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Legal Concerns


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Hey dudes...

I'm about ready to release some tunes I've been working on in the lab, it's somewhat political in nature, and well... I'm not sure I can spit some of these lyrics without winding up in Guantanamo Bay....

Aside from paying a fortune for a lawyer (I'm too underground to afford that shit) and aside from drawing attention to myself by asking the Police... does anyone know a good way to find out what's legal and what's not? I don't mean as far as censorship goes, I mean as far as the feds go....

Any advice appreciated  :)

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it's the states you need to worry about.

eg - Any reference to killing a president will get you an arrest warrent.

given the state of paranoia today if you make enough of a stir with the tunes to get attention you could easily end up on a no-fly/no entry list...

if you are really worried - do the project under another name.

but the long and the short, if you come to the attention of  any intelligence service they most likely will take a look at you, history etc and depending on what they find/how bored they are they might rake through your life.

I think about 3%-10% of ppl charged with terrorism offences in the UK have been prosecuted, out of the original figure only 0.3% with terrrorism related offences, the rest - stuff they found when they went though every aspect of their life (tax, benefit fraud etc)...

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Ahhh free speech....

This sucks.... Fact is if the cops want you in jail they only have to come to your house and bring some drugs or something to plant, so if they really want me then I'm screwed anyway... F***n police state. Can I even say that?

I dunno, I look at guys like Mr Lif and wonder how he gets away with it.... There must be a safe line...

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Oh look to be honest I don't care so much about being denied entry, I just don't wanna wind up in jail or with big fines... I don't want fame whatsoever, and I won't be touring...

Damn right about .au... just look at David Hicks... (Did you guys hear about him??)

Plus, we are now extraditing Australian citizens to the US to face court over laws we don't even have here.

It's messed up man

Edits removed to protect the innocent (ME!)

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As long as you're not really, really anti, you should be ok  - as long as it comes under "free speech" and not "incitement to riot". That said, the new Retrosic album has the lyrics "Blame your government / judge the innocent / kill your president / yeah, not a bad intent" so who knows...

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as long as it comes under "free speech" and not "incitement to riot".

Well funny you should mention it, because that's one of he things I was concerned about... I guess that, attacking complacency is something of a theme... That's part of my problem... What defines the line between, like...

Bad thing happened

Bad thing happened cause you didn't do anything

You should do something about these bad things

Do something about this bad thing right now

The government is to blame for this bad thing you should do something right now and voting doesnt cut it

Riot riot riot kill destroy bomb parliament! LOL

It becomes a bit crazy when you include sarcasm as is common in Aussie humour, IE

Just sit there and whatever you do don't do anything about that bad thing you see

Or when it's hidden in metaphor and simile, or what about if you mix in other languages, refer to historic events, etc etc etc.... Like look at the movie V for Vendetta....

I am so angry right now. All I want is to make the word a nicer place, for everyone, I shouldn't have to worry about this crap! Grr! >:( :'(

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All I want is to make the word a nicer place, for everyone, I shouldn't have to worry about this crap! Grr! Angry Cry
You shouldn`t worry about it.

I`m not informed well about law in your countries but I really thought people stopped worry about may they say something. :-\  It reminds me of communist regime in my country years ago... People shouldn`t "think too loud" some things if they don`t wanna spend years "hammering the stone" on one of our remotest islands... Oh, how I hate politics, or should I say politicians! >:( 

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The very fact that you feel the need to ask this question only points out that you ABSOLUTELY MUST do it without censoring yourself.

If everyone keeps their mouth shut, no one will ever remember what went wrong.

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Hahaha yeh I seem to get banned (or asked to leave) from almost everywhere... As you'd all know, I'm a friendly guy usually, but I don't mix my words ;) It seem that these days people have a 'ban reflex' like the doctor hitting your knee with that little hammer hehehehe

I had a chat with Wiba about this stuff just now and the short of it is that I'm not going to say anything outwardly stupid, certainly nothing that hasn't been said before by people like Michael Moore (thanks for that great example Wilba!) so I'm just gonna say 'F*&^ it' and say what I gotta say...

So if I disappear shortly after the vX is completed (a prerequisite for backing tracks), please send cigarettes to me in jail ;) heheheh

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if the cops want you in jail they only have to come to your house and bring some drugs or something to plant

You think like my Uncle. ;) Years ago, I asked him if they would go so far as to rip out all my rack equipment and furniture to look for something. When he said "yes", I asked if they would pay to get all my shit fixed when they didn't find anything. He said "It ain't going to matter. If they've gone through that much trouble, they find something anyway". :)

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You bet...

