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So, I've been prowling around these forums for many months and considering a MIDIBox build for even longer.


I recently came into (too many) great synths/samplers and I'm dying for a hardware sequencer that can handle them (Mutable Anushri, Ambika, Ensoniq Fizmo, SP1200 with HxC, etc.).  The sequencers on my Elektron boxes just don't cut it for multi sequencing.


So, here I am.  I put my name on the list.  I'm hoping it doesn't take TOO long, but anything great is worth waiting for!



On another note:  I have a ton of SID chips laying around (stripped some C64s), and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on the MB or any other builds I could get into with my chips (such as, difficulty of the build of the MB vs the Sammich, difficulty of acquiring parts, etc.)  Also, any advice on the feasability of building one of those Bassline SIDs I see the vid of on youtube would be appreciated (I'd rob a bank if the vault contained one of those!).



Thanks in advance, MIDIBoxers. 

Edited by RyanFizmo
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Welcome aboard, Ryan!  :flowers:


What list exactly did you put your name on?


Regarding the SIDs - the sammich is obviously the easiest to build (that was the whole point of it) and comes in full-kit form, so it's also the easiest to acquire. The mb6582 is a more complex beast, but you can still get the parts from SmashTV. The most difficult and potentially most gratifying route is full on DIY from modules (which are available from SmashTV as well). It boils down to a matter of experience and taste really.

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Well I emailed Smash TV about getting on the list (I can't seem to log into or make an account with the WIKI).  Hopefully that works.  If not I'll just cry myself to sleep every night until a magical genie delivers me a kit.




HI.  I just ordered a Shruthi and the Polivoks filterboard.  I'll have the Mutable Trinity soon! 

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What am I doing with them?  Bankrupting myself, basically!


Sadly, I mostly make hip-hop beats as of late (working with a talented young rapper as a little side project).  So it's a lot of sampling on  Octatrack and Machinedrum/Jomox stuff for me recently.  I also did this for fun (Tosca had a remix contest on some web site.  Never heard of the artist or the song, but someone proposed an Octatrack-only remix contest so I grabbed the stems and spent about 90 minutes mangling and arranging them.  Note:  I have yet to hear the original song.  I've heard other remixes, and mine is clearly from someone who was not previously aware of the existance of the source material =)



If I spent more time with it it could become something I like, but for now it serves to prove that I'm not just some insane collector who doesn't actually make music =).  While playing it with a keyboard is a blast, I'm learning how to sequence my Ambika on the OT, and it's slow going for now (as is every new thing you want to learn how to do on the OT), and the Fizmo is in the mail and the SP1200 is hypothetical (I could trade a repair of the guy's Polysix and my Analog 4 + some cash for the SP, but I need to make sure I'm not just getting the SP for the novelty of it).  He also offered to give me his DX7 that needs servicing, which I could fix up and sell for $400, so it might be worth it.  He makes music for crap reality shows  (I live in Los Angeles), and offered to show my music to his people and possibly get some freelance work doing stuff like that.....


Recently (through the magic of turning down someone's trade offer for a Nord Modular Rack on CL), I was invited to join a duo going for what is being described to me as "Ghost-era Nine Inch Nails meets A Place to Bury Strangers".  They have a lockout (They= a Singer and a gearslut guitarist with an ebbe un flutt and tons of metasonix stuff) and need a synth/drum machine guy who likes to toil in darkness (which is me).


Have I mentioned I went to Law School?  That education is really coming in handy!  My part-time work with 3 startup companies is looking more and more like a smokescreen I'm using to convince myself I'm not spending ever waking moment thinking about music.


So the demos will come-  but I'm not Bethoven (or the guy from Yes!) !  I need a great hardware sequencer if I'm ever going to get up in front of a crowd and use multiple synths (I'd kill my inner music snob self if I got on a stage with a computer!).


I emailed the contact link on Smash TV and requested an add to the list using my forum name on here.  That seemed like the wrong way to go about it, it was just a shot in the dark.


nILS, how should I properly cement myself on the list?

Edited by RyanFizmo
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Hello all, I am new here to the forum as well, as to posting, but spent reading and studying projects for months now and have the same desire as RyanFizmo: 1 SEQ CS PCB (SeqV4 front panel PCB)

I could etch one for myself, but would prefer to spend that time better...


Yes, I also saw that list, it was even "updated" end of july this year by smashTV., couldn´t login with same credentials from midibox.org,


So if anyone has any idea where or how to get a front panel PCB for the Seq V4 please help.

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Last I spoke to Smash about this (several weeks back on the forum), he stated that he still was using that list as a tally of who wants how boards (and kits also) and you should contact him and HE will put you on that list if you cant get registered at the wiki.  Chat is where to find him easiest..

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