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Nice, I remember doing it also in front of all my college for a end-year party, my friend, a very good guitarist, improvised while I had only a drum machine.
I hope for you things have changed because for us everyone looked at us with big questioning eyes and the sound manager tended to put us in the wheels. lol


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1 hour ago, Antichambre said:

I hope for you things have changed because for us everyone looked at us with big questioning eyes and the sound manager tended to put us in the wheels. lol

i mixed our sound on stage with our own mixer (like always)

with the crappiest crackiest paper monitors i ever heard (you may can send a voice on it, but bass? kick? a stereo summ of EDM > no way!)

i sent the stereo-summ to the "sound manager"

the sound manager was sent here from church  during his "social task year"... he hasent any clue, nor interest, he was sitting there doing "smart"-phone - no it was no "mixer" app ;)

the sound manager - managed to get the thinnest silence sound on the floor ever.. and when he heard feedback from our mics, he quickley reduced our Stereo Summ on Main PA > well thank you - not!

i drunk 2 beers...then it turned out that i had to build up the main pa, and helped other bands - because the sound manager havent any glue


--- what i learnt --- always - always -always  take your own Monitors with us, and sent the stereo-sum (if possible) directley to main PA --- hopefully my bandmate learnt this too -because i was the one that wantet to take the monitors with us in first feeling...

Edited by Phatline
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