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Everything posted by Spirit

  1. uhmm i can not paste the url anymore and the "link" function doesnt work any more. go to the main webpage and enter "ma4pc" inside the search box.
  2. hi there is a Post on the NG forum about some one that allready copied the GrandMa2. that one look realy Awesome!!!! and if i readed it correct its not that easy to just connect a Midi controller to MA software. if i recall it correct he used a other software that like cracked the MA software in somekind of way. i tried/lookt it with Avolight but it uses custom Midi command and Most of all the button/faders did not have a midi command.
  3. yes i think you can use. EVENT_ENC ID=1 TYPE=META META=RUNSECTION RANGE=0:127 and the RANGE will be the first Section, everything in between, and last section. and if you dont like to have all the sections on the encoder you can use the RANGE=MAP1 and MAP1 1 2 4 8 16 wil only tigger Section 1 2 4 8 and 16.... dont have my hardware at my side so cant test it..
  4. i dont think MB_NG can do this.. maby a new feature for TK to make.. But MB_can only handle 128 Encoders.. 32 DIN Shiftregisters x 8 inputs = 256, each Encoder needs 2 inputs so 128 encoders... /spirit
  5. Spirit

    My First MB_NG

  6. Spirit


    From the album: My First MB_NG

    Test Front plate with Cardboard
  7. Spirit


    From the album: My First MB_NG

    Back from Front plate :-D
  8. Spirit


    From the album: My First MB_NG

    Main board
  9. Spirit


    From the album: My First MB_NG

    Finished Project
  10. Spirit


    From the album: My First MB_NG

    Build in progress
  11. Spirit


    From the album: My First MB_NG

    First a Beta Version to see if my idea will work
  12. Yes this seems OK! But Why would like to have one LED for each POTS... And Why 2x AINSER64, if you only like to have 40 pots (1x AINSER 64 can handle 64 pots) Also i would recommend to get a LCD screen this can be very usefull for troubleshooting.. Yes you only need the Ribbon Cable, with the IDC Connectors.. 10Pin ribbon cable for the Modules and the 16Pin Ribbon cable for the LCD screen. as you see on the webpage "Includes PCB and all parts that mount directly to the board" so Yes you get the PCB + ALL the parts.. And you also need to have a Powersupply 12V 500mA DC should be Oke.. and you need a SD card, i recommend to use a SD adaptor and put a Small Micro SD into it so you can still remove the Micro SD and put it in you PC if things realy goes wrong.. /Spirit
  13. Correct! only you need to buy the LPC1769 from http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/lpcxpresso/_xpr.php or http://www.watterott.com/de/LPC1769-LPCXpresso-Board or http://www.lextronic.fr/P19864-module-lpc1769-lpcxpresso-board.html or http://nl.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Embedded-Artists/EA-XPR-003/?qs=S92LKl1JvFyxqKp2Q1rskQ== Indeed. only For a Button Matrix you need both Shiftrigisters , 74HC165 and 74HC595 more info can be found here. http://ucapps.de/mbhp_dio_matrix.html And a Led matrix needs only the 74HC595. for a nice overview here a link http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_hw.html and for the Pots you can use 2 differnt modules. the AINSER64 to connect 64Pots/Faders. 2 can be Cascade to get 127 Analog Inputs. or the AINSER8 to cennect 8 pots/faders. 2 can be cascade to get 16 Analog inputs YES!! only is you use the Matix you need to Read carefull the instructions on the pages as they need some extra components.. or you need to Leave some Componets.. /spirit
  14. :rolleyes: no you still need the DIN/DOUT/AINSER64 or AINSER8 Only the CORE8 support 8 OR 16) Shiftregister to get 128 Button/Led or 64encoder. the LPC supports 32 Shiftregister to connect 256 Button/led direct to the Shiftregister or. 16x16 = 256 x8 = 2048 Button/Led Matrix... 1x DIN/DOUT = 4x Shiftregister (32 I/O) and to make it more clear.. you can connnect 32 (74HC165) Shiftregisters for Buttons/Encoders. AND 32 (74HC595) shiftregisters for LED/Ledrings, 7Segment led displays. /spirit
  15. hi you have the CORE8 this core can handle 128 Midi event so 128buttons or 64button and 64Pots or 64Encoder with Ledring. you also have the LPC Core. this core can handle 2048 Midi events. you can add 2048 Buttons and leds (RGB leds) 128Pots 32Moterfaders. but i would recommend the LPC core. as i also know nothing about electronics but Midibox realy learned me allot about elecrontics. but if you buy everthing form smashTV you can get realy nice PCB's with all the Componets you need. and you just need to follow the PDF from Ucapps.. also the devolper made a Realy easy to understand Syntax, to program your LPC. /spirit
  16. hi the manual says. EVENT_X ID=1 - 4095 TYPE=NPRN CH=1 - 16 NPRN=1 - 16383 NPRN_FORMAT=UNSIGNED/SIGNED /SPIRIT
