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Toyland, Toyland - challenge for all.


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Hahahhahaah! I am going insane here - I HAVE to find a source for backlit keypad - and I think that I finally might have done it, in the form of this:



I think finding toys to rip apart might be a way to get what we need, while taking advantage of the economies of scale afforded by big companies. So, my friends, I present a challenge:

Seek out toys that have buttons and switches that might be scavenged for parts, and post links here!

This might be one of the cheapest routes to finding switches available.

Fly, Midiboxers, Fly!!!

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I had the chance to play one of those things in a zellers store (here in Canada) the other week.  It's a pretty fun little toy.. The keyboard sucks as bad as would be expected, but some of the samples aren't actually that bad (and those big buttons are backlit).  Someone expecting to use the entire case should be wary because it's pretty cheap plastic (but definitely big enough to house all the midibox gear, plus you could probably use some of the internal ROM samples for something)

edit: also, the scratchpad is not really useable, all it has connected to it is a little switch detecting if you're pushing right or left, no speed or anything like that, it's not even a rotary encoder as far as I can tell.

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For those who are interested, here's a dimensional analysis of the Lights Out buttons, made by cobbling together some pics from the product manual and then basing things off the standardized size of a AA battery:


They are about fingertip sized. Now, if I could just get the thickness of the buttons... If I can find a side view, I can probably guesstimate. based on the placement of the start buttons etc, we can tell that it is probably at least 20mm thick for the whole unit. If the buttons themselves are at least 6mm high, then they'd be useable.

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How much is it?

And where to get. Nothing on ebay though

There are actually a few on ebay. They can be bought direct from Tiger, albeit a slightly different formfactor - but the buttons look the same. They are $15bux. As soon as my paypal has some cash, I am buying.

There's one older model called the Lights Out Deluxe that is a 36 button grid. You could probably combine it to make MIOS create a monome type controller just by figuring out the connections to the matrix.

EDIT: Apparently, Hackaday has a mention of doing just that, here:


EDIT ALSO: I just realized you were referring possibly to the DJ in a box toy, Weasel.

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I am the proud owner of an older model "Lights Out" game, and I should get it in a few days. Won it on eBay.

BTW, the buttons are rubbery, confirmed from an owner of the toy.

You outbid me for that :(.  I had my eyes set on some of these games for about a week, prior to this thread being started (the similiarity to monome was brought up in a hackaday thread and I went shopping).

Oh well, I did win one last week anyways :).. I wanted 32 buttons but I don't think I'm going to build that controller anymore anyways, instead just a midibox seq.

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Man, Sorry! I suggest that if anyone else is bidding, that they put it here so this doesn't happen again.

If you need 32 buttons, do a search for "Lights Out Deluxe" which has a 6x6 grid. There are 2 for sale.

I am planning on bidding on a Lights Out from Narcisses-Collectibles; it will be $15 shipped. That rounds out the buttons I need. Thomas, would you want to sell yours instead?

Also, I confirmed that the construction of the lights out games is a PCB mount with a single sheet of silicon buttons.

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I think I'm going actually, I'm just going to build a midibox seq so I have enough buttons.  I don't think I'll end up with extras, I have a number of cases to build.

I figured the auction was going to go over $10, but wasn't home to attempt to snipe myself a winning bid.  I'm glad it went to a fellow midiboxer and not some parent for a drooling kid :)

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Thomas, do you have the unit in your posession? Do you know how high the buttons are ,from the top surface of the keypad flashing (the surface the buttons protrude out of)?

My only remaining concern is if they will stick out of a 3mm aluminum panel at least 1 MM.

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Looking for a box to house your midibox project?  I just found the coolest case to use - plus, it's hard plastic and not metal so it's easy to work with.


^^ that's a picture of the box.  I'll post dimensions when I have them.  I just bought two of these from a local thrift store.

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Sorry I haven't gotten back.  I just started a new job so when the PCB didn't come out of the case in the first 2 seconds I haven't had time to go dremel some of the screws holding it together - on the PCB it's on a matrix config, but it's a seperate daughterboard than the remaining circuitry afaik.  I'll post pictures later today?  I should have time.

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Matrix config, the buttons are huge!! like 1.5 cm tall-ish.  Very very tall.  They are not just caps over a normal switch, but are similiar to a lot of mass-market buttoms with the cell membrane that closes contact over the button.  Unsure of matrix configuration, I'll try to figure it out later (since I'll have to for my sequencer ;) )

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