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alps motorfader bulk order

the addict

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hi everybody  ;D

i and snykhed are organising a big bulk order for alps motorfader.

price :

Qty. 100+ = 9.40 Euro each + Tax (== ca. 11.20 Eur)

Qty. 250+ = 8.90 Euro each + Tax (== ca. 10.60 Eur)

Fader-Knobs are included (FK13x25 = Plastic, ripped, hard)

in available colors: black, gray, red, blue, white.

A touch-sensitive Fader-knob is available for 0.76 Eur +Tax (== ca. 0.90 Eur)

we will set a deadline for posting here, i think 1 month would be enough.

also we need all the money transfers done before ordering cause we don´t have 1000nds of spare euros lying around here.

every interested person will be pmd with a paypal/bank account number when we know the final price

please only post here if you are 100% shure you want to order.

happy posting ;-)


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I did also ask for touch-sense faderknobs ans standard colored plastic-knobs ;)

But I don't think that I can order many different types of them. So we should

agree on less types, that will satisfy our needs.

But I might think about the soft surface knobs for some applications where

the touch-sense is not needed.


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I really don`t want to insult you addict nor snykehd, but you are pretty new here on the forum.

I really appreciate initiative, but personally, I wouldn`t feel comfortable to send my money to the people that I don`t know well, or they need to be least part of community for some time. There is pretty much fraud around, and I experienced some. So, please don`t be offend with my attitude, I just don`t want somebody to be fxxxed up.  :-\

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I really don`t want to insult you addict nor snykehd, but you are pretty new here on the forum.

I really appreciate initiative, but personally, I wouldn`t feel comfortable to send my money to the people that I don`t know well, or they need to be least part of community for some time. There is pretty much fraud around, and I experienced some. So, please don`t be offend with my attitude, I just don`t want somebody to be fxxxed up.  Undecided

don´t worry  ;D

i can understand your point of view, i probably wouldn´t trust any other newbi either. so what can we do ? if there would be any other person, member of the comunity for a longer time than me or snykehd that would take care of the ordering and money stuff probably the comunity would trust more in this attempt to get to the bulk order working.

the only thing that we really want is to get some cheap motorfaders, nothing else. my (or better our) offert to the comunity is taking care of the organisational stuff, i have absolulty no problem with the fakt that anybody else takes care of the billing/ordering/sending of the mfs.

so is there anybody who could take care of this ?

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I thought: "Cool, some Newbies going ahead and do something for the whole community. - Just great!"

So, please don`t be offend with my attitude, I just don`t want somebody to be fxxxed up.  :-\

... well you propably just fxxxed up the success of this bulk order with this pessimistic comment. - I don't understand the motivation to shout out personal doubts in this thread. You don't beware anybody of beeing fxxxed up but the pessimism is infecting and people start to get more careful and reserved without a real reason.

I mean there is always a certain risk but the benefit is the price. There is a risk for both parties and you never know. But we're not talking about big bucks. Did anybody in this community really know me, when I did the last Motorfader bulkorder? - No... nobody. Perhaps Smash and Skunk knew me a bit better than the rest of you but they didn't know about I'm a jerk or not. (They still don't  ;D)

I don't want to offend you Sasha (I even would send you money in advance for a MF-order ;) ) or Playbo$$, but I just had to get rid of that.

I understand your doupts but I don't understand why you just don't join the bulkorder and keep your doupts for yourself.

A Newbie is not known at all but he shouldn't be a subject for crime just because of this.

Greets, Roger

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I understand your worries, sasha.

I thought about doing all the mony-things with paypal, because I myself would not

just send anyone money, too. especially not when it's the money for about 50 MF's ;)

What brought us to starting this bulk-order was just to get our Parts for less than 20 Eur,

not to get other people's money. And with this bulk-order we can at least give a little bit

back to the community.

So if you need some MF's you can join our bulk-order or order them yourself (and pay more ;)

best regards,


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I don't understand the motivation to shout out personal doubts in this thread.

You dont understand the motivation??? I`m shocked!!!

What should be my reason..? I`m some freak like in a movies.... "This is OUR little town, leave it till dusk you filthy newbies" FUCK!!!

... well you propably just fxxxed up the success of this bulk order with this pessimistic comment.

This is so not truth! I intended to trow attention to the things that actually happening and it could happened to you!

If I made people think of it I`m glad, If people just automatically gave up just because I said it... and not think of it, they are stupid. I dont believe people here are stupid so see no problem.

