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LoopA v2 prototype

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I've been working with @Hawkeye for about 6 months on an updated LoopA control surface. 





It uses similar hardware elements as in the SEQ v4+, most obviously illuminated Matias buttons. This time they will be full RGB :). A three-PCB set will be available at some point (no definitive timeframes available). The build is fairly straightforward but will involve SMT soldering (SOIC/1206) and creative pin bending.

You can see the old CS in action here:



Features at a glance: six tracks, quantise, note editing, more to be filled in :).




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Awesome, and i mean REALLY awesome PCBs, man! Thanks! :) :cheers:

PS: as you can see on the second photo, there is an URL (nothing to be seen behind it yet!) - with TK.'s permission and also with very friendly coordination and cooperation from John/modularaddict.com, we will be opening a little eurozone based MIDIbox store at some point in time, where you can get these goodies, including the new MBSEQv4+ boards :). US-based customers can (at a little later time) obtain the PCBs from John's shop.

Many greets,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ongoing BOM validation - looking good! The picture of my test build below is still missing the encoders and a few more Matias switches/keycaps.
Fantastic job, Andy! The small form factor in conjunction with the superflux RGB LEDs and Matias switches with additional encoders definitely makes all the difference to my first hacked perfboard build.

It was not too demanding to build (can be done in an evening if you push it), but it has a high packaging density for a DIY project and it requires a bit of patience with board interconnections (three boards in total). That does not classify it as a beginner project - but hey, as you can buy everything else, a challenge from time to time is exactly the right thing! :)
We will document it properly, so that everyone confident with wide-pitch SMT soldering (1206) can build it, too! Availability target: late springtime, make that midsummer, the SEQv4+ has priority.

Many greets, Peter


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very cool! :)

@norbim1 yes, it is based on the new waveshare core, but Andy created a completely new carrier core board for it, especially for the LoopA form factor, including onboard 4x MIDI OUT (OUT4 doubling up as a future BLM extension connector :)) and 2X MIDI IN for your favourite keyboard and sync downlink from a MBSEQ :)...

As of today, the sources compatible with the new PCBs/UI are also checked in to the MIDIbox mios32 subversion repository, so if you want to test-compile it, you can check it out @ trunk/apps/sequencers/LoopA :)

The code and functionality will be extended after availability, but it works already with support for six "scenes" with each six polynote "clips", that can be dynamically requantized while it is running - the display also shifts the notes around graphically, so you see what is happening - hoping to be able to do a demo video of the new version soon!

Many greets,

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