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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Those two conflicting descriptions raise the question: What if there's no DOUTx4 module? Also... Is this with any combination of two DINx4? or do you only have two to test with? What about if you remove the IC's? Have you checked for soldering errors with a multimeter? What were the results from the SRIO test app?
  2. I didn't actually check the code but the comments said that he had decided to use Window API GUI controls, so porting it may not be so simple (possible though)
  3. Don't be afraid to update that wiki page too, to save others this trouble in future. If you don't have time to fix the code, perhaps you can link this thread or something... Thanks!
  4. A resistor is a resistor is a resistor ;) You might find that 5V is the operation voltage, but you can pass more through the analog I/O. AOUT_NG is always nicer though ;)
  5. beaten on the knobs... doh! :D mmm, LED digits. anyone wanna share?
  6. MBuntu is meant for midibox development, like, writing code in C and compiling it for a core module, or burning PICs ;) Due to the results of the poll (and the fact that we want to use our midiboxen for *gasp* making music) it'll also be a way to get updated packages of the audio software we like to use too. A recent update I have not yet shared is that the Ubuntu Studio guys have also seen this need and have started a backporting project, so many updated audio software will actually be sourced from there (and ones we update ourselves will still be passed on to the UbuStu guys as per the original plan - now they just have somewhere to put it all ;) ) I do think that the idea of a minimal custom control surface for a PC is cool though. By the sounds of what you're saying, an easier way may be to re-use a normal keyboard (customise the key bindings) and run an LCD via parallel port or similar... Anyway I'll split this off into a new thread for further discussion :)
  7. Nice find. Much faster than this one: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,8218.0.html Shame it's windows only :( Keep us posted on your build!
  8. http://www.ucapps.de/mios_c_send_din.html
  9. ... you would probably discover that they fall to a million pieces. Definitely try that on a spare first....
  10. Yeh I have to admit, for a distro claiming to be for "studio" use, there are a lot of performance tweaks which should (IMO) be applied, which are not. For example, when I install UbuStu on my new PC, it detects my nice 3D card and turns on all the flashy compiz effects. That shit should not even be installed on a DAW. I think that Ubustu is really more of a collection of studio related apps on top of a normal distro, than a real studio distro. Still, even out-of-the-box, it needs less tweaking than windows for the same purpose ;)
  11. I'm afraid I'll need to leave this to you and qbas :( ... It's custom code, requiring an outdated toolchain, with custom hardware that has not been confirmed working... kinda out of my area of expertise heheh Good luck! Please keep us posted with your progress as this sounds really interesting!
  12. It would be very strange for the vreg to output 5V, and you tested 5V at all points on the board, then you insert a couple of IC's, and it starts outputting >7V. Weird. What did you read after removing the chips again? 5V again? or still 7? The fear here is that the fried vreg will have output too high a voltage and subsequently fried the pic. Hopefully not, but time will tell. As for TEST_PROG1... Did you program the chip yourself? Or was it preburned from mike/smash? If that's the case, then it is OK, and you can continue with the other tests. Anyway, you should not be doing those tests yet. First you need to sort out this voltage problem. You can't do those tests without the chips, and the chips should not be inserted yet.
  13. Hi mate, to be honest, if you don't have the time or experience (you don't need much experience, but time, yes) to build a pre-made app, then I think that a custom app such as this could be a bad idea, as it will almost surely take more time and experience.
  14. Never! me too! Thanks for doing the research for us all :)
  15. mbuntu (our "distro") is a collection of packages just like ccrma ;)
  16. Well... you should be doing the core voltage test. The midi troubleshooting is a different process. If the voltages are OK, and you don't find any short circuits in the midi circuitry on the core, then try the midi troubleshooting and paste your results here... we'll get it :)
  17. Maybe, maybe not... It's not possible to tell because I don't have all the logs and test results. It's just a guess ;)
  18. Try ebay, or DIY electronics focussed stores, for the capacitor value bags :)
  19. Hah I thought that it was only the !cane waver in me that thought that. I guess great minds think alike. So do ours.
  20. Bump? Surely you mean hypersupermegabump? That's 6 years ago! That vreg is hot because you're feeding it too much. Heatsink it, and/or power it more appropriately (like, run the 5V vreg off the 9 or 12V vreg)
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