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Speakjet - A PIC ready sound chip?


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i have sound from my mb speakjet now but all i can get is it repeatedly saying "ready" when i start it up, and after a while it changes to some distorted bell type sound, then back to "ready".

I noticed same behaviour by testing 0.2 - (I'vn't test it to long - i'm still using 0.1). Audiocommander said that probably a Carbage-Collector in 0.2 is the reason for that. Should be switched off in #DEFINE.

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it seems that my core turned out to be the problem.  i don't think i was burning the pic properly (new at that).  i'm testing v.16 (i think??).  i download the file "http://www.audiocommander.de/downloads/midibox/kII_015.tgz".  inside there it's KII_2.tar, and the readme says .16.  so which version is it?

anyway, this is what i get on my lcd now:


-C 0  0 82  \\  -

when i change any midi parameter (knobs, keys, etc), the value for V changes but i get no sound.

i think i'm well on my way, maybe the problem now is just knowing how to control this thing.

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Hi ultra,

good to hear that.

I think you should have 0.1.5r1 or 0.1.6; which has been the last 0.1.x version.

I uploaded a new version 0.2.6 -> there are no new features compared to 0.2.5, but I compiled it without the HandTracker and AutoPhrase stuff, so it should be nearly the same as 0.1.x, but has some improvements and bugfixes:


(didn't had much time to test it excessively, though, I hope everthing works)

If you don't have a 2x8 LCD, you can test it with your 2x16; I can improve the LCD-output if required. In the meanwhile it should work fine also with a 2x16.

The 0.2.x version LCD output is a bit less cryptic ;-)

You will find a PDF in the subdir "helpers" kII_0.2.4.pdf, which contains an overview of the current (most important) controls for my Korg microKONTROL to help you getting started with all the MIDI controls...

you will find all (nearly) all midi controllable functions in the file "IIC_SpeakJetMidiDefines.h".



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thanks for this and all your help with this.  i will upgrade the software tonight and give it a go.  so, i've been using a 40x2 lcd that i was going to use for my sequencer.  maybe this screws up the way the display turns out.  i'll have to order a 2x8 from somewhere to get it proper.

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yeah, 2x8 or 2x16; I think I will support both (or 8x2 / 16x2 ;) )

If there will ever be a menu necessary, I might switch to a 2x16 again; (like it's in the sensorizer)

though my 2x8 just costed 3 EUR and atm there's all information there that's important, so it's up to you ;)

But don't spend more than 10 € or $ on a 2x8...



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well my 40x2 is showing up just fine now.  i also pretty much understand the display and what shows up when i change parameters, but i get no sound except for "ready" when i start it up.

are you korg pads set up as on/off (0/127) triggers?  do you fire a phrase with a button or trigger various notes with the keyboard?  by turning up listen (i had it assigned to a knob), i was able to see on screen which note i was hitting, but no audio.

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that depends on the function: the buttons are mostly triggers/toggles (0/127), but the sliders and pots of course not.

After you switched on the device, it should say "READY" once, then when you press the keys on your keyboard (on CH1), you should be able to trigger all allophones and sound FX.

When you play on CH2, you'll hear allophones only, on CH3 only FX and on CH11-16 synth sounds. - Or you might change the overall channel (that's the "1" in the display) to change the current sound output to the appropriate mode.

If you don't hear nothing at all and cannot change anything, I would expect that your controller isn't connected right? Are your cables connected right? Using an USB keyboard that does not route the output if plugged to the PC?

What happens if you use the keyboard that's in MIOSStudio (or any other software keyboard)?




- okay, read your post again: it's a bit cheesy that you can control the harmony-listen but the other stuff is not working ?? - the only explanation I have right now, is that your keyboard is sending on CH5 or 6... can this be? can you set it to CH1?

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  • 2 months later...


sorry i haven't replied but i got busy on other things and forgot about this.  but now i'm trying again.  i can change parameters with knobs but not trigger sounds with they keyboard.  my keyboard is for sure sending on channel 1 and i have the midi out connected directly to the speakjet module. 

now, when i change CC # 82 on my keyboard, the -/* changes right before the preset name (i believe that's what those words are).  when - is selected, it doesn't respond at all to my keys.  when * is selected, it tells me which note i'm playing but still no sound.

this is confusing!


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Hi ultra,

i can change parameters with knobs but not trigger sounds with they keyboard

I have three questions:

1. I guess you're using kII 026, right?

2. Is there any sound at all coming out of your speakjet?

-> Do you hear something when you power up your device?

-> Do you hear something when you're using the MIOS-Studio Keyboard (for example)?

-> Do you hear phrases when you send CC#9, values 0 to 15?

