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MIDIbox SID-NUXX-based synth on eBay?!?


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He's probably putting the cases together, I mean it must take time an effort to make something like that :o

Goes to show that there's a difference between doing something for the love of it, ie the Wilbabeast and doing something for commercial gain, ie the ebay monstrocity.


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Goes to show that there's a difference between doing something for the love of it, ie the Wilbabeast and doing something for commercial gain, ie the ebay monstrocity.

yeah... I was just thinking the same.... Imagine Wilbas MB-6852 on ebay... weinen.gif

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What someone should do is. Make a ebay auction with the exact title as this bluelatern guys. Make the auction for FREE. Then just have a link to ucapps. Also in the description you could bash bluelatern and why not to support him. Someone should seriously do this and I think this guy would finally get the point.

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I've just pried to send a message to eBay.

(note, the subject is pre-determined, not my wording...)

Subject: Someone is stealing my intellectual property.

This seller is selling synthesizers which contravene the Intellectual Property laws contained within the GNU public license.

The intellectual property contained within the electronic design and software control of the synthesizer belongs to Thorsten Klose of Munchen, Germany.

The design has been made public for non-commercial use under the confines of the GNU public license.

Therefore, the sale of these synthesizers by the seller is a direct breach of intellectual property laws.

We have attempted on numerous occasions to contact the seller regarding this issue, but he makes no reply, nor has he stopped producing the synths.

Of course, I'm not holding my breath waiting for eBay to reply...

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Hi tilted,

GNU public license

Thanks for taking action :) but I´m sorry having to correct you - your text is wrong in two regards:

First, MBSID, MIOS etc. are not under GNU GPL at least since one year. The license is:

Copyright 1998-2007 Thorsten Klose (tk@midibox.org)

Licensed for personal non-commercial use only.

All other rights reserved.

and second - if it was GNU GPL, he would NOT breach the license! GPL only means open source, i.e. if you make modifications/extentions to the code, you'll have to re-publish the source code. Nothing else. Look how many companies make profit from Linux related stuff and they're perfectly legal.

The second issue was the exact reason why the license was changed. In fact you've told ebay that bluelantern did nothing wrong :-/


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Even under GPL licensing it is probable the guy is in breach of the licensing terms.

His ad on ebay should clearly state that the device is covered by the GPL conditions

and his device being sold should also be supplied with a copy of such license and

all required documentation.

See: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-violation.html

I'm no legal eagle but a good read through the GPL conditions have surfaced a number

of areas it could be argued a breach has occured.

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I don't think that it's e.g. illegal to sell your RedHat Linux CDs on eBay without mentioning the GPL license in the auction text. As long as all original and modified source code is supplied with the item, he would be in peace with GPL.

But this discussion is highly theoretical because there is NO GPL on Midibox. He is definitely in breach of TK's license which is only a few clear words - "Licensed for personal non-commercial use only. All other rights reserved". No interpretation necessary.


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Make a ebay auction with the exact title as this bluelatern guys. Make the auction for FREE. Then just have a link to ucapps.

Now that sounds effective :D  Have his auctions (and associated keywords) on your watch list; have your counter-listing prepared beforehand, and drop it straight into the queue after his.

Also in the description you could bash bluelatern and why not to support him.

Probably best not to name him, all the while making it completely obvious what auctions you're talking about.  And explain in BIG LETTERS what DIY, non-commercial license, DIY, IP theft, and NO WE WON'T BUILD YOU ONE mean.


Why pay for this:


When you can build this?


argh remind me how to resize images someone?

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Let's see.

Wilbas boards are what, $25 each? And really well made.

The SIDs are about another $25 each. From Wilba.

The entire MB6582x8 would cost what, about $350 in parts? Maybe?

And this guy is selling SINGLE SID synths in shonky pine boxes for upwards of $500 US?

So more like: Why pay heaps for this garbage, when you can build an instrument for much much less.

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I don't like kicking someone for there idea of taste and design concept but this guy

is just unbelievable. Ok, what he does is wrong with regards to using unnameised

IP, but it goes beyond that. He is making big bucks from other peoples lack of knowledge.

Really, I find it distasteful that he passes of his 3rd world quality workmanship

as something of value. My 12yr old daughter builds better gear than this stuff!!

No amount of "coloured acrylic" bling or hotmelt glue can disguise the fact that

this chap bangs these boxes together in a few hours with his only regard being

to make as much money from the nieve as possible >:(

From his recent sales ;

11 units sold, highest price $510.00us, lowest price $115.06us, average price $314.00us

net income $3457.06

Sales history...Aug 1...Sept 4....Oct 6.

Now if you assume he will sell 11 every 3 mths, using his current figures he will

make an income of around $13828us a year from this scam. :o with not one cent

going to the person (people) who made his little business possible.

And why the sudden USA sales only policy...has he been the "victim" of a purchase

scam himself?......I hope so ;D

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Guys can we

[move][glow=red,2,300]PLEASE LET IT GO?!?!?!?![/glow][/move]

Seriously, all this talk is just depressing, it gets nobody anywhere.

I know we are all feeling very frustrated and sometimes feel the need to 'vent' but it's been months and months of gripe, gripe, gripe..

Control yourselves please, let's spend our effort on more enjoyable things than complaining. Forget this guy, build something.

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Simple, lock this thread :-X I understand your point of view and maybe it is floggin

a dead horse, but sometimes the horse is just sleeping. It's not my IP being sold

so I suppose it's cool. It's not for me to decide if the work of the community is of

no value and like most "democracies" freedom of speech is not truly free.

Every now and then god dies and someone is elected to walk in his footsteps, so

now is the time to probably lay down and admit defeat.


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I think my view on what has been happening on ebay is quite obvious.

As to your second statement I don't see what you are getting at !

I have been kicking around (though I admit not a lot of posting) since

2003. Previously with the nick cem3340. I have had contact with TK

at times since his first midibox (16F84 based) way long ago. I have

quietly been developing various MIOS devices over that period all of

which now work happily in my studio. I am currently developing an

8 channel Drum synth (fully programmable, with program storage)

and a true analog synth voice card which will again be fully programmable,

have program storage etc. This when mated with MIOS will be expandable

so as to allow 6 note poly. (Using a similar method as the SID synth..ie.

1 core per voice)

I have been tempted many times to post up all the details, code, schematics

etc over the years. At this point I simply wont do it for the fact of people

like bluelantern and those who condone his/her activities.

So no more from me on this ebay stuff. Sorry to hijack the thread with my


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