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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Hi, When will a first prototype of the MidiBox NG be ready? I will start with the MIOS in my winder holidays - so the first release should be available in January. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Mist, das wollte ich eigentlich einbauen, habe es aber vergessen. Demnaechst wird es also einen "temporaeren Bankswitch" geben, mit dem man mal auf die Schnelle eine andere Bank einblenden kann. Gruss, Thorstem.
  3. Problematisch ist nur, dass meine "vintage" MIDIbox64 MF gar nicht mehr existiert, ich habe sie ja mittlerweile zu einer MIDIbox MF (mit neuem MF Modul) umgebaut. Deshalb kann ich das alte Design auch nicht mehr supporten (sprich: debuggen, falls es mal zu problemen kommen sollte). Hinzu kommt, dass aus der v0.35pre bereits der Motordriver rausgeflogen ist, die dadurch freie gewordenen Register werden nun von einem neuen Feature verwendet. Die zusaetzliche Hardware fuer eine MIDIbox MF ist gar nicht mal so teuer. Auf ein zweites Display kann man erstmal verzichten, die Spannungsversorgung kann vom ersten Core abgezweigt werden (-> Port J2), die MIDI-Schnittstellen lassen sich ueber den J11 Port verketten, spaeter ist ein MIDIbox-Link moeglich, so dass noch nicht mal zusaetzliche Buttons fuer das Bankswitching benoetigt werden. Uebrig bleiben: ein PIC, ein Quarz, zwei 33pF Kondensatoren, drei Pull-Up Widerstaende an Pin RA4, RC3 und RD1, und das MF-Modul. Das laesst sich auch prima auf Lochraster aufbauen. Im Endeffekt betragen die Mehrkosten also gerade mal 15 EUR :-) Gruss, Thorsten.
  4. TK.

    power supply

    Hi Lo, it's really difficult with the specs for power supplies. Sometimes the effective voltage is given, sometimes not. Sometimes the voltage under load, sometimes not... however, the only interesting attribute is the output voltage under a current drain of 1A. If all motors are in standby mode, the current load is less than 1 mA, that's the reason why you see a higher voltage (before the LM317) Unfortunately the LM317 has to consume the difference voltage between the input and output. The result is heat. In fact the LM317 will get hotter with higher voltages, so if you have the option, take a power supply with 12-14V AC Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. It seems that the link doesn't work... however, at the MIDIbox16E page you will also find a reference to a 24P encoder from mouser/USA. But maybe it's cheaper to order the encoder from RS components in Germany, so that you don't have to pay additional taxes. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. I could add an (software) option into the SysEx dump structure which disables the menu buttons and assigs them to MIDI controllers. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Hi, the amplitude modulators are used by the internal envelope generators of the SID. Unfortunately it isn't possible to control the amplitude levels directly - would be a nice extension for the LFOs :) The voice 3 off flag disconnects the third oscillator (which can optionally used as sync or ringmodulation master) from the output amplifier. It's usefull if you only want to hear the sound of the slave oscillators Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Hi Dan, yes, you are right, for an endless scrubb wheel special routines have to be implemented. I could add it into the MB16E firmware, but since there are so much other things to do, I would prefer to wait for MIDIbox NG. It shouldn't be a problem to realize such a scrubb wheel extension with the upcoming plugin concept (-> assign 2 of 128 available digital inputs to a rotary encoder, send out MMC messages, print out the MMC on the display). Anothera advantage: on this way you only need one core module for a lot of pots/encoders/buttons/... List: sure, just post it. :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Hi Frank, great that it's working - so I can freeze the routines and continue with the next features (Touch Detection for each fader, etc.) 74HC595: normaly it should deliver enough current for 8 LEDs, I don't notice problems with the intensity. However, there are some alternative 74xx595 available, which may be better - I don't have a oversight right here, but I know that there are some informations about the logic families at the TI (Texas Instruments) and Philips homepages. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. yes, it works in this manner :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hi Christoffer, yeah, the MIDIbox SID *is* cool - yesterday I made my first real song with 2 SIDs (stereo) and I'm very satisfied with the result. :D The binary numbers are a little bit tricky. Don't "translate" them into hex or decimal values, just deal with them like with flags (or think about switches, which can be turned on or off). So, a saw sound is: 00000010 (Bit 1 is "switched on") Triangle and Pulse together: 00000101 (Bit 2 and 0 are "switched on") Sync sound: 00100001 (Bit 5 for sync and bit 0 for triangle is set) Btw.: Sync and Ringmodulation are only working together with Oscillator 3. OSC3 is the "master", OSC1 and/or OSC2 the slave. More details can be found in the 6581 specification. A good start: OSC1 Waveform: 00100010 OSC2 Waveform: 00010000 (off) OSC3 Waveform: 00000010 Now increase the Transpose value for OSC1 and you will hear the difference. A well living sound can be achieved by assigning the velocity to the Transpose CC of OSC1 (CC17). Make it more fat - enable the second oscillator: OSC2 Waveform: 00100100 detune it and and assign a LFO to the pulsewidth Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Sure, you just only have to build a circuit which outputs a control voltage of 0-5V. See also http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ext.html Additions to this page are welcome! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Hi Dan, it depends on the used software if a transport section and datawheel can be used or not. As far as I know, it's possible with Logic/Cubase/Cakewalk/Sonar by sending MIDI events to the "MIDI Remote" receiver of the program. Type of MIDI event doesn't matter, mostly Note Events are used. Read out Song data: not possible due to lag of support from the Emagic/Steinberg/Cakewalk. They are using propritary protocols which are only available with a NDA - this kills a public domain project. Additional data wheel for menu options: not necessary, since all menues can be controlled intuitively with the available buttons, pots, encoders, faders, etc... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. See http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_changelog.html Have fun! :-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Hi Frank, I changed the timeout algorithm (slightly): up to now, the current fader value is copied into the "target" register during the timeout state after a fader has been moved. This should fix the problem (?) Link to the new firmware: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_mf/midibox_mf_v0003.hex.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Hi Jurie, ok, now it's clear. It doesn't work due to a misunderstanding. All MIDIbox firmwares with integrated merger don't support a second MIDI In. Only the data stream from the common MIDI In is merged with the internal controller data stream. If you need a second MIDI In, an additional merger is required (see also the diagrams under http://www.ucapps.de/midibox64_tutorial_en.html). You also mixed up the pin names, which confused me. RA4 is pin #6, Rx is pin #26. The MIDIbox Plus firmware doesn't use pin #6 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Hi Christoffer, here some instructions from the Logic Changelog: And here an example: I used the ESP. When you go into the "controller" view (like shown here), you will see all available parameters. The parameter position correspond to the Fader event number - 1 (7 -> CutOff) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Finally I found the bug - the "second level fader handler" did call the MIDI learn routine sometimes, although this routine should only be activated within the MIDI Learn submenu. This error is fixed in v1.002 - Frank: now it should work in your environment :) http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_mf/midibox_mf_v0002.hex.zip Axel: I also checked the SysEx function, it works Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hi Christoffer, to 1) thats ok, currently the 16 last buttons are disabled by default due to compatibility reasons with the old design. I will change it in one of the next releases. Just assign a MIDI event to the buttons with the MIDI Learn function. to 2) yes, the 32 LEDs are automatically assigned to the 32 last buttons to 3/4) I will check it Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. TK.

