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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. short answer: YesNo maybe...but they are allmost the same i have ordered i am still in beta state...give me a week or two... maybe i know more then... in the mean time i have a lot of "if" "maybe" "i gues" it works but not testet on real bongs (only on table...) i have ordered that: EPZ-27MS44 they are not wired (you have to solder a cable) and have no feedback loop, but they have all-much the same Resistance (400-500Ohm) when soldering a wire you have to reduce the heat of the soldering iron...with 450°C you burn a hole in the top-metal...300-350°C is ok but they are very big about 4cm diameter...maybe for a PAD-Solution smaller are a better choise: mouser they are 1cm and used as loudspeaker thery are for high-tone (vs midtone), dont know what that means in the sensoric way, but mine have peak when hit hardest about 5V. your linked piezzo have a feedback-loop - that is sometimes needed when you use it as loudspeaker(the 3rd wire)... but maybe the have use as triggers too? why that? >>>problem: coupling vibrations from one pad to the other: if you hit the piezzo to hard, vibration goes to the other pad... this is no problem for me, because i use it on bongos...they vibrate also to the other bongos but not that much, so i programmed software side a minimum voltage threshold (software decouple) which also reduce the velocity sensitivy a bit... much more of course when you use it in pads triggerpads are a other story...and here comes the Feedback loop in the game > maybe wired on a Digital Input, it helps to find out the correct piezzo element > means if you hit piezzo 1, the DIN Pin 1 gets HI, the software now knows - ignore all other Analog Inputs from the other Piezzos for this moment...so you have the full velocity (stroke the pad)... but that is a bit tricky software side, because- what happens if you hit more pads @ once.... like i said a lot of "if" also the hardware decouple... the stand-the-base-the-case should be very heavy (kilos), it should not vibrate when you hit a pad, because every vibration give Piezzo information on all other pads then the pad, on its backsidein a hole of diameter about the diameter of the piezzo, in it the piezzo. and between them case and the Pad should be a very good shock absorbing material, which? > dont know? but they should make a good decouple job...and it should not be to loosy because loosy means vibration - and vibration make fail-triggers on the other pads - a internet search for such triggerpads for drummers should bring more information...but thats not my site...i am on bongos there are other problems. just my 2 cents
  2. The Test Equipment This Kroko cand hold on surfaices up to 4cm (piezzo - clamp) 572a2859eefc1- The Piezzos dont need Active components... The Electrete Mic- Stands ---- the will be placed inside a bongo (since a bongo is open at the ground) Midibox Stuff...
  3. A new concept: The Piezzo take the Wood Hits The Electrete take the Skin Hits the software decide which one was hit, because of Amplitudes. some first thougts about how to decode that 2 differnt Mics... How to Finetune the Amplitudes > Tune the Setup for your Bongos: 1.Select Trigger-Input 2.Press AutoSet 3.Hit The Bongo HARDEST, and be Quiet 3a.On Skin for Electrete Inputs 3b.On Wood für Piezzo Inputs 4. >>> The Trigger goes now into an AIN which is set for to high Resulution > 1K... instead of 0-128, so Auto do what? > I got from ain e.g. Values from 45minAmplitude & 600maxAmplitude. so 600 is peak Amplitude, and 45 is silence or better: the RoomNoise now we have to scale that for a Note Velocity Value 0-127... so first max-min=new max (600-45=555) min=0 (instead of 45) 555/127=4,37 ------ these are Settings----- Saved Variables on SD-Card (a Preset) All Values coming from the Bongo now get calgulateted with -45 /4,37 to get 0-127 Velocity Values ----- But I dont trigger them out now... now the "fun" or pain (ahh i like it) begin with, calculate - which one was hit now? Skin or Wood, is the Retrigger time over? Are the Amplitudes still fallin? Retrigger? or do Nothing... and so on -the pain maybe will be to get exact AIN-Values... the AIN is more programmed for Controller is?t it? > avoid to much data mess and jumps and other (maybe) programmings... i will see the "Dont-Retrigger" time has to be set by Hand... depending how fast you can play...
  4. good idea... if someone make a pcb and or OLED-Bulk i am in to "verwurst"-code...i would use some modules in first case for aout-Filterbank-version.... and many other cases
  5. each display show labeling and values for 2 encoders (one row above, one below)?
  6. they drive the LM324 with 8V.... how ever, a mcp6002 is also in the basket edit: they connect the Piezzos directly to the AINs https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/330
  7. very clever ---the OP-Amp- as Limiter.... do the Shematic below that trick?... since i am not very good in analog basics i found the EDRUM (DIY) Project which also uses Piezzos, here is the Analog Shematic which is connected to the 4051ers on a Microcontrollerboard - so it is for 0-5V, when I use the multiplexer Midibox Variante I could use it 1:1 right? http://www.edrum.info/schematics.html)
  8. very interesting link i will try that piezzo first, I already soldered the prototype AMP today.. piezos and krokos are ordered. Schottky? did that work similar like Zener? while Zener 3,3V exist: http://www.reichelt.at/ZD-5W-3-3V/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=145329&artnr=ZD-5W+3%2C3V&SEARCH=zener+3%2C3 i have real troubles to find a 3V Schottky?
  9. Idea (good? false?better?) The lower placed Electret Microphone (eg this: MCE-100 ) is reacting more on the bass sounds, because of its Location where are more low-frequency-signals, and because of its BANDPASS-Filter Settings. The Filter is needed because the AIN will react on Amplitudes... the more specific the Filter is set for a specific sound - the more accurate is this Amplitude methode - to get Velocitys... The higher placed Electret Microphone is reacting more on the Direct Tap of the Skin or Wood, to avoid FALSE-Triggering from the Middle-Skin-Taps (Bass-Drum) it is place more near the Wood, and a Bandpassfilter that is set for MID-BandPass-Filter-Settings.... or so.... The Zener Diode should clip above 3,3V which is the max. Voltage for the Cores Analog Inputs ndensator bestimmt die untere Grenzfrequenz, je grösser dieser ist, desto tiefere Frequenzen können übertragen werden.Maybe there are better ways? - please tell me - i will draw a new shematic then. Some Test for that Capsula...: http://www.loetstelle.net/praxis/elektretmikrofon/elektretmikrofon.php The Output-Voltage goes ...from a few mVpp to over 100mVpp... you need a amplifier with a great dynamic bandwide.... hm to bad out of stock: https://www.adafruit.com/products/1063
  10. Phatline


