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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Don't forget realtime bytes that may be inserted in the middle of the sysex message... TK's written a sysex handler example that might be handy here :) That's a weird ass way to write it. I dunno python but I'm assuming you can use hex notation? In your app, I would do that - once you've been doing this way too long, most of the ascii codes are easier to read in hex, as are the midi status bytes (0xF7 and 0xF0). If you get cosy with the LiveAPI guys I'd suggest the same to them. It's not "wrong", but it's definitely not "standard" Actually now that I think about it, it IS wrong - it uses an illegal manufacturer ID. Well, no it doesn't, but if it's legal, it doesn't say "HELLO" any more..... See here: Manufacturer IDs The byte following 0xF0 should be the manufacturer ID. In this case, it's 0x00. That means, that the subsequent two bytes should be treated as the manufacturer ID. So, that sysex message really says: 0xf0 = sysex start 0x00 = manu ID 0 0x4845 = Resulting manufacturer ID 0x4c = "L" 0x4c = "L" 0x4f = "O" 0xf7 = sysex end Oops! Maybe it is time to get cosy with the LiveAPI guys ;) True... perhaps it's just that I'm seeing the future possibilities you've opened up, but it may not be apparent to everyone... What about (N)RPN? I'd guess that live's api will let you send a message to the midibox when you save in Live anyway :)
  2. Can't .... laugh.............. seg-....-fault-....-in-......g'ahhhhhhhhhhh *dies*
  3. LMAO I think we talked for about a half an hour about influenza and mucus production last night :D Actually it led to discussion about the inner ear, and I was coding in the background.... so I guess there was some veiled intellect there. Heavily veiled. With lead. 3 inches thick. assert(stryd.intelligent); SIGSEGV
  4. Man like I can't hold it down any more... WTF Where are all the ableton users? It seems like there's always 5 dudes wanting to build a new ableton controller around here, this is like the ultimate ableton controller, complete with custom plugin code for Live, FFS... Where are all the people going "OMG that's MAD!! nice one ultra!" ?!?!?
  5. Moved the discussion about ebay and the rumour mill elsewhere. The janitor is in effect ;)
  6. No dude not at all! That's not what I'm trying to say... I'm just a guy who saw you doing something ill and got in your face about it. It's tooootally unofficial, as is anything I say around here. Seriously, the green stars are only there for janitorial purposes, no more than that. I just move posts for ppl, and delete spam, etc. Only TK is the boss. (Twin-X is really the admin, and SmashTV is a real moderator, though. Don't argue with them ;) ) I know you are! That's the harsh thing about this... See, everyone who's been in DIY audio for a while, has heard the rumour of this big bad evil triad mafioso slave driver, flogging fake chips to unsuspecting n00bs, and probably crack out the front of his local kindergarten. He's eeeeviiilll. In the community spirit that we have, we all look out for each other, which is rad. For real. That' a *rare* gem in our time. So what happens is, you get this culture, where every time safety online or finding a good shop, or dodgy parts, or anything even vaguely related is under discussion, someone pipes up with a warning about hkss. But that's where the problem arises.... Because to the best of my knowledge (and yes, I looked fuckin hard. I don't mouth off like this unless I know I'm well informed) he's actually never ever done anything wrong. It is highly probable that he's sold a few dodgy transistors. I say 'highly probable' because I have actually seen pics of the trannies compared with old stock and it was totally a fake. I don't say 'definite' because I haven't actually seen anything to prove the certainly-fake trannies came from hkss. And there's the crux of it - Proof. If you search for stuff about him, it's not hard to find rumour, 2nd, 3rd and nth-hand warnings, fiery sdiy threads, "I heard from this guy", etc. Well and good, but try and find something substantial, something that would actually hold water in an argument.... There's F*** all! What's more, I know from personal experience (postal damage) that he will refund or replace anything that's not up to scratch. Plus, there's buyer protection and all kinds of stuff, to ensure that you can't get ripped off. Not to mention that the trannies are flagged in his feedback, so if you fall for that one, you're a dope. What's more, it's completely illogical to suggest that he's doing this on purpose - think about it, why would you sell heaps of legit parts (and we know he does, there are lots of reports on these forums alone) and then sell counterfeits of a cheap part that will make you next-to-no profit? It doesn't make sense. My guess is that's because it's bullshit. He was ripped off too, by his supplier. If you've dealt with these suppliers, you know that refunds are often not part of the deal. I'm guessing that's why he still has them listed (grrr). But yeh, it's in his feedback. I said in the other thread... What people are doing to HKSS when they hand out these warnings, is disrespecting him and attempting to reduce his sales. That's the equivalent of walking up to him, punching him in the face, and stealing his wallet. Now, I would imagine that you probably wouldn't do that to someone in real life, unless they *really* had it coming... ...But you've been distracted from that moral standard by your other moral standard of looking out for your fellow men in the DIY community. So now, we have this culture where an innocent man who helps us all with cheap parts, is abused for no apparent reason, on a regular basis... and it all happens because people try to help. Irony to the max. Even if HKSS is eventually proven to be the type of thing which his competitor claims him to be, it's still not cool to fuel the rumour mill like that. Imagine that was happening to smashtv or gustav or pcb-mike or any of our mates... We'd be fuckin ropable! We'd be trying to crush the rumour... But because noone knows hkss personally, it seems he's not afforded the same protection, and I think that's uncool. Now I always say, if you've got proof, please bring it - because I share that community spirit of looking out for others. But HKSS is a member of this community too, and we should look out for him the same way we would look after anyone else. If he's done the wrong thing, I'll punch him out while you steal his wallet (get his watch man, get his shoes).... But until then I think it's time the guy got a break. Regardless of his guilt or innocence, I think the DIY community needs to act like the group of intelligent engineers that we are, and see the failure in the 'rumour mill' model of thought, and act responsibly and respectfully towards others - ALL others. Even if you don't like them. Today it's HKSS, tomorrow it could be smash or wilba or gustav or any of our mates.
