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Everything posted by TK.

  1. The command set of this display is the same, so it should be compatible. To the 4x20 LCD issue: it seems that not all wires are connected correctly. Black lines are visible when the display has not been initialized. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Hi Michael, the crystal type seems to be ok (I checked this on the farnell homepage), so it must be another problem. Could you create a MIDI-Ox logfile and post it here? It would be interesting, on which way the MIDI events are corrupted. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Hi Shawn, so long as you are using logic ICs which are supplied with the same voltage, resistors between the outputs and inputs are not required. The current consumption of the input is 0.5uA, this means that you could (theoretically) drive up to 50.000 inputs with one PIC output. Ok, in practice the number is much lower due to capacitancies, but in fact with such a low consumption you don't have to take care about the max current Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Hi SB, yes, the MIOS application also outputs the 1MHz clock, so that it should work. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. TK.

    core module j5

    Hi Rob, I guess that you missed this schematic: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_ainx4_64pots.pdf Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi, it seems that your simulation tool doesn't warn you that the transistors will be destroyed in this way. A direct connection from a logic IC output to the base pin leads to a high current which will fry the pn-junction. A serial resistor (1k or more) should help to reduce this current. Alternative solution: if you are using the Microchip EEPROMs (24LC256), you could use the A0 pin (Pin #1) to select the chip. This pin is wired to ground by default, if you connect it to +5V, the chip will not respond to incoming messages and is therefore disabled. So just implement a logic which selects only one chip (A0=0V), and disables all other chips (A0=5V). Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. No ;-) The ISA bridge will be unidirectional and only helpfull to access soundchips directly in the same manner like I did it with the SID. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. No ;-) The ISA bridge will be unidirectional and only helpfull to access soundchips directly in the same manner like I did it with the SID. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. sure :) If Nuendo or Cubase SX allows the use of a MC and a "Generic Remote device" over one MIDI IO port, this should work. One PIC18F core can manage up to 64 rotary encoders, so I don't see the need for two MIDIbox16E. no, thats defenitely not possible :-/ But a core with free analog inputs could handle the 9th fader yes, it would help to estimate how much cores are really required and it would be easier for me to make modifications on the picture to show how the units have to be connected. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. TK.

    MIDIbox LC V1.1.2

    Hi Sly, it's just a minor update. The second and fourth page on character LCD displays now shows horizontal metering bars instead of vertical - it looks much better. The update is easy: just unpack the .zip archive, replace mios_tables.inc and lc_io_table.inc by your own files, and adapt the settings in main.asm (don't replace main.asm by the file from the old release!) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. TK.

    MIDIbox LC V1.1.2

    yes - as the convpix.pl script has to rotate the fonts for the T6963C, this option will also be useable for your idea Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hallo Robert, es freut mich sehr, dass damit die Zukunft des (werbefreien!!!) Forums gesichert ist. Wo waeren wir heute ohne Deine Hilfe... wahrscheinlich bei Lycos :P Mittlerweile habe ich den binaeren Content (also JPGs und MP3s) auf freie Server verlagert, um das Traffic-Limit meines eigenen Webpackets nicht zu ueberschreiten. Solange Tripod und 8tung.at mitspielen, moechte ich das auch erstmal dabei belassen. Falls es Probleme geben sollte, komme ich nochmal auf Dich zurueck :) Gruss, Thorsten.
  13. Hi Olivier, NRPNs can be sent by using meta events. However, MIDI Learn function will not help here. I will send you the source code so that you are able to program the meta information Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Hi Chriss, thanks for your input! :) This was my fault - sure, the Vss (ground) connection is very important, I just have fixed the schematics. Unfortunately not, the SID chip doesn't provide an analog ground. On the other hand: I don't hear this effect... maybe you can improve the signal quality when you add an additional capacitor of 10 uF to the +5V domain of the SID module (parallel to the 100nF cap C8 ) Thats one of the known SID bugs :-( See also the interview with Bob Yannes, who designed the SID: http://stud4.tuwien.ac.at/~e9426444/yannes.html What would you have changed in the SIDs design, if you had a bigger budget from Commodore ? The issue wasn't budget, it was development time and chip size constraints. The design/prototype/debug/production schedule of the SID chip, VIC II chip and Commodore 64 were incredibly tight (some would say impossibly tight)--we did things faster than Commodore had ever done before and were never able to repeat after! If I had had more time, I would have developed a proper MOS op-amp which would have eliminated the signal leakage which occurred when the volume of the voice was supposed to be zero. This lead to poor signal-to-noise ratio, although it could be dealt with by stopping the oscillator. It would also have greatly improved the filter, particularly in achieving high resonance. I originally planned to have an exponential look-up table to provide a direct translation for the equal-tempered scale, but it took up too much silicon and it was easy enough to do in software anyway. Congratulations, you've found a software bug :) Temporary fix: in cs_menu_exec.inc add to following line CS_MENU_EXEC_GoToENV clrf CS_MENU_PARAMETER_L; begin with first envelope following call: CS_MENU_EXEC_GoToENV clrf CS_MENU_PARAMETER_L; begin with first envelope call CS_MENU_P2R_ENV_Num (similar changes have to be made for CS_MENU_EXEC_GoToLFO and CS_MENU_EXEC_GoToMOD) yes, thats correct. Step B will send MIDI data The direction can only be changed by hardware modification (in order to save performance). If you are using ALPS STEC16 encoders, the correct wiring for channel A and B can be found here: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_16enc_alps_stec16b03.pdf Good question! http://www.albs.de provides a good variety, but they are expensive $$$ :-( Does anybody know a better source? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Hi Ilmentator, both: hardware limitations and processing speed. Every software implemented MIDI In requires a pin which can trigger an interrupt, and this interrupt must be processed within ca. 1-10 uS, otherwise the serial data could get lost if multiple MIDI transmitters are sending data at the same time. The PIC shouldn't do anything else than listening to the ports. Therefore I would avoid more than one software implemented UART, this solution: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1046743910 is much better. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Hi LO, yes, MIDIbox Link works also with higher baudrates, therefore also with the LTC by using following interconnections: * LTC::J1::Vs must be connected to CORE::J11::Vs of both core modules * LTC::J1::Vd must be connected to CORE::J11::Vd of one core module * LTC::J1::Mi must be connected to CORE::J11::Mi of the first core module in the chain * LTC::J1::Mo must be connected to CORE::J1::Mo of the last core module in the chain Hope that you will try the PIC18F based MF solution again when "MIDIbox MF" has been ported to MIOS? :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. TK.

