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Yes,.. same to me, but I´m not shure..... perhapse, it´s not the same....... but I agree: it´s ugly!!


... it's this one: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=4387.0

It looks, that the buyer wasn't satisfied... so please don't roll this up again. - I still have a trauma from the last case... I think we have better things to do.

Greets, Roger

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Last time with this box I got a mailbox full telling me to back off and leave jamram alone.  "not worth getting someone in trouble for something like this" was the idea pushed on me by lots of people.  I'm thinking the many who suggested I continue making trouble for dude were right.  ;)

from the current auction:

POSTAGE: I send the machine from München registered and insured. COD in Germany possibile.

Now it's someone else's turn, And I don't want to hear anyone say anything about it unless they are willing to do something about it.

It's not right, nobody is happy about it, etc.  But whining about any of this now without action will only serve to offend me a little more.    :-\

I officially don't care who decides to pirate the MIDIbox from this point......Without a clear policy on commercial production or even non-commercial resale there are no IP rights to enforce.  And yes I understand what's laid out in the GPL, but the reality is that GPL has huge holes in it that allow for activity that we know is not good for this project.  Maven is a great example, since it was not resold the GPL does not protect it, but now Sasha has offers from manufacturers who want to sell Mavens.  Seems an almost perfect exploitation of the MIDIbox...Since Sasha and his hired gun tech friends (Chris Hawkes) did none of the hardware design or coding that makes the gear sluts drool.  Smoke and mirrors my ass.

Please understand that I love the MIDIbox and this community, and my comments about lack of policy are not aimed at anyone.

I don't know what I would do if the license were left up to me, there just is not an obvious license or procedure for this to use as an example that would make everyone happy and keep it DIY (or an acceptable level of DIY at least)..........

I like the idea for the public permission request in it's own sub forum, a yes or no could not be much more clear than from TK himself in direct response to specific manufacturing/resale requests.  I know it would be extra trouble, and probably spark debate, but there are many here who can help people understand if they don't like the answer they get.  It could also afford TK the chance to allow/deny based on mood, without having to explain anything, which is much better than debating with a newb who calls every policy of the MIDIbox and GPL into question in a quest to exploit.  (pay attention to the past, this is what the argument always breaks down to)

I keep thinking of the music business with this.....If you give people a way to legally buy something most will, but if you don't they will feel completely justified in pirating it.  If iTunes would have come 6 months before napster, you would have never heard of napster or mp3 file sharing.  Not saying everyone who can hack together some plexi and an old commodore case should be able to hot-glue a core inside and sell it, but a legal path to selling your unwanted "spares" could be encouraged and controlled. 

Hell we already have people trying to sell parts here in the forums that won't work easily with the MIDIbox, and while it's obvious to the old schoolers that these parts are not MIDIbox related, You know as well as I do that some newbies will come along and snatch up these "great deals" then send us in troubleshooting circles with questions about why it does not work.

With a subforum dedicated to commercial requests this would be much easier to cope with.  Not saying anyone is doing anything underhanded etc....I just know that the parts a builder selects directly effects the number of build issues that we try to troubleshoot here in the forum.

Not intended to provoke a fight or criticize anyone, just food for thought.....  ;)

Back to the cave with me, orders to fill and a car to wrench on are my immediate future. (anyone have any 81' Trans Am parts they want to trade for MIDIbox parts?)  ;D



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I officially don't care who decides to pirate the MIDIbox from this point......

Please allow me to be more clear than this poor choice of words from my last post:

My concept on this has not changed, the price of a MIDIbox includes learning and time.....DIY

So I still reject large orders not connected with a group order (I don't supply for hire builders), etc. but I just won't be so quick to jump on this type of behavior with teeth bare in the future.

I did not mean to say that it would not bother me, just that I would rather be a freindly admin these days than wear the war paint..... ;)


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I used "ask seller a question" function and inquired about CE marking (which it obviously doesn't have) and if it's tested to comply with European electric safety regulations. And reminded that selling products that are not tested is illegal + asked to remove the item.

Bye, Moebius

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as i consider myself now part of this community here is my opinion.

whatever the holes may be in the licensing (which no doubt should be fireproofed)

this is still attrocious. sell your parts (core.. sid module.. dins or douts..even then ask permission) thats fine with me..

but DONT sell complete synths.. its a shame.. in the highly unlikely event that you would want to sell your whole box

in one piece.. do it here.. ask permission.. and sell it to someone YOU KNOW has 1337 skillz with midiboxes..

its based on trust.. and its 2 bad that people have such low moral values that they choose to break that seal of trust..

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