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I HAVE 30 SID 8580 R5s!


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I will test the remaining 15 tonight.

Once that is done and i am satisfied, i will contact all the people who have reserved sids for their address information and investigate shipping costs using mail and courrier (i'm sure courrier will be more expensive but safer).  And quote you a final price with everything included. 

However many sids are left unclaimed after that, i will post on here, and anyone who wanted sids but thought they were too late can reserve those.

thanks for the interest.

I will be able to pay my rent this month!

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Do you guys want the good news or the bad news?

The bad news is all my sids were lost in a 4 alarm fire in the hotel that i own.

the good news is that is obviously a lie.

all 30 of the sids work, great filtering.

I have now socketed them and desocketed them once, so the "never used" aspect is no longer accuraet.  however, CAREFULLY TESTED is the best way to describe it.

i have half of you in an email box, the other half on here.  I ... THINK i have everyone's email who has reserved sids.

so, if you have NOT received an email by me in the next 30 minutes, (12:17 am EST) then get in touch with me right away!

the price per sid will be 25$ USD

shipping will be the actual cost of shipping.

handling will be the cost of materials (anti static envelope/bubbles/tubing) (so not much)

happy shopping.

If you don't want all that you reserved, tell me asap and i'll post the news on here for everyone else.

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Oh i forgot.

The best way to pay me, IMHO, is to "send money" using paypal.  It's fast, delicious, and nobody steals any money from me for doing business (grrrr)

Here is a *Disclaimer*

I have personally tested these chips, and guarantee that they will not be DOA.  DOAs can be returned within 30 days for a refund of the chip that is broken.  IF you order 12 chips and one is broken, you'll get 25 dolalrs back. fair?  fair.

That said

i am *NOT* responsible for damage in the mail (shipping insurance using mail is very very inexpensive, and I reccomend it.  It's free up until 100 dollars i believe, so if you buy 16 sids (cough cough) ... insurance)

I am *NOT* responsible for your own mistakes.  You put a sid 8580 in a 6581 motherboard and it doesnt work, please don't tell me i lied to you and ripped you off.  If you spill coffee on it, again, i can't be held responsible for that.  So please, when you receive these, unwrap the static free wrapping, take them out of the static free tubing, and rather than smash it with a hammer, place it in your midibox project!  (do not feed to your dog, or mistake the sid chip for a cigar, bite the end off, and then try to light it on fire and inhale the fumes.  It's just toxic man, don't do it!  Do not add mass to the chip until it collapses in on itself reaching 6000 degrees Kelvin and begins the hydrogen fusion reaction characterstic of proto-stellar masses.  I don't know how you would accomplish it, but for god's sake, a sun in the middle of the earth would kill us all.  be considerate, do not create a new sun!)

Do not assume that you sid is capable of time travel, pack all your bags and your gun, scream "austria, 1913!  HITLER HOUSEHOLD" and start counting the ways you'll prevent WW2, ONLY to discover it's a 3 channel analogue sound chip, and it's time travel capabilities are, AT BEST< capable of 3 years into the past.. MAX. 

Do not store the sid inside lava.

I think that about does it for the disclaimer.

I reccomend that you test the sid in a c64 when you receive it.  STRONGLY reccomend!  Don't find out in 7 months when you get around to putting together your midibox that the sid you bought never worked in the first place :(  I will be sad, and you will be sad.

I will let you return the sid to me for a refund of the sid expense for 30 days from receipt.  But if you contact me t 6 months down the line  saying "yo, gimme back my 25 bucks, holmes, you gypped me, yo!  yo yo !  i got a gloch!  snap snap boi!  "... well... sorry

mainly because i get annoyed with that weird rap talk, and also because after months, i have no way of knowing if the thing was working when you got it or not.

so again, for your safety, and for mine, TEST this chip when you get it.

I want you to have working chips, you want to have working chips, and we want to all stay friends.

That said, if the chip arrives in good condition, clearly not damaged in shipping, and you excercise all due care in handling the thing, then i will refund the cost of the sid to you if you return the sid to me.

There, i believe that exhaustive disclaimer was fun for all involved.

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THey have been rated 5 on the aldite-metrion scale for transgravitational operation.


Do you plan on using them in a polygrav sphere?

Not quite. I'm trying to deal with practice of putting inward-pointing gravity generators on the walls and ceiling of discotheques?  Interference patterns from setups like that can cause hum in old synths like the SID chip.  It's like AC hum, but has a phasing whoosh to it.  Levitation plates are about the only thing I can use for shielding, but is counterproductive if you want to sit in a chair while at the keyboard and the only place to set up your stuff is on the ceiling.

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Slorrin:  I just need to know which email address to paypal the money to, and you will have your cash.  I'll include my shipping address in the paypal message.  I'll email you again right now so you can see the thread in your email.



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I have tried to invoice those who have confirmed shipping with me through paypal.  Not everyone's main email is their paypal (like mine, as some of you discovered!)

So!  please PM me or email me at ddp at theiliads dot com then i would be very grateful.

ALso, to those in this thread you were in cue, i have 17 chips not spoken for, so they're up for grabs.  First come first serve.

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the anti static tubing i bought did not "cut easily" as the man at the store described, but crumbled and cracked at the touch of a knife.

Seeking an alternative shipping solution than IC tubing .

No added expense to you guys though, it's my own damn fault.

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