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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. It was the timestretching, while a clip is already playing, that always messed with me on that concept. Some of our newer toys should do the trick nicely ;) Good luck man, keep us posted!
  2. Heheh yeh I didn't so much mean you need to read more, as you need to work slower. You're going a million miles an hour man, chiiilllll :D
  3. Do yourself a favour and remove that email address. I didn't see Wilba ask for it, but the spammers will thank you.
  4. I would strongly suggest more reading before more experimentation. It's a 'tortoise and hare' situation. You'll finish faster if you move slower.
  5. So, I need answers on two things: :Software: :Skills: Speak now or I'll make it happen ;)
  6. Check the dims guys, those are guitar knobs and as such are a bit on the big side...
  7. That's actually an advantage - no clouded perspective. Nah then we'll have to run around and remove them all, plus, to find out what had changed, if anything, we'll have to check past revisions. Easier to just monitor the recent changes page. Don't worry about the doku/mediawiki thing... this is not so much about format as it is about method. Any ideas you have would be appreciated. At the moment, I think it's going to be something as simple as this: OVERHAULED This page has been copied to the updated wiki. Please apply any edits to: <link to new page> Unless someone can come up with something better (please) :)
  8. This topic has been moved to MIDIbox User Projects. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=12433.0[/iurl]
  9. Optrex are the most expensive LCDs around, unless you count VFDs ;) I thought I already had moved it, WTF? It'll be moved by the time you read this. Sorry!
  10. Sweet! Thanks! If the new page exists, it should be in the :home:* namespace. The problem with that is, how do we know when we've done them all? I still think we should be editing them somehow to flag it. So far, it's possible to keep track of it mentally...but not for long... At the moment I've just been checking the recent changes page. So far, nothing has been updated which exists in the :home: namespace, but it's bound to happen soon. Maybe, once we copy a page's content to the new page in the home namespace, we should edit the old page by inserting a keyword for our 'flag', and a link to the new page for people to edit there? I dunno... we need something though :/
  11. Must be a wiki vibe in the air. I just trashed the new_wiki_layout:* pages and moved them to wikify: I'll go through our three threads and do the other outstanding stuff shortly.
  12. It would be nice! You'd have to take that up with the SMF guys...
  13. I disagree, I think it's messy, and now it's even worse because it doesn't match the rest of your layout. Can't we stick to the template? Edit: And uhm: That doesn't go there, it goes in the list on the project's page. Durisian your design was good! stick with it buddy! We can bling it up later :)
  14. Not only does the PIC have the hardware, it's use is supported by MIOS. Velocity sensitive is not the same as touch sensitive though. Triggering from AINs is voodoo. Search the forum. I'd go with the method Max mentioned (double throw pushbuttons)
  15. You're missing the point. It wasn't a stupid question, it's nothing to do with that. I'm here to help with any question no matter how newbie it may be, and it does not frustrate me, we don't share that at all. It was a stupid question to post. It's something well documented which you should search and learn about, and normally that's exactly what I'd tell you. I thought, seeing as you're a busy Dad, I'd save you from that and just give you the answers... and you asked for more info. It's like that old "teach a man to fish" thing. You said "woe is me, I'm hungry, I don't know how to fish and I don't have time to learn", so I gave you a fish, because you didn't have time to learn.... then you asked for more fish. Go learn to fish.
  16. Grr, I gave you quick answers to save you a search and buy you some time with the kids, and what do I get for thanks? More questions. Grr. Next time you'll get "go search" like everyone else :P I dunno if mike has 4620s that don't have the EUSART bug but smash does.
  17. Yes. Get a 452, or a 4620, and get it from SmashTV. You may have chosen your hobby poorly. Be prepared to annoy your wife and neglect the kids, or take your sweet time with the electronics. I'd suggest the latter ;)
  18. WTF man just split it. It's your thread, you don't like stuff in here, remove it!
  19. No need to be a party pooper, just split the thread :)
  20. Heh, aussie equivalent is a bee's dick. No class, those bloody crims!
  21. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=search2;search=velocity+scan+matrix :)
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