    From the album: wiki-phatline

    how to get Velocity Sensed Notes out of a real Bongo.... only one idea... if you have better please tell me
  11. Phatline

    SD Card

    WORKED for STM32F4 and LPC Cores @ Reichelt.de: INTENSO SDHC 4GB NOT WORKED!!!! I bougt @ conrad 4x that (dont do that!!!!) Transcend "microSD ADAPTER": I have no MicroSDto Card that work with that adapter, it is difficult to get it working on LINUX, because of the BAD contact from MicroSD to SD internal, LINUX get many connects and less USER-Made disconnects ... thats a problem under linux because - if you dont Remove the SD-Software side, it can happen that no new SD card will shown up... restart and so on...that is a sign that the Contacts have not enough pressure to ensure a good contact. When you moove a microSD Card in, it feels like "that should fall out from earth-gravity" and on a STM32F4 it can be seen by my application, but when i start to write or load from that sources it hung up. DONT USE THAT TRANSCEND ADAPTERS: PREMIUM CLASS WTF?
  12. do you have some usefull input about: how to get a drum trigger from a bongo drum (best would be velocity sensible) - with midibox? i thougt about microphones... but when it comes to electronic amplified music, it could make fail-triggers... then i thougt about to mount the microphones in the resonance body of the drum... but there mainly is the bass sound of the signal, while hi tones (outer ring or low velocity playing) are almost not hearable there... but what to do with the mic-signal... ok first make it simply take only 0-xV instead of -0+Volts..., amplifie it to a range from 0-3,3V (stm32F4) a amp with built in Clipping? connect to the 8 ain inputs onboard write a program. or is there any Bongo-Trigger-Crapper out there that could get connected directly to the Skin? i dont know much of this, but i want to jam with an bongo player
  13. mb_ng? > mf_ng? my expirience: working: 2x40LCD connected via 30cm grimped cables to stm32f4 ... pic based - working 20cm long cables... i think it can be a whole lot more cm then this..
  14. a jam session with the old UI: Triggermatrix as DrumSequencer, Trigger-Router, Melody-Retrigger > Soundengine: Nord3(efx), NordDrum2, KorgER2 2x Boss RC300 as Loopstation for Melody Loops (Subouts are routed to my filterdistortionADR-Drumtriggered-device...) LiveGituar on a Gutiarsynth RC20 (that makes them etnical sounds, no not the drums they are typical NordDrum2 yesss)
  15. Phatline


    From the album: TriggerMatrix

    reuse instead of sale
  16. Phatline


    From the album: TriggerMatrix

    reuse instead of sale
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