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Everything posted by Duggle

  1. Thanks TK! I just powered up the SEQ and (without changing the firmware) all the settings in my corrupted MBSEQ_M.V4 were restored including the names going back to "unnamed". I'm glad this happened but somewhat mystified. Does the sequencer restore a backup in the case of corruption? I'm convinced it is the same session file.
  2. What a great collection of additions. I now remember the issue behind the filtering of SysEx, so special thanks for finding a solution! It seems the download link for V4.076 is actually downloading V4.075 still.
  3. Thank you. Now that I have 4 route-able USB MIDI ports on all my MIOS devices, the midi monitoring and trouble shooting is much better and easier. I simply route each Uart Midi In port to a USB port on each MIOS device. This way it doesn't add latency and the rig will work even if the computer is switched off, nor any does it require additional cables. When I want to monitor midi, I simply start the midi monitor and can see the midi traffic with even potentially complex setups. Excellent!
  4. It's not clear from the photos the connections from core to dout (all wires are white). Why not IDC/ribbons? They can be sourced cheaply (from the right places) they are very quick, neat, extremely reliable, and hard to get wrong connections.
  5. I attempted to name the "unnamed" Mixer Map #1 to "MultiOne" by removing the sdcard, putting it in a PC card reader and editing the session MBSEQ_M.V4 file. The name changed o.k, but the ports changed from all "Def" to USB1 and USB4 and all the channel assignments to 1. The page 3 (Prg Ch) fields all contained the values that should have been the midi channels. The Page 4 Volume settings had the values of the Prg Ch. etc,etc. So I corrupted the mixer maps file. Is the correct way to edit these files documented anywhere?
  6. OK, if I understand correctly, if one starts with blank NGC (no config), but in default.ngr has: if ^section == 0 # turn on the first 3 LEDs connected to the DOUT module: set LED:1 127 set LED:2 127 set LED:3 127 endif When you click "save" or power up the core, the statements in section 0 get executed. Now with a blank config there is no matrix, but there is DOUT lines that are addressable as LED:x (where x is the DOUT pin counting from Shift register1: D7..D0, SR2: D7..D0, etc). So what I would ask you to do next is to identify for the LED, the row and column ( terms of SRx:Dy) of the anode (+ve, column driver either SR3 or SR4) and cathode (-ve, row driver either SR1 or SR2) Then count the bits to work out how to address the anode and cathode. Then put the following in your default.ngr: if ^section == 0 #set the annode column set LED:X 127 #set the cathode row set LED:Y 127 endif Of course replace X and Y with real numbers, test a known LED that works first, then energise the one that doesn't.
  7. Now, assuming the above is correct: (single cable, single faulty PCB connected) First of all we should sort out the LED which is not lighting. Have you downloaded the schematic? If so are you able to identify the LED (which is not lighting) on the circuit? If you are not able to read the schematic, then please you post a picture clearly identifying which LED does not light. The procedure will be to energise the LED by setting the DOUT pins with statements in an NGR section. Then it will be easy to read the voltages with a voltmeter, as they will be constant (rather than pulsing when as a matrix). I'll take you through the process step by step if you want, but the first stage is to identify the faulty LED...
  8. Actually, there is something you can try that is much easier to do, that may help you: Change Vcc (from the usual 5V), down to 4.5V. This can have a similar effect to level shifting the signals up. If you have 15/16 LCDs working this would be much easier to achieve than implementing the circuit above.
  9. Just to be clear, you connected them one at a time, by themselves, right?
  10. Have you eliminated basic wiring error? (I suppose the cable could be in backwards...) Can you post a picture?
  11. Hi Ender! Congratulations, you are the second person in the world to have attempted this. And the good news, is that I'm the first, and I spent many weeks sorting out the issues with plenty of suggestions from TK over the email. I have 24 16x2LCDs all working perfectly. The above circuit solves the issue of the array ceasing to work after certain number are connected. For me it was 14! I wired the 74HC541 on a small peice of matrix board basically in series with the LCD cable, close the core. The problem basically stems from the 3.3V signals of the core. The circuit shifts them to 5V logic (the same as Vcc of the LCDs). The 220R series resistors are important for suppressing the edges and reduce crosstalk (was getting corrupt custom characters). Just wire them into the ribbon cable close to the core. The Dout resistors are stuffed into the PCB locations. Let me know if you have any questions!
