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Midibox vs. Notron vs. P3 etc?


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I have some money right now to get a sequencer. Although I have all the parts for the MidiboxSEQ, I just have not time to build it right now. I have always wanted a Notron (really badly) and there may be a chance to buy one but they are mega pricey ($1700+).

Basically, the Notron should have been re-created by now but it hasn't. The p3 Has a lot of cool functionality but they totally missed the point with the menu driven interface..the Notron has complex combo functions but it is all tactile with no screen. Then you have beasts like the genoqs octopus bt $3K is an offensive amount of money :P

The midi box with 4x16 button array seems to be the closest contender but it needs to be built. Anyone here own a Notron and has compared it to the midibox sequencer? Any other special sequencers I should look at?

The biggest issue with the Notron is that i want to use it for live use and it is unstable (crashes/resets).

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you can also look at the machinedrum. its sequencer is equivalent to 4 SEQ chained together ! and it is quite cheaper today. It has the possibility to create MIDI kit, assigning each of the 16 parts (intrument ) to a different midi channel, with 3 notes by step, length on each note, and 8 CC by step too. CC number can be changed for each step.

16 or 32 steps. but it doesn't have the fun arp function and reverse function.

another solution is to work with a software like ableton and a control surface (midibox64 or voirinov for example).

go to schneider buro, there is Signal Arts Performance Sequencer, Cyclus and Schrittmacher (hybrid between machinedrum and ucapps seq). my favorite is : Mungo Enterprises Infinite Horizon (very impressive and clever! it composes music by itself) by infos about are very rare.


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Another one worth looking at may be Zeit http://www.infectionmusic.com/index.html

Again, a lot more than a MIDIbox SEQ, but good looking and has a growing reputation for ease of use and flexibility.

I'll be able to A/B the MIDIbox SEQ and the P3 before long - I have got the PCB's built and the controls tested for both, though I won't get into the metalwork phase until December. I've just been doing a lot of soldering in my spare time.

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what's up with PT10 cases ?

Still on their way from the USA, I had a word with ACAL last week and the lead time was 4 weeks. They have some in stock, and I've asked the girl there if they can dispatch what they have, so I can at least get the weights etc sorted, and a few sent out. I'll know on Monday

I'll repost this and a couple of other details in the PT-10 thread


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  • 1 month later...

There are lots of sequencers out there, ranging from the Mobius ($400) to the Schrittmacher, Zeit and Octopus...  (I have some of them listed in the sequencers section of AnalogNotes.)  If you don't have time to build a Midibox SEQ right now, what about using software?  Do you have a Mac?  If so, I'd recommend Numerology http://www.five12.com/numerology.html.  I've also seen links to Nortron http://www.dspaudio.com/, but I don't know anything about it...



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