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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. it was really simple: insert in a the function which is scanned every 2 seconds, which checks the SD Card: MUTEX_SDCARD_TAKE; //SD-Card is now only for the following LINES reserved: statusSD = FILE_CheckSDCard(); MUTEX_SDCARD_GIVE; if (statusSD == 1) {// YES CARD! MUTEX_SDCARD_TAKE; FILE_SendSyxDump( "/bcr1.syx", 32, 45); //Send(filepath, midiport, paket rate) MUTEX_SDCARD_GIVE; } or more readable without MUTEXes: statusSD = FILE_CheckSDCard(); //check if card is connected if (statusSD == 1) { //YES CARD is connecdte! FILE_SendSyxDump( "/bcr1.syx", 32, 45);} //Send(filepath, midiport, paket rate)
  2. yeah i like that cycling bling too! once i have the TIAs Blackboxes, will start to adapt the boxes for them
  3. hi my idea is: put a *.syx on the SD-Card put the SD-Card in a STM34F4 core var a. Core recognizes a *.syx and send it out on Port 32 (Midi A) var b. I activate something in the program (with a Dip switch for example) and now it loads up for what: in use with generic Midicontrollers (BCR2000) to transfair a CC-Layout that is fitting to the Midibox programm for which project: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=msq-cc-bcr what i have up to now... char filepathL[8]; //Number of Pathsymbols tm/bcr.sys >>> 8 max! MUTEX_SDCARD_TAKE; statusDir = FILE_DirExists("syx"); MUTEX_SDCARD_GIVE; if(statusDir != 1) {MUTEX_LCD_TAKE; MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(0); MIOS32_LCD_Clear(); MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString ("%s %d", "no bcr.syx", statusDir); MUTEX_LCD_GIVE;} if(statusDir == 1) { sprintf(filepathL, "tm/bcr.syx"); FILE_ReadOpen (&midifile_fi, filepathL); //normally i then start by reading the content and transfair it into variables..... but happens if i have Sysexfile instead? how to tunnel this to midiport? FILE_ReadBuffer((u8 *)file_typeBank, 4); //"MQ01" = 4 Positons FILE_ReadBuffer((u8 *)CC_SEQ, 32); //Container for static not touchable Variables FILE_ReadBuffer((u8 *)CC_Morph, 128); //Container for morphable Variables FILE_ReadBuffer((u8 *)Velo_Morph, 256); //Here we have 8x32=256, FILE_ReadBuffer((u8 *)CC_Store, 256); //Here we have 8x32=256, FILE_ReadBuffer((u8 *)MSQ_Store, 65536); //Motion-Sequence-Data 8x32*256=65536 FILE_ReadClose (&midifile_fi); MUTEX_SDCARD_GIVE
  4. the goal will be of course to put that in MB-Platform only, to reduce Miditraffic, and do all that Automation-Indication with SRIO. The Goal here will be on Midibox Side a UI-Free Interface (so all parameters are done on BCR) ... will see... how ever i programmed it for bcr, because, i have 3 of those @ home and i cant sold them because they are scratched, dirty, in really bad optical and technical condition... (one of it i have since 2007 or so and i had it on partys, i jamed longs nights on it... i repared it....) and i am not the only one who have it... so it is good idea for mankind to make such thing! i worked 2 days and nights on it, then i made a jam, here it is! 8x32 automated encoders in 32th resoultion = a lot of traffic.... i reduced it to that, for one machine it is enough... by software side you have 8 BCR-Pages with a 29 CCs which can be controlled and automated 8 pages on 8 midichannels, or with shared midichannels...you can choose... so have 2 pages to control the 64 parameters of waldorf pulse... and 6 pages to control the 6 voices of Nord Drum2 on seperate midichannels.... I have started a documentation on it: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=msq-cc-bcr
  5. ok so can we talk about to source the chips... not that we bid against us on ebay
  6. cool! phat documentation... CC-rulez> on my side a job for the mb-programma
  7. 21min uncut one track jam.
  8. edit your first post... in edit you can edit the title [sold]
  9. ;) dont have a name for it...
  10. on the hardware side: this: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core_stm32f4.html & this: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_midi_io.html software side: look if this handle your needs: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng.html elsewhere: this code doesnt look very complex, you can program it on your own with MIOS, by simple looking @ the tutorials: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_c.html Tutorial 2 (receiving midi) Tutorial 4 (sending midi) if you have any problems by storing "Presets" to SD-Card: the other question how you want to handle "what should it do" via UI (2x20 Display with Encoders under it and 2 Buttons?) aka Preset Editing - or should it do this things hardcodet (without UI) the hardest thing i had first was to setup the ToolChain, Environment Variables and so on (programming environment on Windows Linux Mac). and so on.
  11. good job! i like the shading from dark to full brightnes with one color and that Pan-style with shading with 2 colors. i am very interested into boards. greats mike.
  12. i found this video in my HDD-Archives years ago i had a DAW-Liveset based on Ableton with MAX4Live Drumsynths + Hardwaresynths, controlled without mouse, but with Generic MidiControllers. In this video i show the Hardware Userinterface of it, and its connections. with some nice background liveact music, some talk and whole ammount of Wireing.... ---some kind of german > upper-austrian ;)
  13. I have made a wiki for this topic: triggermatrix @ wiki in the current version you can build the device with Generic PCBs from the Community, the code is also in the wiki.
  14. we have about 90 songs in the loopstation, formaly driven by a korg electribe sequencer - but not in the new "drum-world" - i have to fill my sequencer and Midibox-stuff with informations...we currently jam once a week, means i make drums and sounds to it, and cri also overwork the loops and exercise his guitar-synth-play. we work on 1-3 songs + 2-3 beer a session + record this early ones for us (to reproduce the work) and youtube. making the basics for 90 songs > gigs 4 proffesional recording the setup is not the time now - i have some still missing elements that must be bevore: melody sequencer+analog bass!, preset-filterbank... analog hihat and cymbal. ... but for live its ok up to now. thx!
  15. a indtruction in crimic-setup, in austrican speacht. triggermatrix + sequencer 2 synths.
  16. with guest and techno jamsession
  17. i signed up > i also want a panel+pcbs
  18. i talking about seppomans ssm2044 board: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=ssm2044_pcb&s[]=ssm2044 for what line-level is the ssm2044 or this filter PCB designed? consumer or pro? 0.894VPP or 3,472VPP (peak 2 peak) same Question for VCA PCB "2164" also: is there any experience with Overdriving the Input off the Filter -which VPP max? (without terminating the chip off course) same question for the VCA PCB thx.
  19. this time a ambient Drone-Sound tune:
  20. -solved- I want following: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=ssm2044_pcb&s[]=ssm2044 i need 2 of it, PCB or already soldered I do not need the SSM2044 Chips, i have enough of it. i want to make a filterbox, i already have 2 of these PCBs, but i need 4 of it in total...something like this: thx - mike
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