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AY-3-891x, YM2149, and POKEY synths


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Hey there!

I'm really impressed with SID project, however, having owned ZX Spectrum back in the day, I was wondeing if anyone can do similar thing with AY-3-891x... I still have the chip laying around somewhere..

However, I'm not that much of electronics/midi guru to create such project myself..

So, no results so far?

Sorry, I've ended up shelving these projects for now.  Probably for good.

It was a tough decision, but there just isn't enough time in the day for work, renovations, running the house, and relaxing to fit many projects in there.  I'm working on a few different projects these days (as well as a MIDIbox FM) with better musical capabilities than these other chips.  That's not to say that the AY-3-891x, YM2149, and POKEY aren't great chips in their own right - it's just that the SID more than satisfies my lo-fi needs.

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Since this idea was last dug-into, there have been some interesting developments in the AY-3-8912 world. Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Instruments_AY-3-8912#Uses about the Viterbi Search, It's really neat.

In 2006 two MSX developers created an advanced encoder that converts a wave file to optimal PSG channel transitions using Viterbi search. They replayed a 44.1kHz wave file on a 23 year old MSX with higher SNR than an 8-bit DAC. The Viterbi search is rather CPU intensive so even though it would have been theoretically possible to use this method already in the 80's, there were no computers powerful enough to perform the analysis required.

Music sample played on a Philips VG-8020 demonstrating the Viterbi encoded AY sample player  :o :o :o (The VG-8020 has the AY-3-8910 inside)

I wonder what kind of processor we'd need to calculate Viterbi on-the-fly  ???

Edit: I guess I should have wiki-searched 8912 instead of 8910... http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/midibox_ay_3_8912?s=3+8912.. Still leaves the Viterbi question open though.

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A quick evilbay search shows a few for sale there (way cheaper than shipping a 1541 disk drive just to get a sound chip!)

Smash, are you saying there are pokey chips inside Commodore 64 1541 disk drives? If this is true, then, I've got one in the basement quivering in the dusty corner hoping I don't figure this out and come after it with my soldering iron...

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  • 2 months later...


Since this idea was last dug-into, there have been some interesting developments in the AY-3-8912 world. Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Instruments_AY-3-8912#Uses about the Viterbi Search, It's really neat.

Music sample played on a Philips VG-8020 demonstrating the Viterbi encoded AY sample player  :o :o :o (The VG-8020 has the AY-3-8910 inside)

I wonder what kind of processor we'd need to calculate Viterbi on-the-fly  ???

Wow! thats awesome!

So thats the real reason nils is building one eh?  ;)

He just wanted to build himself a cheap .wav player.  :(

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