-> Do you hear vowels&consonsants when you:

    -> set the mode to CH 7 (Vowels & consonants)

    -> then change Jaw (CC#40) and Tongue (CC#41) and (optional) Pitch (CC#42)

3. Your Keyboard sends on CH 1, that's good. Now what Channelmode is set on kII (the number you see in the display, right after the scale?) It should read 1..3 or 11..16 but not 4..9. This is the Channelmode:


C#-MAJ 16 O-E-_

^ Base-Note (change with Listen)

   ^ Scale

       ^ Channelmode

          ^ OSC & ENV Forms

              ^ BPM Sync Length (1/32 to 1/cantremember)


If the Channelmode is 1 (Phonemes&FX), you must hear some allophones in the center range of the keyboard (eg. Note 64); on Channelmode 11-16 you should hear sounds on the whole range:

[tt]// ********** CHANNELS **********
// channel assignments for NOTE_ONs 0x90 and NOTE_OFFs 0x80 functions
#define SJCH_SOUNDCODES        1  //  MSA Soundcodes (Allophones + FX)                        default 1
#define SJCH_ALLOPHONES        2  //  MSA Soundcodes (Allophones)                            default 2
#define SJCH_FX                3  //  MSA Soundcodes (FX)                                    default 3
#define SJCH_PITCH              4  //  MSA Pitch (Note2Freq) only! No sound output!            default 4
#define SJCH_VOWELS_DIPHTONGS  5  //  MSA Pitched Vowels incl. Diphtongs                      default 5
#define SJCH_CONSONANTS        6  //  MSA Pitched Consonants  (depending on jaw & tongue)*    default 6
#define SJCH_VOWELS_CONSONANTS  7  //  MSA Pitched Vowels & Consonants (mixed)                default 7
#define SJCH_CONSONANTS_OPEN    8  //  MSA Pitched Consonants produced by mouth opening        default 8
#define SJCH_CONSONANTS_CLOSE  9  //  MSA Pitched Consonants produced by mouth closing        default 9
#define SJCH_PERCUSSIVE        10  //  MSA Soundcodes (Percussive Consonants)                  default 10
#define SJCH_OSC1              11  //  OSC 1 (Note2Freq, monophon)                            default 11
#define SJCH_OSC2              12  //  OSC 2 (Note2Freq, monophon)                            default 12
#define SJCH_OSC3              13  //  OSC 3 (Note2Freq, monophon)                            default 13
#define SJCH_OSC4              14  //  OSC 4 (Note2Freq, monophon)                            default 14
#define SJCH_OSC5              15  //  OSC 5 (Note2Freq, monophon)                            default 15
#define SJCH_OSC_SYN            16  //  OSCs 1 to 5 (Note2Freq, harmonic polymode)              default 16 [/tt][/code]

And I expect, you did not customize this file?

now, when i change CC # 82 on my keyboard, the -/* changes right before the preset name (i believe that's what those words are).  when - is selected, it doesn't respond at all to my keys.  when * is selected, it tells me which note i'm playing but still no sound.

That's perfectly normal -

this is the harmony listen: you're setting a new base note (when CC#82 is >64 you're in listen mode)



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Hi Ultra,

in result from our chat yesterday, I would gess that the Core and the MIDI-Input is okay, but you probably have an error in one of these locations:

- Core: around IIC connector

- Cable between Core and SJ-Module

- SJ-Module: from IIC to PIC16

- SJ-Module: from PIC16 to SJ

I'd visually check all connections in these areas first. If you do not succeed in finding something strange, I'd  solder a serial cable and load Phrase-A-Lator (http://www.magnevation.com/software.htm), so you can see if your SJ-board is working.



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  • 4 months later...

Has this all gone a bit dormant?

I've been looking at this schematics and info and it seems a little "half finished".

Can one trigger all allophones and control their pitch/speed via midi at this stage?

Also, where is the audio out?

Sorry if this is old news, I'm just trying to get a handle on it as I'd love to make one.



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Hi Martin,

it's gone a bit dormant, yes, but besides the missing HUI, the application is quite stable. You can trigger all allophones (all sounds) and control the pitches

Just take a look at the features:


(missing information for v02 can be found in v01; basically it's the same, just a bit more and lots of bug-fixes and the new AIN-control -> handtracker)

...and the SpeakJet datasheet:


...and the board construction, all pins (and audio-out) are marked:



I guess, you already found the main doku-site where all the above information is linked...




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  • 3 months later...

I decided to build the speakjet board project. I have it completed except for the crystal and the pic16f. I have a couple of questions I hope some experienced builder can answer.

1. Can I use the latest core module to burn the pic16f with the latest application code via MIDI? I ordered from smashtv and his site says the pic has bootloader already burned. If not, where can I find a better explanation of the burning process than the one for the core module midi instructions?

2. I want to build the gesture box that is in the video for the k-II. I don't see any instructions for that device. I guess as a substitute I could use a kaoss pad, but I really like that device shown.


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Hi and welcome :-)

1. Can I use the latest core module to burn the pic16f with the latest application code via MIDI? I ordered from smashtv and his site says the pic has bootloader already burned. If not, where can I find a better explanation of the burning process than the one for the core module midi instructions?

no, you cannot use a core module to upload the firmware via midi, it has to be burnt with a PIC burner. Here are the instructions:


I can also burn the firmware for you, or we'll find someone near you (where are you from?) - in case you don't have no Burner :)

2. I want to build the gesture box that is in the video for the k-II. I don't see any instructions for that device. I guess as a substitute I could use a kaoss pad, but I really like that device shown.

