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Redesigned MIDIbox of the Year (3xMIDIbox LC of Axel)


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@ mm303

Reichelt part Numbers:

The switches are from APEM.

The switches are modular, so you have to order the case and the switch seperately. There are different forms also available. (see Page 197 of the catalog 7/04).

I give you the numbers of the switches I've ordered:

switch-block: A01-51B

Operator, lightable,momentary : A01-05T

Top red: A01-62 rot

Top yellow: A01-62 gelb

Top green: A01-62 grün

Top blue:  A01-62 blau

bulb 14V: A01-41 14V

If you like, for example, the STOP button not as a square (a little larger) then you have to order:

Operator: A01-01T

Top : A01-61 (+color)

The symbols (Play, Stop, Rec, etc.) can easily be printed out on a transparent film (with laser printer) an stucked under the coloured top .



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  • 1 month later...
Guest jochen
Hi vdKroon,

the modules are made of a material called `Hartschaumplatte`, which is very easy to work with, i.e. you can make the fader slots with a cutting knife. The grafics are printed with an ink-jet using HQ foto paper, cutted out and glued to the base material. The problem is to get the button holes into the paper. I´ve done this using a stand drill, but that´s definitely not the ultimate solution...

Maybe i will make some aluminum modules with professional printing in the future...

Here some pics:  www.fast-cars.de/Midibox/LC24_029.jpg, www.fast-cars.de/Midibox/LC24_027.jpg, www.fast-cars.de/Midibox/LC24_035.jpg, www.fast-cars.de/Midibox/LC24_037.jpg, www.fast-cars.de/Midibox/LC24_046.jpg


:)Hi Axel i have a better solution for the holes

at Hornbach you can get a stand for standart drilling maschines with an adjustabel tabel (Kreutztisch)it costs about 80 to 100 euro there you can move the tabel over screws in the "x" and "y" axis very exact if you combine it with a (Kantentaster) its a solution for setting the sero point you can work very exact and fast. You can also make the long hols using a Hob (Fräser). If you want to have detailed information you can mail to h.stolle@t-online.de please don't forget to direkt it to Jochen because there are more users thank you

P.s. You can write in german


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  • 3 months later...

     ??? ??? ::) :o

Axel ich hab da mal eine Frage wie ist es so ich Deine MB64 in meinem Studio Verwenden WoLLTE ich denke das ich die DELTA10LT Soundkarte mir Anschaffe und dann mit der MB64 so ich Diese Anweisungen von Dir Bekomme, dann als Hauptmischer Verwende!

So nun die Frage Bezüglich der TALKBACK Funktion und natürlich die Frage der Frage wo Bekomme ich diese Monster MB64 denn Her? Welche Komponenten und welche Disingergeheuse kann ich denn Verwenden oder Kreieren?

Nun ich würde mich Freuen Post von Dir zu Bekommen damit ich nun Endlich Anfangen kann auch eine so schöne MB64 zu Kreieren!

meine em@il matthias@music-reichardt.de

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  • 3 years later...

Axel what i mostly like of your box is all the effort you put to keep the costs down, very much in the spirit of this community, the alu frame with the self built modules is just a great idea and it even looks cool.

)Hi Axel i have a better solution for the holes

at Hornbach you can get a stand for standart drilling maschines with an adjustabel tabel (Kreutztisch)it costs about 80 to 100 euro there you can move the tabel over screws in the "x" and "y" axis very exact if you combine it with a (Kantentaster) its a solution for setting the sero point you can work very exact and fast. You can also make the long hols using a Hob (Fräser). If you want to have detailed information you can mail to h.stolle@t-online.de please don't forget to direkt it to Jochen because there are more users thank you

i think that the problem is not (only)centering the holes but the fact that the drill bit won t make a nice cut on the paper.I would suggest, but i haven t tried that, to use high quality wood drill bits, they have a sharp edge that will cut around the hole and not the center first as metal bits do.(understandable?)

thumbs up for your new box!

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Hi Axel!!

First, NICE JOB!!

I´m trying now to do the same... and I´m in the way... Only a technical Question... How did you programmed your MIDIBOX LC to command correctly two 2x24 character displays? I´m trying to do the same, but I can´t see the correct information..., spacers, and the complete phrase of ---< Logic Control......etc....

At the moment, I know that the connections are correct, because the MIOS Studio is able to use it, emulating a 4x24 display to the 2 2x24 displays...

Sorry about my writing, i´m just starting to study English.


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... "wtwose" is not talking about a new box, but wants to have info on the display implementation. - What's wrong about that?

Name:  Axel

Posts:  41 (0.021 per day)

Position:  Midibox Newbie

Date Registered:  2002-09-04 at 13:48

Last Active:  2008-01-30 at 13:20


... so Axel seems to be around.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Axel!!

First, NICE JOB!!

I´m trying now to do the same... and I´m in the way... Only a technical Question... How did you programmed your MIDIBOX LC to command correctly two 2x24 character displays? I´m trying to do the same, but I can´t see the correct information..., spacers, and the complete phrase of ---< Logic Control......etc....

At the moment, I know that the connections are correct, because the MIOS Studio is able to use it, emulating a 4x24 display to the 2 2x24 displays...

Sorry about my writing, i´m just starting to study English.


Hi William,

I am also trying to find how I have to convert the programming of 2x40 character lcd's to 2x24 character lcd's. Did you finally succeed doing this? Can you help me out?

Or..anybody else can help me out?

Looking forward to some reply!

cheers, Sven

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Hi William,

I am also trying to find how I have to convert the programming of 2x40 character lcd's to 2x24 character lcd's. Did you finally succeed doing this? Can you help me out?

Or..anybody else can help me out?

Looking forward to some reply!

cheers, Sven


I would appreciate the solution of this 2x24 LCD problem too.



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I would appreciate the solution of this 2x24 LCD problem too.



I have spent lots of time on this forum now....I think the answer is laying in the file setup_midibox_lc.asm

#define LCD_USE_SECOND 1 ; the emulation handles with two character LCDs if 1

#define LCD_EMU_COL 55 ; number of emulated columns (characters per line)

; o graphical LCDs: use 55 (like a Logic Control)

; o one 2x40 LCD: use 40 (unfortunately..)

; o two 2x40 LCDs: use 55 (like a Logic Control)

The original mackie control(logic control) uses one 2x55 display, so that's were the programming is based on. It seems impossible to find this kind of display on the market.

Here comes my conclusion...

If you could find one 2x55 display the code would be...

#define LCD_USE_SECOND 0

#define LCD_EMU_COL 55

If you use two 2x40 dislplays, your setup would be simular to one 2x80 display (just imagine!), but this application only handles 2x55 characters. This results in empty space on the displays. But all information will be displayed. The code would be..

#define LCD_USE_SECOND 1

#define LCD_EMU_COL 55

If you use two 2x24 dislplays. You have only 2x48 characters available, but you need 2x55....so you loose information.. So i think that using these 2x24 displays will never be perfect. However the code would be like this..

#define LCD_USE_SECOND 1

#define LCD_EMU_COL 48

If you use two 2x16 dislplays, which doesn't make sense for this application, the code would be

#define LCD_USE_SECOND 1

#define LCD_EMU_COL 32

So...am I correct??? :-)



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