Other thing is I`m not pessimistic, I am cautious with reason! That is very different my man.

I understand your doupts but I don't understand why you just don't join the bulkorder and keep your doupts for yourself.

I didn`t wanted to join bulk order at first place. Don`t need motorfaders for now at all. Have anybody ever told you ...hey man...think of it..OK? Or you always do everything right and you never been fu**** up because you been "relaxed"

My intentions was very positive and caring, not pessimistic, and if you don`t understand THAT I have nothing more to say to you man. :-X


I thought about doing all the mony-things with paypal, because I myself would not

just send anyone money, too. especially not when it's the money for about 50 MF's Wink

Exactly that is what I wanted people to think of. Can they be comfortable to trust their money to some new people, or not. I trusted my money to some people on the forum, and I never mat any and have no real guarantee, but it is not big chance that somebody would dirt up his name in community just to get some money and run. So when one spend some time here, and others noticed him around that means he is not some guy who is just passing by.

What brought us to starting this bulk-order was just to get our Parts for less than 20 Eur,

not to get other people's money. And with this bulk-order we can at least give a little bit

back to the community.

Sure, but it is just a matter of trust. I never thought... let`s say Wilba (he is popular these days) could disappear with money for PCB`s and pannels! Thrust. Never meet him, I know nothing about him, didnt even speek much to him.. but he is here to stay for a long time with same name.

So if you need some MF's you can join our bulk-order or order them yourself (and pay more Wink

Thank you for an offer. I already get some MF for bigger price ;)

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so here is some good news for everyone who still isn't afraid to give us their money to get some cheap MFs ;)

I just got the mail from albs.de telling me the conditions:

Motorfaders ALPS RSAON11M9 10KB (100mm, 10K-Ohm)

Qty. 100+ = 9.40 Euro each + Tax (== ca. 11.20 Eur)

Qty. 250+ = 8.90 Euro each + Tax (== ca. 10.60 Eur)

Fader-Knobs are included (FK13x25 = Plastic, ripped, hard)

in available colors: black, gray, red, blue, white.

A touch-sensitive Fader-knob is available for 0.76 Eur +Tax (== ca. 0.90 Eur)

There's only the shipping from albs to me left. At worst case I would pay for it.

(That doesn't mean, I would be pleased to pay the shipping all by myself ;) )

The other shipping-costs will depend on where you live. (I'll send from Germany)

best regards,


PS: Hopefully, the_addict will edit the first post and insert the costs ? ;)

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Don't worry guys....

You both have the forum members' good intentions in mind, you are just doing it in different ways. We all love you both  :-* ;D

I'll take care of these concerns elsewhere, as for this thread I say as always buyer beware, now get your cheap MF's, MFs!

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thx for supporting all of us ;)

but now please let's keep this thread free for orders.

the next days I won't be at home that much, but within

the next week I'll set up a page where all recent orders

are shown to have an overview of the current status.

greets, paul

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I am very interested in 25 motorfaders, plus caps.

thank you.


P.S. I'm not on this forum as much as I used to (as much as I'd like) so if I could get a PM when you guys have finalised details, etc... Also to remind me (I can be excruciatingly vague at times!)

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Here are some news about the motorfader bulk order:

Today I started coding the page that will show you the status of the bulk order.

That page will also help me with getting and keeping all your information together,

like adresses, shipping, paypal-stuff, etc.

So that everybody gets what he ordered :)

It can be found here: http://bulk-order.phinemedia.de/

E-Mail for ordering parts is: bulk-order@phinemedia.de


I also asked for some more offers from albs:

- 60mm Faders 5K

- ALPS Encoders ALPS STEC12E (with push button)

- Big, Flat Encoder-Knobs for Jog-Wheels

- Faderknobs: silverchrome, blackchrome, soft-surface

In the last days I thought about doing such orders more often, if this bulk order goes well :)

best regards,

paul aka snykehd

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  • 2 weeks later...

Allright, we have more than 100 MFs ordered by now,

the time for taking part in this bulk order should be over now.

I still need the adresses and real names of some people to make

sure they're real and to calculate shipping and paypal costs.

To all the others I'll send more information via e-mail and please (!)

pay immediatelly, so that we won't have to wait much longer ;)

greetings from bulk order city,

paul aka snykehd

PS: There will be another bulk order if this one works out fine.

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