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SIDControl VST-plugin for MBSID V1 (not V2!) by S.M.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

This schould answer the last three posts :

To Wild_Weasel:

I think that SidControl doesn't have the same MIDI-Port/Channel-setup by default...

That means when your existing MIDI-track goes to Port B/Chn. X and you pull SidControl over it

the MIDI-Signal goes to SidControl's default Port (hardware/alphabetical-order) Port: A/Chn. 1.

I only use FLStudio6 for testing my plugins.

To narf :

Once, if SidControl is ready it's going to be included to my freeware-section.

For those people which have no money-problems and love this plugin much there'll

be a 'donate' button in the plugin (currently at the Info-page).

To fokfokfok :

That's a MIDI-Setup problem:

First move the small knob in the lower left of the display section to 12 o'clock.

There you'll find the MIDI-properties where you have to set up your correct MIDI-Port/Chn. first.



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To fokfokfok :

That's a MIDI-Setup problem:

First move the small knob in the lower left of the display section to 12 o'clock.

There you'll find the MIDI-properties where you have to set up your correct MIDI-Port/Chn. first.

Actually, I'd already tried that.  My midi interface appears as emulated though.  Don't know if thats a problem. Anyways, I'm wondering if I missed something obvious, or if something is wrong with my system.  Is the midi configuration the only thing I have to do?

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first of all, thank you for this great plugin! I hope I can quickly learn to use my MBSID like I wish...

I have a strange problem: the plugin sends only CC messages but no notes (using Cubase)! I can hear this with the typical "pops" when I change the master SID volume, but pressing keyboard keys does anything. Midi-ox confirms all this.

Where could be the problem?

Many many thanks


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Thanks for the helpful information,

I can hear this with the typical "pops" when I change the master SID volume, but pressing keyboard keys does anything. Midi-ox confirms all this.

I forgot to set some important connections in the new structure - so I couldn't get any Sounds in FL-Studio, too.

I assume the other 27 people who have downloaded this version should have had the same problem because

SidControl has no MIDINOTE-connection at the moment...

I was a little bit too fast with this release, sorry.

I'll fix this problem very soon and then I'll drop a post in here...


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I am using Sonar 6.0 PE, and when i use sid control, at first it works, but if I start to change the settings, either the sound stops, or i get a low rumbling garbled sound.  Turning the sid module off and then on again clears it up... but why would that be happening?

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ahh, it seems that if i turn the transpose knob ALL the way up, the sounds are audibly normal again.  for some reason when changing patches, it transposes ALLL the sounds to the absolute lowest octave...

why would THAT be?

also, I guess the best way to draw different notes for different oscillators is to use 3 vst instances of sid control, and enable only 1 OSC in each instance?

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Oh, also, the volume drops considerably, though, in the VST, the volume knob has not changed nor the Suystain value on the envelope.

Aside from these crippling problems, the VST is actually quite amazing and very intuitive, and wonderful..

if i can figure out why it's dropping the volume value and the pitch value to minimum.. i'll be set.

Also, the settings in one instance of Sidcontrol override the settings in another instance..

so how do I use sid control to compose for 3 different oscillators?  As it stands, it seems to play OSC 1, then the next note, nomatter where it is, will be OSC 2, then th enext note will be OSC3..

so i can't really compose anything, with it cycling through the oscillators.. is there any way to fix a note to an oscillator?  i guess they're all on the same midi channel.... or can they be split to multiple midi channels? 1 for each oscillator?


I have tried it in FLstudio 6.0 and it's the same problem.  if i change the patch from say 3 triangle to 3 pulse, the volume, and pitch, change.  All the channels change in pitch, not equally though.  If i set it to polyphony, the if i have 3 notes on 3 octaves of C, then they will be out of tune after changing pitch.

What am I missing here?

I keep reading the thread, scouring it for any clues as to why i can't seem to get it to work right..

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Thanks for testing so much.

I will check and fix everything you found (if and as soon as possible).

And yes, it is possible to make the three osc's listening on different midi

channels. - I'll implement that in the next version.


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  • 4 weeks later...

This could be an issue with my computer but is anyone else experiencing problems downloading this VST?  I keep getting an error saying the following:


Your browser did not send a valid referer

Maybe you have to change your browser-settings

I also changed my security settings to low.  IE6. 

Thanks in advance.

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If you ever accept feature requests, splitting the oscillators multitimbrally would be cool, like an old synth, where C3 - B3 is saxaphone, and c4 - b4 is trumpet, or something like that..

I don't know if that's possible..

After requesting this, i discovered that's a basic feature of MBSID!  just wish it was avail in the VST now :)

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If your download fails because of my restrictive access system do this :

Use Firefox - otherwise simply write a short email to me and I'll send you

the files you want...

In the next version of Sidcontrol you can

select midi chn.#1-16 for each Osc separately.

and : SidControl is NOT compatible with Ableton Live (currently)

        maybe It will work in the future.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey gang.  I can't seem to get anything off SM's site.  I've tried firefox 1.5 and 2.0, as well as IE6&7.  I get a 403 on the root and 404s on every other page.  Is there a mirror of SidControl floating around anywhere?

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  • 2 months later...

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