  17. you can connect the SCS (Standard Control Surface) direct to the LPC and i think 8 Faders.. http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_scs.html
  18. hi i also tried some events to Use my Bcf2000 also changed note's. only at the moment i dont have my BCF2000 at my side.. so this is a Example from a older topic from me... oke here you see a example. IF MB_NG gets a CC=1 on Midi in port1 it will send CC=2 on midiout1 and it will Forward some tekst on the LCD hope this helps.. /Spirit
  19. MB_NG V1.027 Pre2 Event Pool Number of Items: 380 Event Pool Allocation: 13458 of 24576 bytes (54%) Before 80% But the new Set_Ative works realy nice!!! 40 buttons, 10 Encoders, 5 Moterfaders. 20 Banks 1x 4x40 Charcter LCD
  20. ahh yes i think the motorpots will be the trick then because the MF_module needs the feedback (Pot or fader) to know on which position its on.. but still you will need one with ALLOT!!! of "N" (Newton) because it also needs to rotate the pot you like to connect it on... as some pots rotate realy easy and other are hard to rotate... /spirit
  21. hi i dont think your idea will works because the motors doesnt know where they are. the Faders tell the MF_module where they are.. so if you send a Velocity from 64 the motor will spinn until the fader is @ 64 and the MF_module turns of the motos.. the only solution i would know is to use Motorpots.. something like this http://www.conrad.nl/ce/nl/product/442056/Motorpotmeter and if you use a Stereo type of POT you can connect the Original wires to LEFT and the midi wires to RIGHT... but im also not realy sure as i'm also no master in electroncs... its just a idea... but maby you can also use a AOUT module... but again i'm not sure as im not sure what a AOUT module does... but if i think its like a Analoge out signal you can create a New front desing for the gitar amp. add some Encoders with leds rings and if you rotate a Encoder the aout module will send the analoge signal to the gitar Amp.. and the led ring shows how Hard or low the Gain is set or volume... this way you can also create a Foorswitch with differnt presets, and a Controller outside the recording booth and all can get feedback thru midi.. this would be the cheapest solution... /spirit
  22. hi bibi i then think its a issue with your .NGC file you use.. because on the Default.ngc only the first 64 button are assing with a midi note.. so only the first 2 DINx4 module works OKE.. as i also see the DEFAULT.ngc it ist made complete.. i miss all kinds of Event/parameters... the idea with the New MB_NG is you can create your own setup...the way you like to have it... here you have a Link that explains all the differnt Event and Parameters.. i also recommend to start with the "First steps" page and build on from there.. http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual.html /spirit
  23. hi i tried a couple tests to see how this SYSEX works on MB_NG you can do this on a couple on differnt ways... you can allready find some parameters on Ucapps. but to give you a example i did this... On the .NGC i used this line..for testing EVENT_Receiver ID =3 type=SysEx stream="0xf0 0x00 0x30 0x00 ^txt" LCD_POS=2:1:2 EVENT_Receiver ID =4 type=SysEx stream="0xf0 0x00 0x31 0x00 ^txt" LCD_POS=2:10:2 EVENT_Receiver ID =5 type=SysEx stream="0xf0 0x00 0x32 0x00 ^txt" LCD_POS=2:20:2 EVENT_Receiver ID =6 type=SysEx stream="0xf0 0x00 0x33 0x00 ^txt" LCD_POS=2:30:2 0xf0 = Begin of massage 0x00 = Null (No clue just looks nice) 0x30 = 1 (i use this like a ID) you can also just create something you like to have.. 0x00 = Null (realy imported to put this on the end otherwise you'll get strange results) ^txt = for the MB_NG so it knows that is is a Tekst.. now i use Bome's midi translator to send the SySex string..for testing. F0 00 30 00 54 45 53 54 30 F7 (this will print "TEST0" on the lcd) F0 00 31 00 54 45 53 54 31 F7 (this will print "TEST1" on the lcd) F0 00 32 00 54 45 53 54 32 F7 (this will print "TEST2" on the lcd) F0 00 33 00 54 45 53 54 33 F7 (this will print "TEST3" on the lcd) but as you see i put the LCD:Y:Z on the .NGC but you can also add this to the Sysex string.. i hope this clears it up for you.. /spirit
  24. hi you say you loaded the Default.NGC do you mean this one? http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Fdefault%2Fdefault.ngc and if you use this .NGC did you also change anything on it? /spirit
  25. hi if you look at the MB_MF page on ucapps you read this.. i would connect MF module 1 on the third midi IO port and MF module 2 on Fourth Mid IO port... and this is a Line TK gave me.. this way if you select USB port 3 on MS you can Configure the First MF module.. and this line will be for the second MF module.. and you need USB Port 4 on MS to configure it.. no ID needed.. and if you put them both on Emulated MOTORMIX you can configure them on the .NGC file from the LPC works realy nice for me.. /spirit
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