    Einige Fragen am Anfang

    Hallo Stefan, Die Firmware ist dafuer nicht ausgelegt, und ich moechte lieber nicht damit anfangen, irgendwelche Zwischendinger zusammenzubasteln, die machen naemlich nichts als Aerger. ;-) Deshalb benoetigst Du zwei Cores Momentan noch komplett in Assembler. Anpassungen sind moeglich, setzen aber PIC-Programmierkenntnisse vorraus. Das wird sich mit der MIDIbox NG aendern (siehe News), hier moechte ich die tiefgreifenden Assemblerroutinen von den reinen Handlern separieren, so dass man problemlos seinen eigenen (C-)Code draufsetzen kann. Unter http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_din.html befindet sich ein Schaltplan namens mbhp_dinx4_32buttons.pdf, in dem die Pin-Zuordnungen eingetragen sind. Gruss, Thorsten.
  21. No, there is no direct connection between Vdd and V0, this is just only a line which indicates the voltage drop Vdd-v0. It would be interesting for me if you see *anything* on the LCD. Black rectangles or something else. To see those rectangles, you only have to connect Vdd, Vss and V0 and you have to adjust the contrast pot on v0. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Hi Jurie, something in your descriptions makes no sense (this isn't a reproach, I know that the docs should be better ;-)) - are you trying the MIDIbox Plus firmware with 2 MIDI Ins? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. Update: I was able to reproduce the MIDI Overrun problem with a direct feedback (MIDI Out->MIDI In). Normaly this shouldn't hurt. I will try to find the root cause tomorrow. It isn't a performance problem, but a bug somewhere in the firmware (I hope that only MIDIbox MF is affected ;-)). Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Hi Damien, I don't plan to use other LCDs for my own MIDIboxes, but the "Display Plugins" will allow to customize the MIDIbox NG for other display devices: bigger dotmatrix LCDs, graphic LCDs, LED displays --- programming skills are required for such adaptions. Another thing is the display sharing issue. I hope that with the MIDIbox Link (which will also be available for PIC16F) only one LCD will be necessary. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. Find the changes here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e_changelog.html And the new tutorial here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e_tutorial_en.html Best Regards, Thorsten.
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