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Metronome audio out on STM32F4DISCOVERY?


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It came to me if there could be a metronome beeping out from audio output featured on STM32F4DISCOVERY?


Setting two different beep frequencies and maybe length of the beep somewhere in the config or via bootloader but even predefined values would be perfect. Something like good old Atari ST Cubase.


My MBSeq is not even finished but I was already scratching my head about how do I go with MIDI metronome. I'm not exactly thrilled by sacrificing one MIDI channel/voice, I would rather spend one audio channel on the mixer if I could choose. But of course I'll live happily wit MIDI metronome ;-)


How do you guys run your metronome on MBSeq? Drum hits? Beeps? Something else?

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You could start with drums first, then you have a beat to synchronize your synth recordings to.

If you want to start with synths first, then you probably have a free drum midi channel and use the metronome to drive e.g. a short hihat.


Many greets!


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From the STM32 core page on ucapps:

"Pin mapping suboptimal in some cases. E.g., the outputs of the integrated DAC (not the on-board Audio-DAC) overlay SPI1 pins. However, one DAC channel has been freed up with the small drawback that SPI1 can't be used in slave mode.

The IO pins of the SDIO peripheral (high speed SD Card access) conflicts with the on-board Audio DAC, so that it can't be used."

Is the SD card continuously scanned? If not, perhaps the audio DAC could be used when the SD card isn't reading or writing. I thought I remembered TK suggesting a SEQ V5 with audio output was under development.

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It's not the first time somebody requests this.

Using the on-board Audio DAC is feasible, it will cost a bit performance of the application, but as long as it only outputs a beep it should be ok.


I added this to the wish list for V4 Plus


No, I don't plan to spend too much effort on this topic - beeping ok, playing samples not ok.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 4 years later...

Hi Guys,  an metronome on the audio out will be great really. 

Instead of the beep sound I would prefer the pulse / clicks. When I am drumming these are the only ones that I can hear properly.

Anyhow only beeps would also be fine. The online metronome below also has a good sound. Some hybride pulse/beep. 

Additionally triplets, dotted triplets will be very welcome 

Actually not sure if its dotted but it can be found here: https://www.imusic-school.com/en/tools/online-metronome/

The button next to triplets,

It is very useful when playing swing. 






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