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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. the video is better then the audio-take... however a nother jam sessions, but recordet with some HD and Cam-Brother
  2. Hi i know that shematic is for AOUT.... but could i use this for Audio also? I mean i have a non Modular Audio-Source (Guitar, Synth, Drummachine) and i want it to get to Modular Gain.... is this Circuit the right choise for that? thx
  3. hi. what meen "OR" exactly? > do i have to use a other "Sandwitch-PCB" behind the frontpanel when using AIN or AOUT? Do i need a Front-PCB @6€ + a AOUT-PCB@6€ to get a 4 AOUT+Trigger-Combi? What DAC do you plan > a 4Channel? what type?
  4. ideas in garden in summertime, building midiboxes in wintertime...

    1. Psykhaze


      MIDIbox everytime :p

  5. Encoders with Led-rings and/or Display to indicate the Value: Memory Synths (Presets) Synths that have more then one Part, used with the same UI. (save space, control more then one Synth) Synth with Morph Functions - show morph amount on a Knobs Led-bar. Potentiometers: Global Functions on a Synth which are not saved in a patch. (not very common) For Blind Humans - to feel the actual position with the Knob-Indicator, and to feel the endpoint instead of seeing it. I prefer Encoders with Led-rings.
  6. die "kicklose" g?chicht passt guad
  7. & Old Synths dont have Midi = No Midicontroller anyway... so none sense.
  8. Hi I was thinking of my personal use for a CV-Interface.... i will use it for LFO and ENV only... following concept is based on my existing live equipment, it is very static, one time a week i come to the music "house" and then we jam... i? doing live sound shape with > loopstations & live guitar from my Band-Bro, and also drum and synth stuff. I overdrive the orginal sound - getting overtones, then VCF (also overdriven) triggered by drums, then VCA also triggered by drums, send it to a reverb mix it to the orginal signal...done so for this i made today a concept which is populated here : http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=easy_cv this is not a wishconcert from my side, i will try to make it from scratch, by learning from the MB-CV V2 (i had look on the existing code and its biiig, wuuu)... ...anyway - maybe i deliver some ideas which are interesting... (i know thats a complete other thing, it is even more exact the opposite it is not generic, open or editable, have no menues, even not a midichannel setting) Have fun.
  9. CRI: 2x Boss RC300 - Meldoy Loops Roland GR20 - Guitar Synth (feed for the melody loops, brass sound, bass) guitar - reaggie guitar MIC: Triggermatrix (with built in Sequencer) > Drumtrigger > Midistudio NordDrum2 for not effected Drums Korg electrybe rythm for effected Drums NordRack III for Hitone dron sounds TC-Electronic M350 as Reverb (4 FB383 and neptune > all except NordDrum) FB383 freebase - highly modified 303 Clone - for Filtering Envelope and all kind of distortion the loopstations spectral audio neptune II > higly modified analog synth - act as Filtering and distortion device for the electribe and nord III the sound is additive, i take the loopstation, distort them, go thru Filters and Amplifiere and give Ryhtm triggered Envelopes > then Reverb to it > and that all in Addition to the orginal sound > same on drums > thats our sound.
  10. once again product of a jam
  11. talking about your example: you have 3 LFO-Pots (AINs), and with your Buttons beside you switch thru the different LFOs "virtual pots" > for me it is nonsense to use Potentiometer in such case... clear a case of Encoder+Ledrings or a Display and a Encoder not only in this case, in all cases where you deal with Banks that share the same UI (different Envelopes, Filters) Presets (allmost all VSTis allmost all VirtualAnalog or Digital Synths, or modern Analog Synths) you will not be happy with pots... (außer du kennst das handling von einem LED-Ring-Encoder noch nicht???) back to your example... page or virtual-pot buttons or in midibox world "Bank"(to switch thru it) are known and describet as "Radio groups" ...that is possible with midibox ng. also take different encoders and group them to a Bank-group is possible...so yes...it is possible...with encoders... when having problem with Ledrings maybe a premade PCB can do the job (ok have to ask if someone has such a PCB, or wait to the next bulkorder): http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=MB-LRE8x2CS_PCB you also could search for MB-Programma or was it MB-Programmer? in the Wiki or Forum Section... this would be a generic Synthcontroller thing... based on the MB-NG (Ledrings, Buttons and so on) ... there are not much reasons to use pots - except: have no patches presets shared-ui beeing blind, dont have the skillz time and power to make or organize LED-Rings PCBs (BUlk order) if you go LEDRING then your LFO thing is no problems.... search for "banks" in this section: http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_fs.html really you should read the manual ;) ... i also had to read it now... to answer your question... (since i use mios as toolbox to program my own "ngs mido128s programmers sequencers processors...")
  12. so you cant wait? no pleas dont use vector boards i cant see this... i order always some more pcbs, i have the things you need: Core STM32 - PCB midi io - PCB din - PCB dout - PCB dio-matrix --- only stuffed with all parts (soldered - plug and play) ainser 64 --- only stuffed with all parts (soldered - plug and play) all parts are from smasth tv > newest generation i am from austria. please search the prices on smash tv webside, calculate the dollar/euro rate and the zoll (taxes), for prices dio-matrix and ainser ... take the prices for the Kits (with parts) + add some time for soldering and "mess addon" for my health say me the price, i dont want to research that right now - as psy sayd - its summer -mike
  13. ...maybe because it can take several weeks to arrive, then the "zoll"-delay each time...
  14. https://www.mixcloud.com/Phatline/phatline-sonnwend/
  15. output from the weekly jamsession > triggermatrix back in action
  16. for the MB-606-RE Project we need some Pots 1K lin 5K lin 10K lin 50K log 50K lin 100K lin 1M lin 2M lin with 6mm Metal Shaft (D-Shaft or better Round-Shaft) we found the Alps RK09L series witch have Metal shafts, but its difficult to get values like 1K, 5K, 1M, 2M... and we need one Stereo Pot for Resonance (100K Stereo) The Pot should be PCB Mounted, (normally horizontal, not vertical), it will not get screwed with a nut to frontpanel (thruhole) 0,8 - ~ 2€Class Any idea?
  17. thx! yes on left - the midibox man
  18. the Plug seems ok, when using it with extra Mix-Section (no cut off the signal path needet) my heavy modet 606... Core-Sandwitch-Conflicts
  19. yes but the slot should be mooved to 90° (standing)
  20. agree with SD and BD Plugs and Gain. i would preefer Trigger LED located near Decay Pots (because the trigger is a envelope thing) individual outs > ok > so we need special plugs, which cut the conection to the mix bus - i know that most 6,3er Plugs can handle that, do you a 3,5er plug which can handle this?
  21. @Psykhaze here is the list of parameters for the HH+CY Frontpanel, maybe add 3 trigger LEDs?
  22. edrums: yes good idea in there: they picked up a bit of waight (rubber foam)to the disc Amplifieng piezzo: yes could give a try, but first i try that double mic thing -since it has more potential for splitting frequencys of the Skin (and piezzo-only body sound)
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