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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. Phatline


    sehr fein
  2. i addet a songmode, which is sequenceing the routing-pages
  3. only synth, no drums... a seqV4L drives one Synthpart of ROLAND JP8080... maybe it was my last play with it, need money - have to sell it, ...after fideling with it i am not sure of selling it ...that holy 90ties dark trance coming out of it with ease https://www.mixcloud.com/Phatline/phatline-jp8080-tweaking/ phat!
  4. thx for the tip for F10 i found this: http://stm32.kosyak.info/doc/group___g_p_i_o___exported___types.html but for F4 it is harder to find information (i dont found a documentation), i found this, https://stm32f4-discovery.net/download/tm-stm32f4-gpio-library/?wpdmdl=2237 this links are correct?? for example "GPIO_Mode_AF_PP" (f10) searcing in this GPIO F4 document (link from above): i search "Mode", i found "TM_GPIO_Mode_t GPIO_Mode" and others... i am not the right man for that job, - dont have that lo level knowledge- PP AF IPU are words i dont know, nor i know "maybe" equvivalent words... you want also do some DMX one day? well then i will wait... my last tryout with MB DMX was 2015, since this- the Light is in Project-corner waiting for more... well then it will be waiting a nother year... i have other projects ;) that are going faster
  5. yes i get follwing: (dont matter if i leave it default or change the PinOut in dmx.h file) In the meantime i made a shematic, and soldered the Test-Equipment: ATTENTION - the Shematic has a Error --- the DMX has to be connected to MOB instead of MOA!!!
  6. i dont know which librarys, i dont see any "include headers" or includes in "makefile" for librarys... no i want to use LCDs, Encoders, and other stuff, in short i use a STM32F4 discovery. however, i dont give up. what i found on ST site: https://stm32f4-discovery.net/2014/04/library-04-connect-stm32f429-discovery-to-computer-with-usart/ USART1 uses PA9 and PA10 which is used for USBVBUS USART2 uses PA2 and PA3 which is used for Midi1 IO (J11E) USART3 uses PD8 and PD9 which is used for Midi2 IO (J11E) but for now it is DMX old "DMX.h" as default: (f10 board) #define DMX_TX_PORT GPIOA #define DMX_TX_PIN GPIO_Pin_9 #define DMX_RX_PORT GPIOA #define DMX_RX_PIN GPIO_Pin_10 #define DMX USART1 #define DMX_IRQ_CHANNEL USART1_IRQn #define DMX_IRQHANDLER_FUNC void USART1_IRQHandler(void) new "DMX.h" as default: (f4 board) #define DMX_TX_PORT GPIOD #define DMX_TX_PIN GPIO_Pin_8 #define DMX_RX_PORT GPIOD #define DMX_RX_PIN GPIO_Pin_9 #define DMX USART3 #define DMX_IRQ_CHANNEL USART3_IRQn #define DMX_IRQHANDLER_FUNC void USART3_IRQHandler(void) i dont know if that is right... seems logical.
  7. ok The UART assigment is done in "DMX.h" as default: #define DMX_TX_PORT GPIOA #define DMX_TX_PIN GPIO_Pin_9 #define DMX_RX_PORT GPIOA #define DMX_RX_PIN GPIO_Pin_10 #define DMX USART1 #define DMX_IRQ_CHANNEL USART1_IRQn #define DMX_IRQHANDLER_FUNC void USART1_IRQHandler(void) i will not change any on this, because i dont get the pin-out since i dont see any paralles to the Core32 Shematic: (where you have for example "PA3" instead of "GPIO Pin 10"....) I Think "MI1/PA3" is GPIOA Pin 10 & "MO1/PA2" is GPIOA PIN 9 - and on this Pins i connect my MAX485 so what i have to change is: miox32_config.h: i guess i have to set MIOS32_UART0_Assignment to "2" which is "COM" ? and UART1 is set to "1" which is Midi // For now disable UART as we will be using DMX #define MIOS32_DONT_USE_UART #define MIOS32_USE_MIDI #define MIOS32_USE_UART_MIDI #define MIOS32_UART_NUM 2 #define MIOS32_UART0_ASSIGNMENT 2 //1=Midi, 0= Disabled, 2= COM #define MIOS32_UART1_ASSIGNMENT 1 //#define MIOS32_UART2_ASSIGNMENT 1 //#define MIOS32_UART3_ASSIGNMENT 1 thats the plan, i hope i dont destroy anything when i simply try-out that setup
  8. 21:21 21.12.2016 a celtic new year