  7. MIDIO128 is just converting MIDI to digital signals to drive the organ - you'll need to change the tempo in your midi sequencer/player.
  8. I already covered that, as I do every time someone gets their wires crossed:
  9. Yeh you got it right the first time, your offsets are out.
  10. Yep that's it, blame everyone else. Moving on would be a good move.
  11. My role as a moderator is to be a janitor. I'm saying that in my role as not being a selfish asshole talking shit about some guy's livelihood with no proof in an inappropriate place. Yes, SDIY communities do talk a lot of shit about the guy. This has been done here before, search the forum. Short version is, There's no proof of anything, there's strong indication that a small selection of his transistors are cactus, and that's mentioned in the ebay feedback forum, where it belongs (ie, NOT here.) I didn't say you did, but that is what you're doing. So is HKSS. Yeh, seen that before... A letter from his competition.... How surprising that they talk shit about him and show no proof. Always. But don't be a rumour spreading fool and just believe everything you read like most of the sdiy community has with hkss. If you've got proof, post it on your blog. If you don't STFU.
  12. Did you email them, or call your local repairer?
  13. You've made (a) short(s). Could be in a few places... Get our your multimeter and make sure it matches the schematic :) You might like to try some test apps after that like SRIO test and ain64_din128_dout128...
  14. Just guessing... I don't know if the GLCD driver in the bootloader supports dual displays... That would explain why it is OK once MIOS loads up..
  15. How so? Seems like you're doing that thing that people often do to me where they say that I don't understand, because I don't agree with them. ANY device that follows the MIDI specification WILL work correctly. What's up with the caps? That was my technical advice. Logic is pivotal in technical discussion. How'd I miss what point? I disagree, I think that changing the diodes unnecessarily is bad. That doesn't mean I missed your point, it means I don't agree with it. It's not a bad technical implementation, you've got a bug somewhere - and it's not the diode, they seem to work fine for the entire planet except you. That's probably not an indication that the entire planet got it wrong.... No, that is not a situation where it must be violated, you should place a device in the cable to act as a repeater of the signal. Lack of funding is not equivalent to a technical flaw. Going hack on something to make it behave like you need is great, but I don't think it constitutes reasoning for having the spec changed. Seriously what's up with all the shouting. I never said, that you said it "MUST" be changed. I just said don't change it if it matches the spec, cause the spec works. Maybe while you're changing diodes you could fix your attitude.
  16. Unsubstanciated attacks upon the livelihood of other people are thoughtless and rude. >:( This ain't ebay feedback and certainly ain't the rumour mill.
  17. 500 bytes is realistic, no sweat. I think you're right about the need for buffering though.
  18. Gotta watch out there cause you can make it drift. Like, think if you slowed the clip down and then sped up... If your speeds are locked to 2^n then you'll be right though... Stands for 'vapour Xtreme' heheh... sorry it's a joke we make cause i've been trying to finish it for like 6 years ;) I have $#*% luck. It's a modular polyrhythmic loop sequencer. I keep getting asked what it is since I pulled down some old doco on the wiki, I've kinda been procrastinating cause it makes no sense without pretty pictures and I'm bad at that ;) I'll go write something new and post it elsewhere... Better not to hijack anyway!
  19. PICKit? Not sure if there are similar, I've had a good run with my JDM... But that's known to work, and IIRC does EEPROMs too.
  20. Sounds quite do-able. How do you plan an sending the sample name to the midibox? Or will you program the name into the midibox from the user interface? You should have a look around the links up the top of this page ;)
  21. Yeh but increasing speed on individual clips means a counter for every clip. No problem on core32 :) You know you pretty much just described the vX, just not modular? ;) The only difference is that you're not talking in steps... I would imagine this could be done as a vX module :D Problem is that if you don't need the modularity then you'll lose some processing power ... no good. Edit: but I'll still wanna modulize it ahahah
  22. I'd probably start a 'blog' in the forum here, and when you've got stuff you want to share, go with the wiki page... but there's no 'qualification' for making a user page on the wiki!
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