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Track Position Display 8x16 Duo LED latest?


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Guys, I'm interested in building this box. Is this project in a closed testing phase right now? How will those of us that want to build it be able to get printed boards or the board files in the future?


Take a look and put your name on the list. If it is long enough (=enough interest) I'll order another batch of boards.


This is not a box but an extension for the SEQv4. Read all about it in the Wiki.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got the TPD built. Cool little project. How do I enable the encoder (fast) functionality and the buttons? I suspect that I need to edit the /hwcfg/wilba_tpd/mbseq_hw.v4 file. I'm not sure how to identify the SR and Pin numbers for these buttons. It looks like if you know these numbers you can assign the buttons to a variety of functions. How are people using these buttons?

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I figured out the assignments by noting that the TPD encoder was assigned to SR 7 Pin 0 in the config file. I assumed that the TPD buttons were also assigned to SR 7. So I assigned SR 7 pins 1-7 to a bunch of buttons and loaded the updated config in my mbseq. Then I simply pushed the TPD buttons and recorded how the software interpreted the actions. There's probably a more elegant way to determine these assignments than the brute force method I used.


Here are the assignments (I'm using Wilba's frontpanel):


TPD Encoder button: SR 7 Pin 2

Button1: SR 7 Pin 4

Button2: SR 7 Pin 5

Button3: SR 7 Pin 6

Button4: SR 7 Pin 7

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Great to hear that you figured it out - and sorry, I was away and couldn't guide you through this.


I assume that your TPD module is connected directly to Wilba's frontpanel - would you care to share your config file so I can upload it to the Wiki? Then we have the two most popular use cases covered, one with the TPD connected directly to Wilba's board, and one with a 16x4 BLM in between. (I just realized that the file in the Wiki does not contain the correct settings - my bad.)

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hi, its SR 11 for led's with wilba's pcb. which is red or green and which button it's for i fumbled about with for ages. mine are too bright and i haven't changed my resistors yet so they're not in use. checking my .v4 file i had used pin 3 & 7 at some point.. my sd card does not work in file browse mode every time in x64 so i lost some configs.

Edited by SMIDIRIN
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Okay, thanks for the help guys. I'm very close to finishing this configuration. The LED assignments for the TPD (using Wilba's frontpanel):


LED1 = SR11 Pin 3

LED2 = SR11 Pin 2

LED3 = SR11 Pin 1

LED4 = SR11 Pin 4


The problem I'm encountering now is getting the behavior of the LED's to match the associated button function. For example, button1 is assigned to BUTTON_MUTE_ALL_TRACKS. Next, I assigned LED_MUTE_ALL_TRACKS to LED1. When I activate button1, the LED1 doesn't light. I must be missing something in the configuration. ??


I assigned button3 to BUTTON_TAP_TEMPO and LED3 to LED_TAP_TEMPO. That button/LED config seems to work just fine. The LED3 lights each time I tap button3.

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Unless I messed up something, that assignment doesn't look right to me. It should rather be something like this:
Pin 0 = IC's physical pin 15 = LED I green
Pin 1 = IC's physical pin 1 = LED II green
Pin 2 = IC's physical pin 2 = LED III green
Pin 3 = IC's physical pin 3 = LED IV green
Pin 4 = IC's physical pin 4 = LED I red
Pin 5 = IC's physical pin 5 = LED II red
Pin 6 = IC's physical pin 6 = LED III red
Pin 7 = IC's physical pin 7 = LED IV red

This is documented in the schematic.




Pin 0 = LED IV red
Pin 1 = LED III red
Pin 2 = LED II red
Pin 3 = LED I red
Pin 4 = LED IV green
Pin 5 = LED III green
Pin 6 = LED II green
Pin 7 = LED I green

Reason for mistake: I counted the physical pins on the SR the wrong way round - funtionality is not affected by this, obviously.

Edited by ilmenator
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My tests definitely do not match the specs. I re-ran my test configurations tonight


I assigned BUTTON_TAP_TEMPO to button3 (SR7 Pin 6). Next, I assigned LED_TAP_TEMPO to a variety of SR/Pin values. Here's what I saw when activating button3:


LED 1 (red): SR 11 Pin 3

LED 2 (red): SR 11 Pin 2

LED 3 (red): SR 11 Pin 1

LED 4 (red): SR 11 Pin 4


LED 3 (green): SR 11 Pin 5

LED 2 (green): SR 11 Pin 6

LED 1 (green): SR 11 Pin 7


Note: I have a hard time telling the difference between red/green LED's, so it's possible I recorded one or more of these test results incorrectly. I didn't see any LED's light when set LED_TAP_TEMPO to SR11 Pin 15. 


