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Curiousity gets the best of me...

Guest analouge

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All girls I know, which ever had to do something with MB, saw the stuff I built, said something like "Wow, cool, how did you do that?" and that´s it more or less.  ;)

I don´t know exactly but I really can´t remember seeing *ANY* girl around here...  :'(  ;)


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Guest analouge

stryd_one:  ;D I knew that was comming :P

I am NOT the kinda guy that uses internet forums to pick up girls!  :o;D. I'm like almost married and don't need that :P

Just wanted to see if there is any girls interested in this stuff...:D. I don't know ONE girl interested in electronics. And where I went to school the electro class hated electronics like it was some sort of epedemic desiese :P. And for the three years I was there I think it was totally 3 girls in those classes. But none in electronics classes. I don't get it - why wire up houses when you can make electronics gadgets :P. Much more fun :P

So I saw my oportunity to ask around and see if it was true what is true around here. No girls into electronics... seems to be true :D

Not in the search of cybers.x  :o just curious :D

Have fun!

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this one?


have you seen those modules? no serious, analog synth modules; zerosccilator etc?

That's her allright :-)

But no, seriously, I don't know jack pooh about modular synths, so it's all Chinese to me anyway. (Quad quardant range oscillator? Yeah, with ice and a straw please!  ::) )

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There is this one chick named Cynthia or something, she digs synths and DIY stuff.....but I read somewhere she used to be a man...  ;D

Heh, well, let's also not forget to give credit to synth pioneer Walter / Wendy Carlos  ;D

I recall we had a "Switched on Bach" record in my Uni's music library.



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Sitting in a room with a few hundred grand worth of gear in her own house that she owns saying "No, I'm not rich!"

Ughh it makes me sick  ... She's obviously got no idea what being poor means. What an insult to all the poor musicians out there who can't afford even one synth! I bet they'd call her "rich".... grrr!

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Guest analouge

Just a few hundred grand?? Must be a lot more than just a few hundred grand! :S

This all just seems like an utopian dream to me... exept from the chick in the middle. ruins it all! She looks like she came right out of the early 80's still dressed up from a ABBA concert... But if she ain't rich I'm santa claus! I will send her a mail request of donating her studio to me :D

Like I said the only thing wrong with this picture is that it's not me in the chair, but some kind of old chick stuck in the golden days of ABBA :D

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Bahh don't be that way guys....I own a few rooms full of gear, some nice consoles (but no SSLs) etc. but none of that makes me rich....I still wear shoes repaired with electrical tape, have to watch my cash so the baby has food, drive and self-repair a 20+ year old car, and live in an area that's not even middle class by most peoples standard.  Hell I even have a nice chunk of American Dream (credit card debt). 

Even if I did put on some shiny clothes and make a nice pretty photo with me and all my gear, it would not change the fact that I have to work for what I earn.

Anyone really know if she worked hard to earn that room full of gear and new house, or if it's a gift from daddy?

Without the answer to that question it's hard to criticize....She might have spent the last 20 years working really hard to get to this point.....Sad to see people who think they have less hung up on that rather than practicing their talent, so they can one day sit in a room full of gear in their ABBA-wear and realize that after all that they arent rich either..... ;)



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Bahh don't be that way guys....I own a few rooms full of gear, some nice consoles (but no SSLs) etc. but none of that makes me rich....I still wear shoes repaired with electrical tape, have to watch my cash so the baby has food, drive and self-repair a 20+ year old car, and live in an area that's not even middle class by most peoples standard.  Hell I even have a nice chunk of American Dream (credit card debt). 

Even if I did put on some shiny clothes and make a nice pretty photo with me and all my gear, it would not change the fact that I have to work for what I earn.

Anyone really know if she worked hard to earn that room full of gear and new house, or if it's a gift from daddy?

Without the answer to that question it's hard to criticize....She might have spent the last 20 years working really hard to get to this point.....Sad to see people who think they have less hung up on that rather than practicing their talent, so they can one day sit in a room full of gear in their ABBA-wear and realize that after all that they arent rich either..... ;)



Smash, I feel you man... I don't own a car, but being chased out of my home by gangs has left me with $10000 of debt that it cost to get my life back. I have large holes in the soles of my shoes, which are currently getting to be a large problem, as winter is approaching... My g/f has been ill and subsequently unemployed for over three years, when I got short paid, it meant I couldn't eat. I could go on for hours...

I work a 70+ hour week most weeks, so that I can pay for my ill girlfriend and I to survive, and everything left over, goes into my studio... So I've got a pretty nice setup too... I think you and I are in a similar situation, Smash.

Thing is, despite the fact that we have holes in our shoes and struggle to pay the bills, and are up to our necks in debt, we're still bloody well off compared to a lot of people.

You, I, and this lady, may all have to work extremely hard, but that doesn't stop us from being rich.... And it's irrelevant whether she worked for the money herself, was given it by Daddy, found it, stole it, or whatever... Fact is, she's sitting on a few hundred grand, saying she's not rich. Disgusting.

Maybe I'm biased about this because I'm from the ghetto and where I'm from, people have to steal and deal, just to eat. This lady owns her own home full of the most expensive gear around. If she sold it all, she'd easily be a millionaire. That's RICH as HELL.

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Smash, I feel you man... I don't own a car, but being chased out of my home by gangs has left me with $10000 of debt that it cost to get my life back.