  12. Please don't do this. The PCB is correct, you can't improve it. If there is an etching fault, we can find this later using non destructive methods. The config you linked to is for 4 PCBs. This one here is for 1 PCB. I'd like to know that you've tested each PCB by itself (wired with a short SRIO cable to the core, nothing connected to the "out" connector on the PCB) with this config. I.e. test each PCB separately and report back, if you could.
  13. This seems to work o.k, thanks TK.
  14. I've just loaded V1.012 onto my SEQV4. [21451.921] set single_usb 0 [21451.923] Forcing of a single USB port disabled after 'store'! [21460.505] store [21461.100] New settings stored. [21461.100] Initialize LCD #1 [21461.100] Initialize LCD #2 [21469.209] help [21469.211] Welcome to Bootloader 1.012! [21469.211] Following commands are available: [21469.211] set fastboot <1 or 0>: if 1, the initial bootloader wait phase will be skipped (current: 1) [21469.211] set single_usb <1 or 0>: if 1, USB will only be initialized for a single port (current: 1) The fact that single_usb is not saved as 0 is confirmed when I reflash and power cycle the SEQV4.075 and there is only 1 port! :sad: But I'm allowed to have 4 ports with OSX! :smile:
  15. I'm having trouble setting up in OSX what was easy under Windows/MIDI-Ox: I simply wish to monitor MIDI streams with a GM5x5 including SysEx messages. But I'd like a soft thru connectivity so I can just connect a GM5 port inline with the midi cable I want to monitor. I've tried the Snoize MIDI monitor which is o.k but does not have any assignable soft through function (that I can see). Next I've tried Midipipe which is a great concept, except that in practice it does not seem to recognise or pass through SysEx messages (though it says it should). Is there some driver setting in the system which filters SysEx message before apps see them? (although MIOS Studio seems o.k using USB) I've had no luck, even setting up OSX Reaper to route the midi pass thru with the same problem: Sysex not getting through.
  16. My apologies to James (man of very few words) and congratulations to freddy on his amazing restraint! :D
  17. Don't click this link! The poster's first post is a nondescript link to (possibly) SPAM or MALWARE
  18. Great, then there is a way of launching "ms &" from a desktop icon (without opening a terminal and typing it)?
  19. I know the best outcome of a request is that it has already been implemented! :D Thanks, TK!
  20. Id like the SEQV4 to send a midi message when a track selection change is made. It doesn't matter what so long as G1T1..G4T4 are each a different value. If it were possible to assign a particular value to each track selection, I suppose that would be ideal. Why do I request this? (I'm glad you asked! :smile: ) An NG based synth editor will address the synth multi part# used in the selected track, issuing a SysEx dump request. This updates the control surface state with all the synth parameter values in the newly selected part. The SEQV4 feature: "SelTrk" routing ensures that all the CC controls from the synth editor are transmitted on the midi channel of the selected part.
  21. Duggle


    I think what you are after is the SEQ CS PCB on this page. It is the complete control surface for the wonderful SEQV4. Just populate the PCB with LEDs, encoders, pushbuttons, shift registers, resistors, etc. Add an LPC17 Core module with SDcard, a couple of 40x2LCDs and you're good! It is a fairly complete implementation. The SEQV4 takes a while to learn to use, but it is fantastic.
  22. BTW: The "SelTrk" destination of the MIDI Router is a great new feature! I've found source channel set to "All" is the only way to get the router to pass SysEx messages. (I have vague memories of discussing this in a previous post.) Would it be possible to have the router pass SysEx messages even when the router is set to a particular (1..16) source channel? I have a MIDIbox KB with lower and upper keyboard decks that address different channels for different functionality therefore having a router node with SRC=All is not suitable. I have my NG Synth programmer merged with the keyboard so having a single point of control of destination via the "SelTrk" destination is very cool!
  23. No more crashes but: Its possible to trigger RunSection:0 from a button, but it's not happening at powerup. What could stop: if ^section == 0 exec_meta RunSection:2 exit endif from triggering at startup?
  24. Thanks TK that wasn't too hard for me! Sorry about the Mac Noob questions, but this opens MS from a terminal window but I can't open another terminal in order to have another instance of MS. I tried: alias ms='open -n /Applications/MIOS_Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/MIOS_Studio' from a web hint but it doesn't spawn a new terminal? [edit] nope, it's working o.k. Opening 2 instances of MS results in 3 terminal windows though. Would be nice to do this a bit cleaner.
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