  9. no, not providing Board Files, "avoid" cheap china copies of the design... the other question is: is it relevant for Modules? I mean DIN-DOUT Module BoardFiles are not needet for Mass-production, a few People are interesting in DIY, a bunch of that people make Midi Stuff, a very fiew of this Bunch of people prefer Modules - and all the work and problems that come out when wiring things... so where is the market? - a Copy-Relevant Product is a all in One PCB where someone have spent days... to route all the things (BLM, Sandwich, MB-SID and all the Frontpanel stuff) --- because it is not module - it is almost comercial-quality - or comercial suitable > it could end in a china copy, without getting any money for your days in work... how ever just my thougths. By the way: @http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_dout.html it is written: "Layout Data (revised PCB) ask SmashTV" - do you ask him already? it can take some time that he answer.
  10. I want to convert Midi-In-Core (not USB-midi)> DMX-Out Core (MAX 485 Circuit) but in the DMX-Examples i read: // For now disable UART as we will be using DMX #define MIOS32_DONT_USE_UART suggest that i cant use Midi-Input then? What do i have to do to get it working?
  11. (other midiboxes) rackmount-frontpanel desktop-backpanel - i remove sd-card often to backup songs/sets to the Laptop... to often to screw up the the chassies. - i dont use usb to backup sd-card content nor anything else with.
  12. cool, do that GUI-Software do Multiple Finger Input?
  13. i dont know that concept, what is a dreambluster? is this a player only or can i edit the sounds (adsr filters...) - is there any blockdiagram outthere about sound generation? are that wavetables fixed or can them be replaced? thx.
  14. when doing the patch saving, inside the machine, then a Patch-CC-Output for external Midi CC would be nice (as you said), in this case a preset morph between patches is a good idea, but maybe not easyly done. For me it is enough to save the preset cc in a external Controller, and dump it into the Synth when loading it... in this case i can more easyly automate CC and morph presets... because can doing in C ;) ... but of course Midi-Traffic³
  15. ...a 3rd OSC, and i would use it... but after looking into the code, i think i cant modify it ... dont know assambler
  16. need them for LRE8x2... the product dont matter... bourns, alps... quaility should fit. if someone have to order a bunch, i am in with 64. i am located in austria.
  17. Phatline


    the deep arp-bass/lead sound (or whatever it is) i like most
  18. ok this 3 lines are needet, then its working: //Check SD-Card MUTEX_SDCARD_TAKE; availableSD = FILE_SDCardAvailable(); statusSD = FILE_CheckSDCard(); statusDir = FILE_DirExists("mq"); MUTEX_SDCARD_GIVE; availableSD is the one to take...
  19. hi i want to check if the SD-Card is connected or not... so far so good, no problem, but there is a behaviour that cost me the night... Connected SD: 1st execution of FILE_CheckSDCard() > Return "0"... that is good - it work right 2nd execution of FILE_CheckSDCard() > Return "0"... that is good - it work right Disconnected SD: 1st execution of FILE_CheckSDCard() > Return "2"... that is good - it work right 2nd execution of FILE_CheckSDCard() > Return "0"... why that? the SD is still NOT connected... this code is executed every 2 seconds: MUTEX_SDCARD_TAKE; status = FILE_CheckSDCard(); MUTEX_SDCARD_GIVE; if (status == 2) { //NO SD if (status == 0) { //SD .... EDIT "FILE_CheckSDCard" itself internally uses "MIOS32_SDCARD_CheckAvailable();" maybe that is a trace when using "MIOS32_SDCARD_CheckAvailable" instead of "FILE_CheckSDCard()" but "FILE_DirExists" looses its functions and returns me everytime "-3" them, so useless for me again...so i am circling around... //SD-Card Connected? u8 prev_sdcard_available = sdcard_available; MUTEX_SDCARD_TAKE; sdcard_available = MIOS32_SDCARD_CheckAvailable(prev_sdcard_available); MUTEX_SDCARD_GIVE; if( sdcard_available && !prev_sdcard_available ) { statusSD = 1;} // SD Card has been connected else if( !sdcard_available && prev_sdcard_available ) { statusSD = 0; if (statusSD == 0) {//NO DISK} if (statusSD == 1) {// YES CARD! >>> next: check Card-content statusDir = FILE_DirExists("mq"); //ask file.c: exist a folder "mq/" on the CARD?
  20. if (statusSD == 1) { //YES CARD is connected! FILE_SendSyxDump( "/bcr1.syx", 32, 45);} //Send(filepath, midiport, paket rate) the code above was written with C-Syntax highlighting, by writing this Topic it was Colored. after submitting this topic/or click save after editing a post, the codebox Syntax highlighting gets HTML. why that?
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