I mean, not all cops are bad cops... But so often they have to bend the rules to catch the real crims, they reach a point where they bend the rules all the time, and then when someone who doesn't deserve a hard time comes along, they just get the standard treatment.

It's not the cops' intention - most of them join the force because they want to make the world a better place... But people are a product of their environment, and their environment is a massively flawed legal system which requires corruption to enforce it.

Half of me feels sorry for them and the other half hates them  :-\

"Get up a get get get down, 9-1-1 is a joke in your town"

Edit: I'm paranoid

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Stryd, didn't you want me NOT to open a poll concerning illegal software?  ;D

well, you may do that. you're an admin  :P

You should send your songs to michael moore. he's famous. If the cops really try to get you, he could make a nice documentary movie.  ;)

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Stryd, didn't you want me NOT to open a poll concerning illegal software?  ;D

Yeh cause I don't want to condone illegal activity, same reason that I've started this thread. Look I may not agree with all of the laws we have or the way they are enforced but I still don't think it's a good idea to just go around breaking them if you don't like them.

I'm pro-anarchism FWIW, but while there are laws, we should follow them.

well, you may do that. you're an admin  :P

I'm only an admin so that I can help to save TK some time with administrative tasks like moving threads around and removing spam and stuff like that, so he can focus on more important stuff like sidv2 :) The primary reason for the fact that I'm an admin, is that I'm always at my PC, either at work doing work, or at home doing work on the vX, so I' always watching and can respond quickly.

I don't have any nameity over what's said or done in the forum (bold for everyone's attention)... Which is why my sig is what it is :) I don't want people thinking I'm a boss-man, I'm just a peon :)

You should send your songs to michael moore. he's famous. If the cops really try to get you, he could make a nice documentary movie.  ;)

hehehehhe well that's not so much a joke as it sounds :) The problem with the media is that they'll only take your side if they think it'll get ratings :(

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Wow!  I take a few days away, and now someone opened Pandora's box/political/free speech thread.  ;D

This forum has always been void of politico and the questions of race/religion that always follow politics.  I really like that, considering I'm in the US they would probably come get me within 5 minutes of the rant I would spew about US politics.... ;D

sums it up.

I say we keep it light around here and avoid politics.....there are plenty of other places to correct each other about $VAR_POLITICAL_ISSUE, or the correct path to $VAR_AFTERLIFE_NAME through the worship of $DEITY.  ;)

I do have to admit that I am racist, but not in the typical way.  I'm racist against dumbasses.  They come in all shapes sizes and colors.  Unfortunately you can't usually tell until they speak, so it's a bit more difficult than the average racists' blind hate. (slackers)  ;D

I won't forget the moment when my plane arrived in the USA and some guys at the airport asked me how Hitler's doing.  >:(
The airport can be the worst for my type of racism.  It would be so much easier to have a separate dumbass line.  If that were in place, your trip would probably have been much more pleasant, since the dumbass line would be clearly marked in many languages, and you might even feel compelled to wave at the cute little poop-flinging primate who obviously rode the short bus to the airport.  ;D

On speech, If it's not going to cause harm to you or your loved ones shout it from the rooftops, if it really needs said but might get you and yours hurt, be anon, put it on the net and spread it virus stylee.



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I say we keep it light around here and avoid politics.....there are plenty of other places to correct each other about $VAR_POLITICAL_ISSUE, or the correct path to $VAR_AFTERLIFE_NAME through the worship of $DEITY.  ;)

Yeh my first reaction was that I should maybe just delete the post, but I wasn't sure that playing censor was entirely a good idea. I think we can all agree that it might be the best thing after all, so I've removed all that  in the best interest of the forum..

PS I removed the posts as the thread owner not as a forum mod :)

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the real trick to the dumbass line is that all us smartasses are the only ones who actually use it..

see..  true dumbasses would never notice there was a dumbass line.. in fact, Murphy dictates that all the dumbasses will be in every line BUT the dumbass line.

It matters not what language it is written in, because dumbasses don't have their own language.

Furthermore, dumbasses are adept at averting their eyes from large bright flashing signs ment to call their attention to anything important.

Even when it says "HEY!!  YOU!!  yeah, DUMBASS!!  this is your line!"

It's not that dumbasses are incapable of reading the sign... they simply are incapable of noticing it in the first place.

Thus, anyone with any sort of brain would notice the general chaos that is the airport, ignore the potential embarasment, and promptly stand in the shortest line.. Ie.. the dumbass line.

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