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24 channel scribble strip with Oleds


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Hello people,

I have a tascam DM4800 with 24 channel faders which can control my DAW. The only thing that is missing is some displays, i've been following this forum for some years now, but never actually made something. My idea is to make display under the faders with ssd1306 oleds 64x48 px. I have seen a project here before with a tascam US-2400 and LCD's but i want dedicated Oleds per channel. The idea is having banks of 8 displays and then virtually merge the mackie control from the tascam with the mackie control of a Midibox like in the other project.

Question 1: Are the 64x48 pixel oleds ssd1306 supported? I think so, just amend the code to this:

set lcd_type GLCD_SSD1306
set lcd_num_x 1
set lcd_num_y 1
set lcd_width 64
set lcd_height 48

Question 2: What hardware should i use? the STM32 or LPC?

Question 3: Is this more difficult than i imagine? I have basic soldering and basic programming skills

So in short: 1 core with 24 oleds in 3 banks of 8 oleds responding to 3 different midi outs in order to virtually merge them to the 3 midi channels of my tascam 4800 with midiox and midi yoke.

Cheers and thanks a lot!


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my latest informations are:



we rely on  4-wire connection, not just I2C. What you want is one of the boards with 16 pins. Those with fewer pins are strapped to use I2C or 2-wire SPI mode and they won't work.

Something like this will work http://www.aliexpress.com/item/3-3V-0-96-OLED-Display-module-Arduino-compatible-128-64-Yellow-Blue-Color-SSD1306-Free/1205940125.html


Edited by Phatline
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That is correct, the displays need 4-wire serial protocol (SPI) support, on ebay some are sold as I2C only, or the SPI pins are not available for (easy) soldering.

Driving 24 displays is somewhat demanding:

a) you need a separate 3V3 regulator

b) if the signal wires are too long, you might need to buffer the serial communications to avoid display garbage

Recommendation: use the new STM32F4 core!

Here is a project, that also uses 24  of these displays in a MBNG environment. So to conclude, it works, and you can do it! The 128x64px displays are also really tiny, you could use these, too and have higher resolution - they look awesome! :-)

Many greets and enjoy building! :-)


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OK Clear, i thought i read somewhere you need the 7-pin screen, this one has 7-pins and says it is SPI, pins are : CS, DC, RES, D1, D0, VCC and GND.

The problem i have with the 128x64, they are around 27,5mm wide including pcb breakout. My faders on the Tascam are 25 mm, so the spacing is not enough. Moving to the 64x48 they are less than 20mm wide.

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Latigid on: up to eight from the Core J15A, four more from J28 (as you said) and up to 7x8 more from DOUT-equivalent modules connected to J28 - see these links:



and the SSD1306 section of this page:



Henkmeid: 7 pins are all that is needed, if you are positive, that these match with SDA, SCLK, RESET, CS, DC, GND and VCC, you are good to go. Maybe you need to resolder some onboard jumpers to select 4-wire SPI mode. (on my displays: D1 = SDA, D0 = SCLK, so it looks good. Buy only a few first to test, though!)

Enjoy and many greets!


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