    MIDIbox LC V1.1.2

    Yep :) D2k sent me his T6963C based display so that I was able to integrated a rudimental driver into MIOS. The performance of this LCD controller isn't perfect, as it displays the bytes horizontally and not vertically like the KS0108, this complicates the custom font output routine. However, there is nothing which cannot be solved (sooner or later ;-)) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Superrr :) Ja, sobald das MF Modul angeschlossen wird, sollte dieses Flag wieder aktiviert werden. Dass ueberhaupt ein 0-Wert gesendet wird, wenn keine Motoren angeschlossen sind, ist eigentlich eine "Imperfektion" im Treiber. Andererseits ist dieses Verhalten der einzige Anhaltspunkt dafuer, dass der Treiber ueberhaupt im Hintergrund laeuft, was dann wiederum fuer die Fehlersuche wichtig ist. Deshalb habe ich keine automatische Deaktivierung eingebaut, sondern es bei einer manuellen Konfiguration belassen. Wer mir eine Freude bereiten moechte, kann diese Fallstricke ja einfach mal sammeln und mir zuschicken, so dass ich sie in meine Homepage einbinden kann. Sprache ist egal (die gesammelten Werke koennten spaeter von anderen Leuten uebersetzt werden). Gruss, Thorsten.
  19. TK.

    Encoder Problem

    das kann ich ja nicht wissen... ;-) Dumme Frage, aber man weiss ja nie: verwendest Du auch die aktuellste Editor-Version? Bei der alten funktionierte die Enc-Mode-Konfiguration noch nicht richtig Gruss, Thorsten.
  20. TK.

    Encoder Problem

    dafuer fast alle MIOS applikationen. Da sich momentan eigentlich fast alles nur noch um die MIDIbox NG dreht, war das nicht ganz klar. Am besten forderst Du mal mit dem Editor einen speicherabzug von der MB16E an (Receive-Button), speicherst ihn auf Platte und schickst ihn mir per EMail. So kann ich besser nachvollziehen, wo es hakt. Gruss, Thorsten. P.S.: wenn die Absolutwerte korrekt gesendet werden, ist es kein Hardware, sondern ein Konfigurationsproblem
  21. TK.

    Encoder Problem

    Die genaue Anschlussbelegung befindet sich hier: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_16enc_alps_stec16b03.pdf Leider hast Du nicht geschrieben, mit welcher MIDIbox Du die Encoder ausprobiert hast. Ich nehme mal eine MIDIbox16E an, hier senden die Encoder naemlich per default absolute Werte. Relative (also +1/-1 etc.) MIDI events werden natuerlich auch unterstuetzt, sogar mehrere Varianten: # ENC_MODE_ABSOLUTE send absolute value # ENC_MODE_40SPEED send 40 +/- <speed> (for Native Instruments Software) # ENC_MODE_00SPEED send 00 +/- <speed> (for Steinberg Software) # ENC_MODE_40_1 send 40 +/- 1 # ENC_MODE_00_1 send 00 +/- 1 # ENC_MODE_INCDEC send CC Inc/Dec # ENC_MODE_LCEMU send 0<speed> when turned clockwise, 4<speed> on counter clockwise # (protocol used by Logic Control/Mackie) den Modus kannst Du entweder im "Encoder Mode" menue, mit dem mk_syx Script oder mit Serge's Editor fuer jeden einzelnen Encoder einstellen. Gruss, Thorsten.
  22. Setze mal in main.asm das ENABLE_MOTORDRIVER flag auf den Wert 0, danach sollte dieser Effekt verschwinden. Gruss, Thorsten.
  23. Two MIDIbox LC made by Axel Is this the MIDIbox of the Year? :D Lay back and enjoy: Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: there are still other very great made MIDIboxes in the queue, I will publish the pictures as soon as the server in Austria is up again. However, this Twin-MIDIbox LC demands for an exception :)
  24. I finally found the file in an old backup: http://www.uCApps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_interconnections.pdf Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. I found it in an old backup :) http://www.uCApps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_interconnections.pdf Best Regards, Thorsten.
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