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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Yeh, just send the same thing you receive. One line of code :) Read the function ref, search for MIOS_MIDI_MergerSet
  2. Very unlikely. Phonic gear is budget, but not that budget :) Afraid I can't share any 1st hand experience though, sorry mate.
  3. http://www.schickt.de/mbquote.php?id=107 You just did. Damn right. Smart people know not to treat me like a fool. You just keep telling yourself that. You come here to tell us to reinvent the wheel because you've got a flat tire, then you come to the SCREAMING conclusion, complete with putting words in my mouth (grrr), that I've missed the point because, when you asked, I answered that I don't agree that it's a necessary measure... Then you follow up by saying that the replies you received are 'useless', because, once again, they're not in line with yours. If you don't want honest opinions, don't ask. If you're looking for the yes-men forum, this ain't it! (In fact I think this might be the polar opposite) :D ...And because I actually make some sense, you say my attitude is strange. Actually, I guess that would be strange to you, if you always act like this. ?Language barrier... I'd suggest you go with your last try: Look, it was an interesting topic, but you acted like a troll. Go away or chill the fuck out and show some respect.
  4. Possibly. Try the test apps when you put that cap on.
  5. Correct. These things have been near impossible to find for a year or two now, especially the shunt. Guess we know why ;)
  6. Go on, do the dance.... You know you want to!
  7. Hey that looks just like me too! only on my jacket the sleeves go all the way around...
  8. LOL. I read it the first time dude! (OK I read it in the DS, but yeh... I read it!) I think we have language barrier... I'll leave it to TK :)
  9. Sorry I missed that, my bad.... I'm running low on ideas (aside from that old chestnut: soldering error? on R/W?) What software did you use to burn the PICs?
  10. IIC read/writes are blocking functions, you shouldn't call them in an ISR. You've got it right now :) With a dremel, a file, and a lot of care, skill, and mucho voodoo chicken. Great work man! Keep it up, and thanks for that ID!
  11. I fail to see the cause of the confusion?
  12. Sounds interesting :) I have a driver here for parallel SRAM (628512 etc) shared with the LCD data buss if you're really hungry for big fast storage...
  13. Hmm, you would want to be able to send inc/decrements of greater than +/-1... Works for Mackie! Of course, it's best avoided, if it's possible. IF.
  14. Nah, MTE abandoned it... Not until after a considerable effort to make it work though. Honestly, there's no reason why it shouldn't work, at least in theory. The displays were acting up pretty badly, I'd say that you'll probably have more luck with an LCD designed for the job you have in mind, rather than one designed specifically for a mobile phone ;) (and not new but ripped from some of said phones, and bought for real cheap on ebay, etc.)
  15. As for the BRA command, the PC is measured in bytes, but the instructions are usually 2 bytes each :) (This is the same reason that the PIC16 port is so named, despite being an 8-bit chip)
  16. SYSEX_HEADERS Might like to go with TK's standard for selecting an ID :) Don't forget to take dibs on it by updating that file!
  17. MBNet is the protocol that travels over CAN, so that should be sorted now ;) I think the words you're searching for are "Thanks nILS!"
  18. Agreed. They don't know (or need to know, wink wink) that even if it fails you can still use it s a cheap keybed ;)
  19. Congrats man! Perhaps the distribution package can go on the wiki page? Is there a thread in User Projects for this? There should be :)
  20. Some nice knobs there... Damned shame they all have indicators :( In the pic there are some without indicators, but there's no page for them ... Doh!
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