I can give further instructions, just never been asked so far =)

Basically it's just four SHARP IR-Distance sensors that can directly be connected to the AIN-Pins of the Core. I have to look up if I disabled the AINs in the application release, but this is quickly recompiled.

I'm about to go on holidays, but I am monitoring this topic. Normally I'm answering quite fast, but I may not always have an internet connection throughout the next two weeks, so please bear with me for the next couple of days ;)



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Thanks for the fast reply. I do not have a pic burner so either I'll have to build one or have someone burn the chip for me. I live in the US. New Mexico. I purchased a pic16f from smashtv and asked if he would burn the code in it for me but I have received no reply yet. I hope he does it. If not , perhaps you can refer me to someone.

I would very much like any info you have about the ir sensor device you created, If it is open sourced, that is. No great hurry though. I'll have plenty of things to get running over the next couple of weeks. So, enjoy your holiday and send me what info you can when you get back.

I have looked at the AC Sensorizer project. Perhaps that would do the same or similar with the ir sensors connected.

Thanks again

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Have you looked at the soundgin chip? it is like the speakjet except it has a greatly improved synth section. It is like the speakjet is a speech chip with synth functions but the soundgin is like a Synth chip with speech capability. They were both made by the same designer. I like it better, but it has received little attention for projects like these. I want to attempt a project like the speakjet one you designed but I have very little programming background.

If anyone wants to begin such a project, I would be happy to contribute what I can.

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jim: You can buy a JDM from smash to burn the PIC16F. I think you'll find hits from the search engine about the soundgin, it has been discussed in the past. AC's project focusses mostly on the speech from the SJ, but a synth app with the soundgin would be interesting. Let me know if I can help :)

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Do you have a Soundgin? if so, you may be interested in the PC app "Soundgin console". it's like the PhrasAlator for Speakjet. you can find it at:

http://www.speechchips.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=15. I got a carrier board from them too. I had an idea to create a manually and CV controlled synth module based on this chip and using the Atmega 168 based Arduino Microcontroller, but now that I have discovered the MidiBox project I think a lot of the work may be simplified. I'm going to have to really brush up on my C++ to get this done. i don't have a lot of programming background any more recent than the 6502 in the 80's. ;)

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Do you have a Soundgin? if so, you may be interested in the PC app "Soundgin console".

Actually I just uninstalled it when I did a cleanup last week :) Yeh I've got the chip but a project to use it is way on my back-burner.

but now that I have discovered the MidiBox project I think a lot of the work may be simplified. I'm going to have to really brush up on my C++ to get this done. i don't have a lot of programming background any more recent than the 6502 in the 80's. ;)

It's C, not C++, but yeh.... use the midibox and save yourself a ****load of effort ;) With your experience you'll be fine, and it may be beneficial as I assume you have some assembler skills which can make for a faster driver.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Hope you had a great holiday. I got my pic 16f already programmed with V1.2 from smashtv. I hope that's the latest version. I only have one a couple of questions, which pic do you recommend for the core the 18f4620 or the 18f4685? Does the firmware only access the speech or does it also give access to the synth parts of the SJ when using the hand tracker kII? If so, can it be user selected? I purchased some IR sensors form acroname. Do they interface directly to the analog inputs of the core? if so, can you tell me which pins to which sensor (assuming the diagram you posted before).



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hi James,

sorry, I got some problems with missing notifications lately :-(

which pic do you recommend for the core the 18f4620 or the 18f4685?

all my current projects so far are designed to work with a PIC 18F452

Does the firmware only access the speech or does it also give access to the synth parts of the SJ when using the hand tracker kII? If so, can it be user selected?

the handTracker has an experimental mode that combines speech and synth, but it is a bit buggy.

However, if you intend to make music with your sensors, there's also the ACSensorizer you could connect the sensors to. This project is my main project and you can configure each sensor up to the limit... and of course feed back the MIDI signals into the SpeakJet Core :-)

I purchased some IR sensors form acroname. Do they interface directly to the analog inputs of the core?

sorry, I don't know acroname? Is it a supplier or sensor manufacturer?

Just worked with SHARP sensors before...

Hope this helps,



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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw Speakjet and the gesture box at Kinetica last year and loved it: easily the most absorbing exhibit. I have been searching the internet for gesture sensors to copy the gesture box. My original plan was to hook it up to a monome as part of a mutual instrument, but now I find there's a whole speakjet project and community. Wow! Which way to jump?

I too would be very interested to learn which specific Sharp sensors are used for the gesture box, how many are used and how they're arranged. Of course that may be the magic ingredient ;)

I came to the Sharp IR rangers via Massimo Bandi (of Arduino reknown) and the Acroname Robotics website. I have not yet identified a UK distributor.

All the best.

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