Damn damn damn....As much as the net brings us all together it also serves to remind how far apart we are.  :-\

I won't even pretend to understand what it's like for you, I know that I can't without experiencing it first hand.  If you were local this would -never- happen.  (all debates about guns/violence aside....I did not create or encourage the gang problems here, and despite the huge law enforcement salaries my tax dollars pay, it's still left up to me to protect my family and my freinds)

I work a 70+ hour week most weeks, so that I can pay for my ill girlfriend and I to survive, and everything left over, goes into my studio... So I've got a pretty nice setup too... I think you and I are in a similar situation, Smash.

Well, I -was-.  I worked hard for other people, then decided it was time to work hard for myself, and the resulting production company and custom show control hardware have me at a point now where I am...well, coasting.... I don't have to work as hard anymore.  I replaced the long hours needed for that with long hours doing my best to be a good father, and I love it.  No daycare, no babysitters, no television raising my kid (ironically the main income from the production company is TV ad production!).  Too many people let others raise their kids these days, then wake up and realize they missed it all.

Thing is, despite the fact that we have holes in our shoes and struggle to pay the bills, and are up to our necks in debt, we're still bloody well off compared to a lot of people.

Totally agreed!  I could have bought a decent pair of shoes instead of the last case of electrical tape I bought, But shoes are single purpose, and we all know tape has millions of uses.... ;)

I thank God every time I break bread that I don't have to worry where the next meal is coming from.

Fact is, she's sitting on a few hundred grand, saying she's not rich. Disgusting.

You know, after reading her site again, looking at the custom built house on the hill, the army of aibo robot pets, etc. I have to agree, the "I'm not rich" statement is a bit insulting.  I see this same attitude all around me living here in BushCoLand. 

The "haves" are never satisfied, and are typically so worried about success/money/what brand of car is in the driveway that they sell out any morals that the television did not strip away from them as a child. 

Then there are the have nots, who in this country are supported in large fashion by all of the government programs.  It is very common to stand behind people in line at the grocery store who are paying only with food stamps (supplied by my tax dollar), where they proceed to buy cigarettes and other things that I would rather not support, and get into a current year luxury car when they leave....In the US you get paid to not have a job, and the more kids you have, the larger the check.  No wonder we are infested with gangs and meth labs when babies are a source of income. 

I really don't know what class I fit into (hehe most would probably say I have no class!), On paper I'm poor white trash, even though I own a good business that supports several familes of welfare recipients with taxes paid.  In person I play the part of middle class, even though after I set aside that 27% for the government to pass out to people who can't be bothered to work and fund someone else's civil war, It knocks me back into the poor white trash class... ;)

hehe even talking about this stuff makes me want to throw a dart at the map, just to try to find a culture with a little more reasonable balance to become a part of....  ;)



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makes me want to throw a dart at the map, just to try to find a culture with a little more reasonable balance to become a part of

Man, I hear you on that. :(

I'm actually not so much bothered by the economics here as I am the priorities and values. I've gotten even worse after spending so much time in recent years, frequenting all the DIY and technical areas online. At times, it feels like 90% of the progress and innovation is coming from areas outside the US, although there are citizens from all over the world  living here. It sucks to think about, but here, you're actually perceived as a "loser" or "freak" for choosing to spend your time focused on anything other than socializing or staring at other people. I've come to the conclusion that a lot of that is an inevitable result of more "densely populated" areas here. If you look back to some of the historical innovation and discoveries here, they seem to have frequently been from more "isolated" individuals, sometimes even in rural areas.

Funny, but I've also actually considered "throwing a dart" at a U.S. map before, just to find somewhere with better values, but I haven't traveled enough to know where I would want to go, and I still have my family and all here. Despite what some might guess, it almost seems like the more "distance" you put between people, the more open minded and "unique" they become. People packed too close together just tend to feed off each other in really nasty ways. Then again, it could just be a typical "sheep" factor, which would happen on a smaller scale, no matter what the population.


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[q]hehe even talking about this stuff makes me want to throw a dart at the map, just to try to find a culture with a little more reasonable balance to become a part of....[/q]

Every place you go has their pro's & con's. From what I can tell there isn't really much difference between the respective crooks.... (err, I meant politicans) who run our respective countries apart from the scale at which they undertake internal and external capers. Average guys like us usually end up footing the bill for their get rich & powerful schemes by being brainwashed into buying, supporting and usually, paying for it. Nowadays I just apply some of the basic logic of George Orwell's "1984" to most of the talk coming from the high places. More often than not it makes more sense.

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Well I think it's time we started the "More Synth Chicks" Party ;)

I know they're out there somewhere! I see them on eBay, with histories full of roland kit and pink shawls and designer dresses! No word of a lie... Where are you, girls?

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"Roland" reminds me,

I overheard a girl behind the counter in a Barnes&Noble Starbucks here talking about Roland a couple months ago, and it pulled me in for a second. Was indeed about MIDI keyboards, but I'm not sure how serious she was.

Alright man, we're getting sort of chauvinistic now. 8)


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Alright man, we're getting sort of chauvinistic now. 8)


That's all OK! Once it has been indexed by the google, the Feminists will rush over here to Show us - "Yes, We can do DIY electronics"

Samppa - "Not knowing how to show if I'm serious or not - or not even sure if I am.. not serious"  ;D

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