting.

Any tips are appreciated, and I'm happy to finally have a specific project to perhaps use MIDIbox for after lurking the forums over the past few years. :santa:

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Hi Joshua!

Welcome tho the MIDIbox Forum (1 posts)!  :-)


I would not advise You to use analog inputs (pots) instead of encoders - think of the patch workflow/handling (the JuCtrl is able to backup, load and send all Juno Alpha patches - from the Bankstick to the CS - from CS to the Juno Alpha - the Juno Alpha sends immediately the patch data to the CS via MIDI-Sysex, if You switch to another patch). Pots are not really made for this kind of dataflow/handling.

Edited by lemonhorse
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Welcome on board! :)


If pots and faders are still desired, it's probably better to work on a different control surface which uses dedicated control elements (pots/faders/buttons/LEDs) for each parameter.

Today such a controller would be created with MIDIbox NG: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng.html


The MIOS32 platform isn't much more expensive than the old PIC based platform, but easier to use and especially more flexible.


How would your ideal control surface look like? We could help you to create the appr. .NGC setup


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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@lemonhorse, @TK.


Thanks for the welcome! I've heard good things about the MIDIbox and the MB community from some of the folks at the Mutable Instruments forum, and thanks for responding so quickly.


Something along the lines of

are what I originally had in mind, though more compact. I understand the merits of encoders for many reasons, but I do have a preference for faders for envelopes. In researching on this forum I've come across the prior group buys for LED ringed encoder PCBs and that would definitely lean me more in favor of encoders but I presume also adds some complexity.


Anyway, since I'm new to MIDIbox, I would be perfectly happy to have a controller which is functionally a PG-300 clone with some UI tweaks. Faders for EG and some other controls like the original, pots for others, and single buttons to scroll through discrete settings such as waveform shape, sub osc level, chorus on/off, respectively...If I could also work in CC to SysEx translation to be able to sequence certain settings or control them with other controllers, that'd be great, but isn't critical. By my count, it would be 24 pots or encoders and 12 'select' buttons which would scroll through 2-6 options, depending on the parameter.


If it makes more sense to split this topic off if it becomes a separate conversation from lemonhorse's JuCtrl, I totally understand! If the MIOS platform is easier to learn, since I don't have much programming experience, that would be enough of a benefit for me that I'd likely opt for it, though practically speaking I'm trying to accomplish a similar goal to JuCtrl. In my case, though, if I had to choose I want compact-ness as much as anything and don't necessarily need patch saving or LCD display as part of the controller if it will save me space and complexity.


Thanks again!

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