I traced all of the connections from the U9 pins to all of the LED's. I also traced all of the remaining connections between U9 and other connecting points. All the connections for U9 tested okay.

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You are right, I can confirm your results - it seems like my numbering of physical pins is wrong in the schematic (compared to the official MIDIbox way of counting pins). However, this shouldn't affect functionality at all.

There is only a color mismatch for LED 4 (you say it's red whereas it is most probably green).

Pin 0 = LED IV red

Pin 1 = LED III red

Pin 2 = LED II red

Pin 3 = LED I red

Pin 4 = LED IV green

Pin 5 = LED III green

Pin 6 = LED II green

Pin 7 = LED I green

You should get LED 4 to light up in red if you assign Pin 0 to LED_TAP_TEMPO - if not, there seems to be a problem with the hardware.

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Yes, I can confirm LED4 lights red when Pin 0 is assigned to LED_TAP_TEMPO. We are both seeing the same results. Thanks for your help sorting this out.


I can get the LED's to behave property when assigned to LED_TAP_TEMPO, but not LED_MUTE_ALL_TRACKS or LED_UNMUTE_ALL_TRACKS. For example, I assigned button1 (SR7 Pin 4) to BUTTON_MUTE_ALL_TRACKS and LED1 (SR11 Pin 7) to LED_MUTE_ALL_TRACKS. When I push button1 the sequencer responds by muting all tracks and displaying a notification on the lcd. However, LED1 does not light as expected to show that this feature is turned on. I'm guessing this is either a software configuration issue (something else is required in the config file to enable this behavior) or it represents a software fault.

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If I assign LED_MUTE_ALL_TRACKS to one of the LEDs on Wilba's panel, the LED does not light properly when the assigned button is pushed. I tested several other functions with the TPD LEDs and all of them worked. It's pretty clear to me that this is a software issue. Specifically, the two MUTE/UNMUTE ALL functions are not controlling LEDs properly.


One interesting note is that when the LED_UNMUTE_ALL_TRACKS is assigned to an LED, the LED is lit when the sequencer is turned on. This makes sense because none of the tracks in my current working sequence are muted. However, if I mute one or all tracks the UNMUTE_ALL_TRACKS LED stays lit. 


Here are the states I would expect to see for the LEDs:


No tracks muted: UNMUTE_ALL_TRACKS (on), MUTE_ALL_TRACKS (off)

One or more tracks muted: UNMUTE_ALL_TRACKS(off), MUTE_ALL_TRACKS (off)

All tracks muted: UNMUTE_ALL_TRACKS(off), MUTE_ALL_TRACKS (on)


I've attached my hardware configuration using Wilba's panel and the TPD with the following assignments:





SW4/LED4: (empty)

Encoder button: FAST


Edited by jbdiver
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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's 2 crappy pics from my tablet of tpd using futurlec 7seg digits and green/orange duoled's. Although maybe impossible to see i had to klugde my encoder to work in the correct direction. Last time i cut pcb tracks, this time i just used wires to connect the opposite sides of the encoder.



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  • 9 months later...

I have a little question about the TPD, i have mine waiting to be used,


I want to build a 16x16 BLM, is it compatible with the TPD, (i mean could i connect a TPD, and a 16X16 BLM to a wilba SEQV4 Panel ?


Because my SEQV4, TPB and BLM will be in separate boxes, i will have to connect them together. how it works ?


I have a MIDI IICX4 which provide the BLM port.


SEQ4 J2 to TPD J1

TPD J2 to ??? (i think on your config you use this one the connect to the BLM 16x4)


In my case, i let it free, and use my ''normal BLM port ?


No problem of too much scanned-at-a-time values ?

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The communication channel to a BLM16x16+X is MIDI based.
The communication channel to a TPD is SPI (SRIO) based.
They can't be combined together.

You can only connect a BLM16x16+X to the MIDI based BLM port and no other devices.

The TPD has to be connected to the SRIO chain at J8/J9.
If you are using Wilba's Frontpanel, then directly connect the TPD to J2 of the frontpanel.
If the TPD is not in the same device like the frontplanel, consider to use the MBHP_LINE_DRIVER PCBs.
See also: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_line_driver.html
This picture shows the wiring for a similar purpose:
Just replace the DOUTX4 module below by a TPD and you know what I mean ;-)

I've already tested this combination of modules, communication with the TPD is working stable over long distances.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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